Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

The founding father's believed they were human beings forming, from the get go. But they did not believe the fetus had life, in the sense of personhood under the law where government had jurisdiction under the law, until quickening....until the baby stirred or kicked inside the mother, which is around 20 weeks gestation....before such, the mother to be alone, ruled alone.
Be that as it may we have the Declaration of Independence which says all men are created equal, and we have the fact that embryology and cell theory and microscopy were not sufficient or entirely non-existent at the time of the Revolutionary War to know the scientific fact that life begins prior to "quickening."

We now know that "quickening" isn't even a confirmation of pregnancy let alone the start of life, given other conditions that can mimic this feeling.
" Speaks Out Of One Side Of Mouth "

* Violators Of Us Establishment Clause *

Because everyone knows that if abortion really did end a human life NotfooledbyW would be against it.
Capital punishment ends a life , where do you stand on that one ?

A state is not concerned with when a life exists , or whether life exists at all , rather a state interest is in whether a wright to life exists .

A fetus has not acquired a wright to life by virtue of not having met a birth requirement to receive it and any sentenced to death has had its wright to life removed , albeit by due process with a necessary contingency of removing a wright to life of another - a double entendre .

Fetal protection laws do not include a capital punishment because a fetus does not have a wright to life and it would not stand constitutional challenge based on live birth as a requirement for equal protection .
That’s your choice. I have made a much more moral choice with regard to viable hunan beings who have the reproductive organs and anatomy to conceive human life and reproduce human life when they themselves choose to do so. Your choice you think backed by your unscientific whims is to coerce full term pregnancy on millions of women you do not know because you think your choice of facts are infallible and not to be challenged because. . . . You say so.

Stopping an unplanned pregnancy, whether by contraception, the morning after pill, chemical abortion or mechanical abortion (all before reaching viability) is a medical decision, not a moral one. Nobody has the right to tell somebody else that they have to do something with their body, that they choose not to do.

It's almost a form of slavery, culminating with (pun intended) forced labor.
Funny how once those distinct organisms enter the world, republicans turn their back on them. Whether it's WIC, or healthcare, or school lunches, republicans no longer care what happens to the unborn, once they're born.
This is one of the dumbest things you pro-aborts say.

By your blatantly dishonest leftist metric, I never have turned my back - my back has remained facing exactly the same way.

I will never support WIC, socialized healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, school lunches, or any of that other bullshit, for anyone, of any age.
I will always support criminalizing killing innocent human beings in cold blooded aggression as the most severe degree of murder, regardless of the age of the victim.

I believe you will still keep saying this stupid thing, despite it being completely debunked. That is the low level of integrity and critical thinking I have come to expect from your community.
Fetal protection laws do not include a capital punishment because a fetus does not have a wright to life and it would not stand constitutional challenge based on live birth as a requirement for equal protection .

Then rewrite the 14th amendment, which says: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States....
This is one of the dumbest things you pro-aborts say.

By your blatantly dishonest leftist metric, I never have turned my back - my back has remained facing exactly the same way.

I will never support WIC, socialized healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, school lunches, or any of that other bullshit, for anyone, of any age.

Please.... you're making my point.

Republicans do anything to protect the unborn, and don't give a damn once they're born.
" Dictating And Minding None Of Your Own Business "

* Deontology Presumptions From Antiquity Versus Contemporary Consequentialism *

The founding father's believed they were human beings forming, from the get go. But they did not believe the fetus had life, in the sense of personhood under the law where government had jurisdiction under the law, until quickening....until the baby stirred or kicked inside the mother, which is around 20 weeks gestation....before such, the mother to be alone, ruled alone.
Back then women died in droves due to childbirth and having children was a matter of survival , whereas now the planet is full .

Late term abortions are not about killing an otherwise healthy fetus simply for convenience , rather such choices are - or at least should be - based on fitness for quality of life and for satisfying the requirements of an afterlife that presumes individual choice regarding fetal abnormalities and maternal health .
Please.... you're making my point.

Republicans do anything to protect the unborn, and don't give a damn once they're born.

You just self-owned with demonstrable profound stupidity, and you are so stupid that you didn't even notice it!

I literally just said we should protect the unborn exactly the same way we protect the born.

Pick one standard and stick with it, and stop with the lies and fallacies.
" Elaboration Of The Same "

* Lost In Translation *

Then rewrite the 14th amendment, which says: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States....
As per son means male ( son ) and countable by census ( per ) , women are not citizens of the united states by letter of law .

The declaration of independence references that all men are created equal , which surreptitiously implies that women are not - see us 19th amendment , and the declaration of independence is supposedly the foundation of whatever in the hell the conservative movement is as per the intellectual buffoonery of the conservative versus liberal paradigm .

The suggestion is therefore to replace per son with individual to make the terminology consistent with us credo of e pluribus unum that is based in the foundation of individualism and equal protection of negative liberties for individuals against the populism of tyranny by majority .

Otherwise , by us 14th amendment a citizen must be born and therefore by induction , by logically of course deduction , birth is required for equal protection , so i am not certain what your statement may be implying .

The only other option of the Roe v Wade court than to substitute viability in lieu of live birth was to return a ruling that abortion could not be outlawed and that a 2/3 constitutional amendment was required to codify it being outlawed .

