Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Stop. Right. There.

As a man, I take great offense to members of my gender being stereotyped in this manner. You seem to think men only lack self restraint. The misandry is pervasive.

There is also this misconception that women are/were innocent victims in all of this. They are just as susceptible to the same lapse in judgment.
That is true, point taken.

I am defending nothing. Death threats need to be taken seriously and if they mob the court, they should treated like the Jan 6 rioters.

But the rightists nonchalance when poll workers, voting machine workers, and election officials and their families doxxed and threatened is a sad commentary on our society today. These people don't get special protection, they are just ordinary citizens doing their job.

I support strict laws against doxing and threats against public officials and people engaged in civic duties, even ordinary citizens shouldnt be doxxed.
The mobsters are already breaking the law by setting up camp on the private residences of Supreme Court justices. They should be rounded up and put in jail, just like the Jan 6 protestors.

And what about the Code Pink savages who marched into the Capital when the Kavanaugh hearing was going on? Why weren’t they arrested and jailed? Oh right, I forgot….they are in the liberal side.

Also, I don’t recall the Jan 6 protestors threatening to murder government officials who wouldn’t kowtow to their demands.
Of course it will always be legal. You think with all the leftists so adamant that abortions should be convenient that they are threatening the lives of the SCOTUS justices that lib-heavy states will vote to ban abortion.

That is the problem with rightists, they thing that most life altering decision a woman can make is mere "convenience".

Of course nothing. For 50 years we had Roe. Now it may be overturned. No guarantees when rightists lie at every turn.

And the bus ride might be a couple hundred miles? OK, not ideal….but certainly reasonable. When I had to travel out of state for my medical issue, I had to stay overnight in a hotel before I could return the next day. PP can include the cost of a hotel stay in their “Abortion Transport” program.

Realistically you know PP can't possibly cover the need, and you are a professional woman with resources so is that comparable? No one who helps you will face 10000 dollar lawsuits either.
Let the states decide what restrictions they want to place on killing unborn children. There’s nothing in the constitution that mentions abortion as resting with the federal government.
A lot of things arent detailed in the Constitution, that is why we have amendment 9.
The mobsters are already breaking the law by setting up camp on the private residences of Supreme Court justices. They should be rounded up and put in jail, just like the Jan 6 protestors.
Arrest them.

And what about the Code Pink savages who marched into the Capital when the Kavanaugh hearing was going on? Why weren’t they arrested and jailed? Oh right, I forgot….they are in the liberal side.
Also, I don’t recall the Jan 6 protestors threatening to murder government officials who wouldn’t kowtow to their demands.
Then you have a very faulty memory.
That is the problem with rightists, they thing that most life altering decision a woman can make is mere "convenience".

Of course nothing. For 50 years we had Roe. Now it may be overturned. No guarantees when rightists lie at every turn.

Realistically you know PP can't possibly cover the need, and you are a professional woman with resources so is that comparable? No one who helps you will face 10000 dollar lawsuits either.

A lot of things arent detailed in the Constitution, that is why we have amendment 9.
Yawn Excuses to kill unborn and Red States have no say because you say so.

Lies. Your compromise was a lie. No deals when one side says my way or else. Else is here. And in this overturning Roe changes nothing in blue barbarian states that allow healthy babies to be aborted.
That is the problem with rightists, they thing that most life altering decision a woman can make is mere "convenience".

Yes, killing one’s unborn child is a life altering decision. If it rests on whether it’s “convenient,” or whether one has to take a bus to the next state, that certainly isn’t taking it seriously. In fact, maybe the decision to abort SHOULD come with a little bit of inconvenience.

It’s like when I was a teen and saw a piece of jewelry I wanted. My mother said if I wanted it, I’d have to get a job to pay for it. So I did, which required me walking almost a mile from school to a babysitting job every day. After I earned enough for the ring, and bought it, my mother gave me the money for it. She said she would have bought it for me upfront, but she wanted to make sure I REALLY wanted it. That I went the extra mile (literally) to get it proved I did.
Of course nothing. For 50 years we had Roe. Now it may be overturned. No guarantees when rightists lie at every turn.

Oh please. That’s just the scare tactics the libs pull. Oh noooes…..the Republicans are going to make it so nobody can get a abortion. Just look at the libs are behaving over the thought that SOME states might ban it. You think lib-run states would ever do it? Get real.
Realistically you know PP can't possibly cover the need, and you are a professional woman with resources so is that comparable? No one who helps you will face 10000 dollar lawsuits either.

