Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

And when you die you can spend eternity with all the souls of unborn fertilized embryos , zygotes and underdeveloped fetuses to your saintly hearts content
Herpaderp. I don't care about your "souls" beliefs.

I believe in human rights and equality.

You don't.

That's it, that's all.
" They Demand Blue And Red Jerseys To Ignore Political Science "

* Parrots Of Mental Retardation For Populism And Tyranny By Majority Over Protection Of Individualism *

Funny how liberals want to kill the unborn rather than give them a chance at life and see what happens.
What the fuck is a liberal ?

The liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery .

From what you’ve written you are for fetal rights and opposed to women being equal to men. END2208031940
I am for equal rights and treating women the same as men.

You are a female supremacist who thinks women should be able to get away with murder.
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" Scapegoating With False Murder Accusations To Make Oneself Seem More Relevant "

* Loose Goose Terminology Of Mindless Valiance *

I am for equal rights and treating women the same as men.

You are a female supremacist who think women should be able to get away with murder.
By equal wrights to you mean to reference the equal endowment of positive liberties or equal protection of negative liberties ?

Negative wrights are protections against government action ( non action ) by which one receives negative liberties from government .

Positive wrights direct authoritarian , assertive actions by government that may provide protections of negative liberties - to be left alone by other individuals , as independence and individualism , or that may provide positive liberties as endowments , dependence and collectivism .

Murder is a legal construct meaning unlawful killing and by legal positivism there is not a correlation between law and morality .

As for the ethics of abortion , it is ethical in many respects .

Irrespective of debates over ethics , birth is required for equal protection with a citizen as birth is required to become a citizen and therefore a fetus does not have a wright to life and abortion is not murder .
am for equal rights and treating women the same as men.
Not at all when you demand the government force women to carry a zygote to full term against her self-sovereign will and if she does not obey the government must charge her with murder. END2208031154
You are a female supremacist who thinks women should be able to get away with murder.
You are a liar. I do not consider termination of an organism growing in a woman’s body by the woman herself to be a civil threat being anything close to the crime of one individual murdering or maiming some one else who has been born or in some one else’s womb. END2208031207
Not at all when you demand the government force women to carry a zygote to full term against her self-sovereign will and if she does not obey the government must charge her with murder. END2208031154
Actually, no - treating killing your kid in cold blood with malice aforethought and hiring someone to do it as murder is very much treating mothers the same as everyone else.

The exception to this hard rule of civilization that you want for only mothers - that is inequality, that is special treatment, THAT is the definition of a double standard.
You are a liar.
Again, look in the mirror when saying these things.

I do not consider termination of an organism growing in a woman’s body by the woman herself to be a civil threat being anything close to the crime of one individual murdering or maiming some one else who has been born or in some one else’s womb.
You do not consider premeditated aggressive and contracted homicide to be murder, noted.

But already established- due to your unrelenting prejudice you have repeatedly denied the life and humanity of these victims, so it is no surprise that this is part of your strategy to promote their killing and prevent justice.
You do not consider premeditated aggressive and contracted homicide to be murder, noted.
That is what you call a woman’s right to terminate her own pregnancy. You are a rare secular goon among many religious goons but a goon just the same. You are actually nobody to be demanding your own personal definitions of things based on “because I say so” END2208031232
That is what you call a woman’s right to terminate her own pregnancy. You are a rare secular goon among many religious goons but a goon just the same. You are actually nobody to be demanding your own personal definitions of things based on “because I say so” END2208031232
There is no such “right.”

If you only believe whatever the Supreme Court says, then see Dobbs.

If you care about the rule of law beyond the superficial, read the United States Constitution and note the total absence of what you claim to be a “right.”
" Establishment Clause Violators Selling Shit To Imbeciles "

* Mantra Of Traitors Who Support scotus Sedition *

There is no such “right.”

If you only believe whatever the Supreme Court says, then see Dobbs.

If you care about the rule of law beyond the superficial, read the United States Constitution and note the total absence of what you claim to be a “right.”
A fetus does not have a wright to life because it has not met a birth requirement to receive one .

SCROTUS has committed sedition by the dobbs decision , as would any other potentate that usurped us constitution , by ruling that states may issue force against implementation of us law - us 1st , 9th and 14th , and SCROTUS should be prosecuted , while traitors of us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments support its seditious decision .

