Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I've always seen abortion as something similar to suicide. It's a horrible thing and it would be great if we could prevent it by passing a law. But trying to do so is, ultimately, a gross violation of individual sovereignty and doesn't address the real problem - the fact that people are so desperate that they consider such alternatives in the first place.
Who has opposed the Affordable Care Act from day 1?
Who has cut Food Stamps?
Who has undermines middle and working class families with policies exacerbate wealth and income disparity?

Inflation and economic hardship exacerbate wealth and income disparity.

What are the Democrats in power now doing about it?

Pretty much the same thing you're doing. Spewing emotionally manipulative talking points, not offering any actual solutions to the issue.
Holy shit! What? If we can afford tax giveaways to the wealthy and to corporations, we can afford to support children and families. Poverty and inflation is not out fault so cut the crap right now
^^^ Sanctimonious, arrogant liberal.

Let’s start by maintaining Title 42, rather than invite 18,000 illegals PER DAY into our country, and diverting needed baby formula from law-abiding Americans to foreigners who have no right to be here in the first place.
Really? Please elaborate. I could have easily said that your response was a deflection. Actually, it was a non sequitur logical fallacy
Was just getting to that.

You ignore the billionaires in your own party because they donate to causes you support. No wealth disparity there, is it? How much of their money are they spending to help people in poverty?

Political donations by party as of 2018:

Inflation and economic hardship exacerbate wealth and income disparity.

What are the Democrats in power now doing about it?

Pretty much the same thing you're doing. Spewing emotionally manipulative talking points, not offering any actual solutions to the issue.
Please explain your understanding of the causes of inflation and wealth/income disparity, and what we can and should be doing about it. What have Republicans done about it. You can accuse me of emotional manipulation all that you want but it does not validate your attempts to put the blame on Democrats
Was just getting to that.

You ignore the billionaires in your own party because they donate to causes you support. No wealth disparity there, is it? How much of their money are they spending to help people in poverty?

Political donations by party as of 2018:

View attachment 643697
Another deflection. yes we have those people too. Some help, some are philanthropists, and some are just fat cats. But I am talking about party politics. Laws and policies that come out of Washinton and the State Houses driven by Republicans. Try again
But I am talking about party politics. Laws and policies that come out of Washinton and the State Houses driven by Republicans. Try again

You do realize that Democrats control the federal government from top to bottom right now, right? How many other times have they had this kind of power and did nothing to fix the economy?
Another thing, statehouses run by Republicans are a response by voters to Democrats trying to turn their towns and neighborhoods into shitholes.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

This is a big topic. From my own perspective as a Catholic, and as an American. From both a religious and secular in my opinion abortion should be outlawed. I say that because I believe in human life. But I would Also request of conservative American Christians if they are against abortion they should also be against the death penalty, and they should be for helping immigrants and refugees. Because if One claims to care for human life well they must care for all human life. We need to figure out how to rework the prison system and we need to figure out how to get the criminal recidivism rate down. Perhaps it would be good for the country if more conservatives talk about getting the criminal recidivism rate down in America. We need to think of giving ex-convicts the right to vote.

So for a lot of Christians the issue of abortion ties into other social issues such as how to handle refugees and how to handle the death penalty for example. How to handle our criminal penalties and how much time we should impose on criminals.

And we should also hear out what women who are both for abortion and against it have to say without calling them names. Really is all about being polite everybody can hear each other out on this one. From a societal point of view how much of this abortion issue should be decided by men and women. It takes two people to make a pregnancy happen after all but of course men don’t have to carry the babies. So there’s a lot going on here
Pro-life doesn't mean running our economy into the ground and sentencing hundreds of thousands of families across America to starve because their income doesn't support the inflation and rising retail prices of things they need.

Spare us all your emotional diatribe, churl.

"Churl". Good word. Were you going for "mean-spirited person" or "peasant"?
Never sell in blue states. Red states have bans already late term in most cases. Not down to 16 weeks.

Blue have none and allow partial birth abortion which is barbarism.