Of course they’re can cover the need. The money that they spent providing free abortions will now go to a $45 bus trip and a night at the Holiday Inn.

And yes, I am (was) a professional woman with resources, which is why I paid for my medical trip - and why I acknowledged that PP will pay for poor women to get abortions,
A lot of things arent detailed in the Constitution, that is why we have amendment 9.

Is that the amendment with right to privacy? That is what is being debated. Exactly where does the right to privacy end? Should it include it when it involves terminating the life of another human being?
Arrest them? Send SCOTUS to Alabama for business and I guarantee you the protests at their homes would end. Virginia. Appears not so much anymore
Yes. I’m thinking now that we have all these electronic means of communications that the SCOTUS justices don‘t have to be in the middle of Liberal Land, given how prone leftists are to rioting and mayhem.

Let the justices live where they want, where they won’t have to fear that a liberal mob - encouraged by Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi - will harm their personal property or them, or their children. Arguments in trial can be made via Zoom, as can negotiations among the justices themselves.
Yes. I’m thinking now that we have all these electronic means of communications that the SCOTUS justices don‘t have to be in the middle of Liberal Land, given how prone leftists are to rioting and mayhem.

Let the justices live where they want, where they won’t have to fear that a liberal mob - encouraged by Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi - will harm their personal property or them, or their children. Arguments in trial can be made via Zoom, as can negotiations among the justices themselves.
I Guarantee the protesters would have the fear of god put into them down here. They would have to run back to their cult state.
I Guarantee the protesters would have the fear of god put into them down here. They would have to run back to their cult state.
They are really coddling the mob here in Virginia. Winsome Sears, the Lt Gov, was just on Fox this morning, telling how they are pleading with the DOJ to take action against the thugs, but nothing doing. Three of the justices live in liberal Fairfax County, and the police are trying to maintain the peace. But they aren’t staffed for that.

The same DOJ, under Garland, who went after the 1/6 protestors with a vengeance, are allowing these criminals to continue to break the law. It is clear that there are two standards of justice being handed out by the Democrats - one for those who agree with them, and the other for dissenters.

This place is looking more like communist China every day.
That is the problem with rightists, they thing that most life altering decision a woman can make is mere "convenience".

Of course nothing. For 50 years we had Roe. Now it may be overturned. No guarantees when rightists lie at every turn.

Realistically you know PP can't possibly cover the need, and you are a professional woman with resources so is that comparable? No one who helps you will face 10000 dollar lawsuits either.

A lot of things arent detailed in the Constitution, that is why we have amendment 9.

Well, let's put it this way: If it's so vitally important to a woman to kill her unborn baby, it should certainly merit the effort of a bus ride.
Well, let's put it this way: If it's so vitally important to a woman to kill her unborn baby, it should certainly merit the effort of a bus ride.
That was my point upthread. A woman who wants to kill her unborn child will not be deterred by a bus ride, paid for by PP.
Once again, I don't have any obligation to "offer" anything to the likes of you, because I have no need to come hat in hand to the "Just kill them" crowd and beg them to accept an alternative.
Same shit , different day. What you are really saying that you have no obligation to offer anything is that you have NOTHING to offer. You call us the "just kill them crowd" by aborting them but the real "just kill them crowd "is you and your ilk because you are quite will to let then die once born
The fact is, the overturning of Roe v Wade itself will serve as a deterrent to unwanted pregnancies all by itself, at least in the states that aren't run by people like you. People on your own side have said so, although they probably don't realize it.
The fact is that the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions have been on a steady decline since 1990 largely due o factors that I promoted such as sex education and access to contraception.

Note that the source is an anti abortion Christian organization

Yes there was a spike in the number of abortions reported to the CDC and others in the years right after Roe was decided. But does not mean that more abortions were being performed. Those numbers most likely reflect a shift from illegal to legal abortions
Admittedly, this is just TikTok, but they're far from the only ones on the left issuing dark "warnings" about how the overturn of Roe v. Wade will lead to women being less willing to behave like the town pump. And they're correct. Women are no more inherently stupid and unable to calculate personal risks than men are. The left has never seemed to understand this, but human beings alter their behavior according to changing circumstances.
That all sounds like some simplistic bullshit that gives women no credit for self control or judgement. Most are not careless or cavalier about pregnancy if abortion is available
The fact is that the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions have been on a steady decline since 1990 largely due o factors that I promoted such as sex education and access to contraception.

Then why fight so hard for something that may not exist in the next decade?

If abortion is on the decline, and the trend continues, why bother?

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