Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Your problem is everyone else is wrong but you. Nice story and not true.

No matter how long you preach it will NOT CHANGE MY MIND...............And this is just the DNC throwing gas on the fire because you have nothing else but MISERY.

I will continue to speak my mind..............Late term abortion is barbarism.

You're the one who doesn't know the truth, or is it that you just don't want to know the truth.
You're the one who doesn't know the truth, or is it that you just don't want to know the truth.
Your opinion is NOT THE TRUTH.........Mine isn't to some........others agree.

Anyone who thinks it's ok to do late term abortion is a scumbag..........barbarian was my civil word.

Yes...........I'm callin you a scumbag for agreeing with it.

And most would agree. No matter how many times you post the same shit over and over again.
That's the difference between you and I. I think Roe would have been a bad decision if they had used it to outlaw abortion across the country as well because it's not the courts job to legislate. We have body of elected officials to serve that function and in this case that body is the individual state legislatures. You are all for authoritarian rule so long as you get what you want. I'm not regardless of whether I agree with what the authoritarian is doing or not. This is no different than the seatbelt laws or helmet laws. Individual states have passed their own laws regarding these issues. You'll notice we don't have a federal seatbelt law or federal helmet law. Why do you think that is? It's my body and my choice right? If I want to smash my face into my car windshield or bounce my skull down the asphalt without a helmet on why is it any business of anyone else let alone the states?
Pure logic, and common sense..
Your opinion is NOT THE TRUTH.........Mine isn't to some........others agree.

Anyone who thinks it's ok to do late term abortion is a scumbag..........barbarian was my civil word.

Yes...........I'm callin you a scumbag for agreeing with it.

And most would agree. No matter how many times you post the same shit over and over again.
Do yourself a favor, go to the search button on your phone, press the speaker symbol, and simply ask why do physicians do you like term abortions. Once you have that information, do it again and this time ask, why do positions do partial birth abortions. Then you will find out what the truth is. It's not barbaric, those are only done in the best interests of the woman. I know you don't want to know you don't want to have anything conflict with what you believe that would be too hard on you to accept I guess.
Do yourself a favor, go to the search button on your phone, press the speaker symbol, and simply ask why do physicians do you like term abortions. Once you have that information, do it again and this time ask, why do positions do partial birth abortions. Then you will find out what the truth is. It's not barbaric, those are only done in the best interests of the woman. I know you don't want to know you don't want to have anything conflict with what you believe that would be too hard on you to accept I guess.
Stop thinking you have the right to tell other people what to do and THINK..............

Stop thinking you have the right to tell other people what to do and THINK..............

You can believe whatever you want I'm telling you it's better to have your beliefs based on facts. That's what I was trying to offer you the facts you keep trying to insult me trying to tell me I don't have any business being on here when you're the one being foolish you're the one who shouldn't be here because you're not telling the truth.
You can believe whatever you want I'm telling you it's better to have your beliefs based on facts. That's what I was trying to offer you the facts you keep trying to insult me trying to tell me I don't have any business being on here when you're the one being foolish you're the one who shouldn't be here because you're not telling the truth.
The Fact is we DISAGREE.............PERIOD......Opinions are NOT FACTS.........and we are tired of this BS........and overturning Roe doesn't even stop it.

So go cry to someone else.
You're the one who doesn't know the truth, or is it that you just don't want to know the truth.
^^^ This is an example of why it is so disingenuous for Biden to have a Disinformation Board to determine what is and what is not the truth, and thus what Americans will be allowed to hear.

The “truth” is simply the liberal position.
The Fact is we DISAGREE.............PERIOD......Opinions are NOT FACTS.........and we are tired of this BS........and overturning Roe doesn't even stop it.

So go cry to someone else.
In response to your latest diatribe, I would say, opinions based on facts have more validity. Home Page Top Stories>2006/02/21 " Partial-Birth Abortion: Separating Fact from Spin- NPR
^^^ This is an example of why it is so disingenuous for Biden to have a Disinformation Board to determine what is and what is not the truth, and thus what Americans will be allowed to hear.

The “truth” is simply the liberal position.
That's because his predecessor, trump wouldn't even allow HHS to use the word fetus and a whole bunch of other technically descriptive words in their department. He's trying to get all that garbage out of the system.
Partial birth abortion is the murder of a living child, and in the most barbaric way.

From the Catholic Church, in order for an article to have validity it has to basically be unbiased. You got a non-starter here.
The fact that you would defend the murder of a baby already in the process of BIRTH tells me that the pro-abortion killers have no compassion at all for a helpless being, minutes away from being a breathing child.
See you don't even know what a partial birth abortion is. They call it partial birth because the remains are evacuated from the body through the birth canal. Please wake up and educate yourself on what actually is.
See you don't even know what a partial birth abortion is. They call it partial birth because the remains are evacuated from the body through the birth canal. Please wake up and educate yourself on what actually is.
Oh but I do know what a non sequitur is. Your unsupported premise, that we are running the economy into the ground does not support you conclusion that we are not, in the end pro life
If you don't have money to pay for food for your children, they starve. They become malnourished, they die. Tell me, how is that pro life?

It's not hard to see how much of that would be related to economic policies put in place by Democrats.
From the Catholic Church, in order for an article to have validity it has to basically be unbiased. You got a non-starter here.
And you posted something from liberal NPR. And you’re demanding unbiased sources from others?

This was a description of the little baby, with an angelic face, who was wiggling his body and clasping his little hands, who went limp when the doctor scrambled his brain and crushed his skull. Sorry if the description of the barbarism you support is “icky” - and thus you attack the source.
If you don't have money to pay for food for your children, they starve. They become malnourished, they die. Tell me, how is that pro life?

It's not hard to see how much of that would be related to economic policies put in place by Democrats.
What economic policies are you referring to? Be specific and include documentation

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