Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

In Israel women must go before a termination committee to get approval BECAUSE abortion ends a human life.

NFBW; Who says abortion ends a human life in Israel.

The issue of abortions, which are legal but require the okay of a medical termination panel — which approves nearly all cases — rarely captures headlines in Israel. But two lawmakers caused a stir this week when they convened a Knesset committee meeting Monday urging the inclusion of a religious figure on the panels, spotlighting the issue and drawing a furious response from female opposition Knesset members.​
Attendees at Monday’s at-times heated hearing focused primarily on condemning the proposed inclusion of a religious representative, F but also touched on whether to reconsider the longstanding practice of the termination panels altogether — under which, in 98.9% of cases last year — women between the ages of 17-40 were approved for abortions.​
NFBW: Poor Thing ding. What Crusade will you join now? NFBW2208030001
NFBW2208022334 Toto, I’ve a feeling the American Taliban Church Ladies are not in Kansas anymore.”

Kansas voters block effort to ban abortion in state constitutional amendment vote​

Abortion rights forces scored an upset victory in Kansas on Tuesday when voters rejected an amendment that would have allowed the state legislature to ban the procedure. By ALICE MIRANDA OLLSTEIN
08/02/2022 10:46 PM

BackAgain airplanemechanic
ding beagle9 BS Filter
San Souci eagle1462010

NFBW: From the list I say Mashmont is the biggest loser following the Kansas vote. White Christian Catholic nationalism hit a swift kick to the pants tonight.

NFBW: i support a woman’s right to choose snd freedom from @ding’s sneaky authoritarian

Good for Kansas. They voted. Ain't Amerika great?

CarsomyrPlusSix220802-#247 You don't have to wait for the law to change regarding personhood to condemn the way they treat those who have been denied personhood.

NFBW: Seeking personhood for a human zygot zombie is rightwing extremism normally reserved for religious zealots. You are not religious as far as I can tell, so since you are new here what motivates and drives your hatred for liberals and dusgust for women who reject submission to white religious male politicians. What drives your secular zealotry for the unborn. END2208030305
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They are distinct organisms and members of our species

NFBW: They are distinct organisms and members of our species that use “someone else’s oxygenated blood” which makes them zombies until they have developed as far as you and I did when we started out in the womb of a woman. That stage of development has been referred as viability and abortion should not be an option after viability except when the life of the mother is at stake.

Most Americans will not agree that zombies have equal rights to a viable human and have a right to be carried to full term attached to the uterus of a pregnant woman.

Your extremist political zealotry has hit a brick wall in Kansas. Trump fucked up Republicans politically when he selected 3 Catholic lying Taliban to be SCOTUS JUDGES and your panic has already begun to show.

And on his way out Trump fucked up the only right wing positive legacy he had going in the SCOTUS picks by attempting to overturn the election with his fake electors coup plot and his violent mob attacking the peaceful transfer of power at the Capitol, END2208020342
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NFBW: They are distinct organisms and members of our species that use “someone else’s oxygenated blood” which makes them zombies until they have developed as far as you and I did when we started out in the womb of a woman. That stage of development has been referred as viability and abortion should not be an option after viability except when the life of the mother is at stake.

Most Americans will not agree that zombies have equal rights to a viable human and have a right to be carried to full term attached to the uterus of a pregnant woman.

Your extremist political zealotry has hit a brick wall in Kansas. Trump fucked up Republicans politically when he selected 3 Catholic lying Taliban to be SCOTUS JUDGES and your panic has already begun to show.

And on his way out Trump fucked up the only right wing positive legacy he had going in the SCOTUS picks by attempting to overturn the election with his fake electors coup plot and his violent mob attacking the peaceful transfer of power at the Capitol, END2208020342
What you are advocating for is abortion being used as the alternative to birth control, and that is unexceptable. We advocate for members of the human race practicing restraint and control in their personal live's, as so they don't have to go through the horror's of having a human being in it's developmental stages taken in a horrible procedure from their bodies.

ding220728-#3,985 “This is you playing word games because you can't bear to face the fact that you support ending a human life.