Us 9th amendment , non enumerated wrights , do not need to be enumerated and any assertion that they must be is a mountain of bull shit supported by sanctimonious traitorous psychopaths trying to implement populism as tyranny by majority to deprive individuals of their equal protections of law - equal protection of negative liberties .

Us 10th amendment state interests begin with citizens or with any which has met a birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , and state interests cannot be based in whimsy or populism as tyranny by majority , rather a state interests are limited to protection of negative liberties not only from the state but also between individuals .

The negative liberties of the anti-choice are not being disparaged by abortion seekers or abortion provides and states do not have an interest in protecting a wright to life of a zygote / emrbyo / fetus which dos not have a wright to life by virtue of not having met a birth requirement to receive one .
There is no such “right.”
You have a no right to declare the termination of a pregnancy by the pregnant woman herself and unbeknownst to thou to be murder. Unless you’ve become God or the supreme divine leader of natural law in the entire universe or just a goon who thinks he is.

Every woman has a natural right to be protected from goons like you and ding END2208030116
You have a no right to declare the termination of a pregnancy by the pregnant woman herself and unbeknownst to thou to be murder. Unless you’ve become God or the supreme divine leader of natural law in the entire universe or just a goon who thinks he is.

Every woman has a natural right to be protected from goons like you and ding END2208030116

Why do you liberals not give the men any say so? It takes two to create a baby, why does the woman get 100% of the decision whether or not to abort, yet if she wants to keep it and the man doesn't, he still has to pay child support for 18 years? If he wants to keep it and she doesn't, tough luck. She can kill it, according to ya'll.

Why do liberals hate men and not give them a say?
Actually, no - treating killing your kid in cold blood with malice aforethought and hiring someone to do it as murder is very much treating mothers the same as everyone else.
Why do you keep substituting your harsh choice of words for the normal words that civilized human beings use to discuss matters of reproduction and women’s health.

For instance:

Actually, yes - terminating her own pregnancy with self concerning aforethought and hiring someone medically licensed to do it legally and safely is very much treating women with unwanted pregnancy the same as everyone else. END2208031355
Why do liberals hate men and not give them a say?

I would suggest that every man in a sexual relationship longer than a one night stand etc with a woman who could get pregnant accidentally, discuss the fact that he is opposed to abortifacient if she gets pregnant. By him. If she tells him she had no plans to be a mother or allow an unplanned pregnancy go to full term he needs to get and find the right woman to have sec with.
You do not consider premeditated aggressive and contracted homicide to be murder, noted
You are a liar. When one individual who oxygenates his or her blood unlawfully terminates the life of a separate individual who oxygenated his or her own blood until death, it is murder. END2208031429

I would suggest that every man in a sexual relationship longer than a one night stand etc with a woman who could get pregnant accidentally, discuss the fact that he is opposed to abortifacient if she gets pregnant. By him. If she tells him she had no plans to be a mother or allow an unplanned pregnancy go to full term he needs to get and find the right woman to have sec with.
That late?

I would suggest that that’s something that you should discuss on the first date and / or well before intercourse is possible because the classic rule “don’t stick your dick in crazy” has a natural correlary in “don’t stick your dick in evil piece of shit.”
You are a liar. When one individual who oxygenates his or her blood unlawfully terminates the life of a separate individual who oxygenated his or her own blood until death, it is murder. END2208031429
You are a liar and or a crazy person what with your “zombie” talk.

I don’t give two shits about your respiratory system obsession.

If we want to get technical, murder only means what the law says it means in a jurisdiction. My point is that you do not want something that otherwise would apply to apply because of arbitrary and bigoted reasons. In this case, your bizarre hangup with respiration and the crazed belief that those you hate and want dead are zombies.

I would suggest that every man in a sexual relationship longer than a one night stand etc with a woman who could get pregnant accidentally, discuss the fact that he is opposed to abortifacient if she gets pregnant. By him. If she tells him she had no plans to be a mother or allow an unplanned pregnancy go to full term he needs to get and find the right woman to have sec with.

Well I would suggest that a woman who doesn't want to get pregnant keep her fucking legs closed or use birth control of some sort. But planned or not, the father of the baby should be able to have equal rights when it comes to if the baby lives.

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