Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Just stop it! In this case it adds veracity to the numbers

Am I getting to you?
Same shit , different day. What you are really saying that you have no obligation to offer anything is that you have NOTHING to offer. You call us the "just kill them crowd" by aborting them but the real "just kill them crowd "is you and your ilk because you are quite will to let then die once born
Yeah, right. You libtards hold yourself up as so superior, as though we are the ones who don’t care about our living babies. You are moving baby formula to the border so the ILLEGALS can feed their children, while American mothers are trying to find food for their children.
The unborn are innocent and the left attack them before birth. You are transparent.
They are still innocent after they are born. Then you people attack them with things like taking away health care, food assistance, denying paid family leave, and affordable day care to name just a few items. But feel free to keep bloviating about how pro life you are-how you are better than us.
Yeah, right. You libtards hold yourself up as so superior, as though we are the ones who don’t care about our living babies. You are moving baby formula to the border so the ILLEGALS can feed their children, while American mothers are trying to find food for their children.
I don't know about this formular thing, but I have consistently made the case for how we are arguably more pro life than you people
I don't know about this formular thing, but I have consistently made the case for how we are arguably more pro life than you people

Pro-life doesn't mean running our economy into the ground and sentencing hundreds of thousands of families across America to starve because their income doesn't support the inflation and rising retail prices of things they need.

Spare us all your emotional diatribe, churl.
I don't know about this formular thing, but I have consistently made the case for how we are arguably more pro life than you people
Then why are you libs intentionally depriving American infants of their nutrition in order to funnel it to the babies of illegals?

You can insist that you care more about American children than we do til the cows come home, but your actions are screaming so loudly that we can’t hear what you’re saying.
Pro-life doesn't mean running our economy into the ground and sentencing hundreds of thousands of families across America to starve because their income doesn't support the inflation and rising retail prices of things they need.

Spare us all your emotional diatribe, churl.
Holy shit! What? If we can afford tax giveaways to the wealthy and to corporations, we can afford to support children and families. Poverty and inflation is not out fault so cut the crap right now
You can insist that you care more about American children than we do til the cows come home, but your actions are screaming so loudly that we can’t hear what you’re saying.
Who has opposed the Affordable Care Act from day 1?
Who has cut Food Stamps?
Who has undermines middle and working class families with policies exacerbate wealth and income disparity?

I could go on but you get the idea

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