End the barbarism
See that's where you're wrong. Partial birth abortions are essential in different cases. It all depends on the woman's size, her health, whether or not the fetus is a hydrocephalic. There's nothing indiscriminate about deciding what to do in these rare cases. Everything is carefully decided. Foolish abortion laws are going to interfere with the process, to the detriment of everyone involved.
This is a big topic. From my own perspective as a Catholic, and as an American. From both a religious and secular in my opinion abortion should be outlawed. I say that because I believe in human life. But I would Also request of conservative American Christians if they are against abortion they should also be against the death penalty, and they should be for helping immigrants and refugees. Because if One claims to care for human life well they must care for all human life. We need to figure out how to rework the prison system and we need to figure out how to get the criminal recidivism rate down. Perhaps it would be good for the country if more conservatives talk about getting the criminal recidivism rate down in America. We need to think of giving ex-convicts the right to vote.

So for a lot of Christians the issue of abortion ties into other social issues such as how to handle refugees and how to handle the death penalty for example. How to handle our criminal penalties and how much time we should impose on criminals.

And we should also hear out what women who are both for abortion and against it have to say without calling them names. Really is all about being polite everybody can hear each other out on this one. From a societal point of view how much of this abortion issue should be decided by men and women. It takes two people to make a pregnancy happen after all but of course men don’t have to carry the babies. So there’s a lot going on here
The supposed intent of anti-abortion laws is to save lives. They will not, they will cause more deaths. This decision must remain between the doctors and the women.
See that's where you're wrong. Partial birth abortions are essential in different cases. It all depends on the woman's size, her health, whether or not the fetus is a hydrocephalic. There's nothing indiscriminate about deciding what to do in these rare cases. Everything is carefully decided. Foolish abortion laws are going to interfere with the process, to the detriment of everyone involved.
Your problem is everyone else is wrong but you. Nice story and not true.

No matter how long you preach it will NOT CHANGE MY MIND...............And this is just the DNC throwing gas on the fire because you have nothing else but MISERY.

I will continue to speak my mind..............Late term abortion is barbarism.

See that's where you're wrong. Partial birth abortions are essential in different cases. It all depends on the woman's size, her health, whether or not the fetus is a hydrocephalic. There's nothing indiscriminate about deciding what to do in these rare cases. Everything is carefully decided. Foolish abortion laws are going to interfere with the process, to the detriment of everyone involved.
The fact that you would defend the murder of a baby already in the process of BIRTH tells me that the pro-abortion killers have no compassion at all for a helpless being, minutes away from being a breathing child.
I've always seen abortion as something similar to suicide. It's a horrible thing and it would be great if we could prevent it by passing a law. But trying to do so is, ultimately, a gross violation of individual sovereignty and doesn't address the real problem - the fact that people are so desperate that they consider such alternatives in the first place.
A violation of individual sovereignty eh ? What about the baby that is developing as a healthy child in the host mother's womb ? You don't have enough compassion to try and help the mother not make the mistake of her lifetime by aborting her healthy baby ???

Even though this nation has intervened in so many moral issue's over the long history of it, otherwise stopping it from making immoral mistakes, now all of a sudden it flip's and decides to assist an American woman into causing a developing baby with a heart beat, feet, hands, toe's, head and etc to be put to death out of convenience ?? What on earth is wrong with you people ??
That is the opinion of those who oppose the decision, so much so that they - despite the pretense under oath to respecting it as established law - are willing to trash it, in contravention of the progress that has been made in advanced democratic nations, and the clear support of the established law by most Americans.

An ideological ilk, legislating from the bench, revoking a personal freedom that has for so long been respected, and arrogating it to the State apparatus in a blatant act of authoritarianism, will be seized upon by statists in regressive states, further dividing the nation.
That's the difference between you and I. I think Roe would have been a bad decision if they had used it to outlaw abortion across the country as well because it's not the courts job to legislate. We have body of elected officials to serve that function and in this case that body is the individual state legislatures. You are all for authoritarian rule so long as you get what you want. I'm not regardless of whether I agree with what the authoritarian is doing or not. This is no different than the seatbelt laws or helmet laws. Individual states have passed their own laws regarding these issues. You'll notice we don't have a federal seatbelt law or federal helmet law. Why do you think that is? It's my body and my choice right? If I want to smash my face into my car windshield or bounce my skull down the asphalt without a helmet on why is it any business of anyone else let alone the states?

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