The definition of per son was stated in title 1 section 8 of us code as any born at any state of development , which is simply a clarification of the birth requirement for equal protection , and scotus ignored all of it and committed sedition .
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Be that as it may we have the Declaration of Independence which says all men are created equal, and we have the fact that embryology and cell theory and microscopy were not sufficient or entirely non-existent at the time of the Revolutionary War to know the scientific fact that life begins prior to "quickening."

We now know that "quickening" isn't even a confirmation of pregnancy let alone the start of life, given other conditions that can mimic this feeling.
Oh, they were not ignorant to such. Everyone, laymen and educated, knew human life began being formed from the get go, months earlier....they had disdain for women who chose to abort prior to quickening.....

but they believed that the woman had the right to make her own decisions privately, before the baby showed signs of life at quickening. At that point, both the mother and the baby had what they called, life, under the law....the government could intervene and punish the woman, for aborting her child....which was only a harsh, misdemeanor, not a felony.....though some felt the law punishment should have been a felony or even harsher than it was....after quickening.

In other words, they believed the woman, had a right to privacy and autonomy decisions....until the baby had viability of its own.....then it became life, under the LAW.....the baby had personhood of its own. They were medically wrong as far as viability, because it really is about 22 to 26 weeks or 24 weeks, and not at 20 weeks....the quickening point, when the baby is viable....but close enough.

The point is, that they believed they could not interfere with the woman's decision, in the early weeks of pregnancy, no matter the disdain that they had for abortion.
" Forget About Demanding Challenges To Quality Of Life And Health Concerns Simply Dismiss It All For Pent Up Sanctimonious Perverts "

* Ascetics Stoicism And Communion *

Screw your bull crap and wicked wisdom, because the bottom line is that if a woman doesn't use her knowledge concerning birth control, and she chooses to just engage in animalistic spontaneous sex that result's in her becoming pregnant, and then next her mate decides to hell with this "he just wanted a quick whore lay" and then moves on what comes next ??.......So let's say that she attempts to make it work out (tries to gain his commitment), yet in the meantime she's nurturing a human being that's growing within her body purdy much all in hopes of.......Ok so then it doesn't work out between him and her, so by this time in the situation; the unborn developing human reaches a stage that has formed a beating heart, and probably little finger's and toe's etc.

Now in her disheartening adventure she turns her disappointment inward on her baby, and decides she would rather just take it out on the baby by aborting him or her because she's ridding herself of the whole bad experience that actually she had now caused herself by not showing some kind of control or restraint in her life when it was needed badly.

Abortion's out of convenience or to get back at one another should be something that isn't attainable ever.

Standard's and self-control has to make a comeback in America to a healthier degree, and education, education, education. Vulnerable irrational cultures should be reeducated somehow, and all the madness stopped, and replaced at healthier degree.
Oh dear , animalistic spontaneous sex , well aren't we the pent up fire and brimstone preacher trying to violate the establishment clause while looking for salvation participants willing to let him express his private lusts , perhaps try not to pay too close of attention to your own fantasies .

Maybe listen pay attention to lyric from sundown by gordon lightfoot , " getting lost in her loving is your first mistake " .
I will always support criminalizing killing innocent human beings in cold blooded aggression as the most severe degree of murder, regardless of the age of the victim.
And when you die you can spend eternity with all the souls of unborn fertilized embryos , zygotes and underdeveloped fetuses to your saintly hearts content - but for the viable life of me I don’t know what you will talk about with that age of human being who never felt you, heard you, saw you or uttered words with you when their entire universe was a woman’s womb. END2208031010
A state is not concerned with when a life exists , or whether life exists at all , rather a state interest is in whether a wright to life exists .

A fetus has not acquired a wright to life by virtue of not having met a birth requirement to receive it and any sentenced to death has had its wright to life removed , albeit by due process with a necessary contingency of removing a wright to life of another - a double entendre .

Fetal protection laws do not include a capital punishment because a fetus does not have a wright to life and it would not stand constitutional challenge based on live birth as a requirement for equal protection .
That's nice. Take it up with the states and SCOTUS.
" Putting Them Out Of Hour Misery "

* Knot Not Eye *

I'd prefer they live their days out doing hard labor.
Depending upon the nature of their homicide , my preference is to subject them to the natural freedoms and moral relativism that exists prior to entering into this social civil contract and end their life , as after all , life will end at some point and nothing is more consoling to victims than their being alive without having to rationalize that their attackers are enjoying the privileges of time .
Funny how once those distinct organisms enter the world, republicans turn their back on them. Whether it's WIC, or healthcare, or school lunches, republicans no longer care what happens to the unborn, once they're born.

Funny how liberals want to kill the unborn rather than give them a chance at life and see what happens.
Yes, a not so distinct complete REPUBLICAN idiot like @ding has become thinking I have guilt.for supporting choice.
Of course you would feel guilt for ending a human. You're not a monster. Which is why you have concocted and elaborate and arbitrary rationalization that abortion doesn't end a human life even though it does. Your conscience can't bear it.
" Definitely Working On It "

* Stale Response *

That's nice. Take it up with the states and SCOTUS.
That's nice , it is not a state issue and SCOTUS has a conflict of interest ; us attorney general is entitled to prosecute them for sedition .

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