NFBW2207282115-#3,997 “I know full well that when she chooses to terminate a developing human organism in her womb it ends the natural birth and life of a potential human being.

ding 220802-#4,181 “Wouldn't it just be easier for you to admit abortion ends a human life and say you still support a woman's right to do”

NFBW: Will you explain what it means when you say “ends a human life”? Is it the same as what CarsomyrPlusSix says it is:

CarsomyrPlusSix220802-#4,156 “You are not "deprived control over your own body" when you are not allowed to attack and kill someone else.”

NFBW: Or is it murder after the first trimester as eagle1462010 says: “Of course we agree that rape or incest abortion should be allowed. Hell im ok with it til the1st part of second trimester. After that you can kiss my ass.” END2208022118
In Alabama it is now. Bless your Heart from the Heart of Dixie.
NFBW; Who says abortion ends a human life in Israel.

The issue of abortions, which are legal but require the okay of a medical termination panel — which approves nearly all cases — rarely captures headlines in Israel. But two lawmakers caused a stir this week when they convened a Knesset committee meeting Monday urging the inclusion of a religious figure on the panels, spotlighting the issue and drawing a furious response from female opposition Knesset members.​
Attendees at Monday’s at-times heated hearing focused primarily on condemning the proposed inclusion of a religious representative, F but also touched on whether to reconsider the longstanding practice of the termination panels altogether — under which, in 98.9% of cases last year — women between the ages of 17-40 were approved for abortions.​
NFBW: Poor Thing ding. What Crusade will you join now? NFBW2208030001

Circumstances under which abortion is approved[edit]​

Under a 1977 abortion law, a termination committee can approve an abortion, under sub-section 316a,[10] in the following circumstances:

  1. The woman is younger than the legal marriage age in Israel (which currently is 18, raised from 17 in April 2013),[12] or older than forty. (This was later amended to also include women under the age of twenty.)[11]
  2. The pregnancy was conceived under illegal circumstances (rape, statutory rape, etc.), in an incestuous relationship, or outside of marriage.
  3. The fetus may have a physical or mental birth defect.
  4. Continued pregnancy may put the woman's life in risk, or damage her physically or mentally.
Previously, cases where the woman is between the ages of 20–33, and/or was granted an abortion due to the baby having been conceived under illegal circumstances or incest, the fetus had a serious physical or mental defect, the mother was unmarried, or the mother's health was in danger, the state pays for the abortion. However, the law was modified in 2014 to allow a free state-funded "health basket" for any woman seeking an abortion.[11] Women who get pregnant while serving in the IDF are entitled to free, state-funded abortion.[13][14]

In practice, most requests for abortion that qualify for the above are granted, and leniency is shown especially under the clause for emotional or psychological damage to the pregnant woman. The committees approve 98% of requests.[15]

Structure of the committee[edit]​

There are 41 termination committees operating in public or private hospitals across Israel.[16] These committees consist of three members, two of which are licensed physicians, and one a social worker.[10] Of the two physicians, one must be a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, and the other one either OB/GYN, internal medicine, psychiatry, family medicine, or public health. At least one member must be a woman. Six separate committees consider abortion requests when the fetus is beyond 24 weeks old.

Abortion debate in Israel[edit]​

There is an abortion debate in Israel, although it is sidelined by more publicized and controversial issues. The debate as to the morality of abortion is antecedent to the debate about separation of religion and state in the context of Israel as a Jewish State and a democracy.

Orthodox Jewish organizations, including political parties, strongly oppose abortion because most interpretations of Jewish law view abortion as prohibited except for mother’s life.[17] Political parties that champion this view include Shas, a Sephardic Haredi party; United Torah Judaism, an Ashkenazi Haredi party; and HaBayit HaYehudi (Jewish Home), a Religious Zionist party. A study published in 2001 found that opposition to abortion among Israelis was correlated to strong religious beliefs – particularly Orthodox Jewish beliefs – below-average income, larger family size, and identification with right-wing politics.[18]

The left-wing party Meretz argues in favor of legalized abortion for reasons of personal liberty. In 2006, MK Zehava Gal-On of Meretz proposed a bill that would eliminate the termination committees, effectively decriminalizing unrestricted abortion. Gal-On argued that women with financial means can have abortions in private clinics, bypassing the committee and therefore gaining rights based on their wealth. The bill was rejected by a wide margin.

When the relevant section of the penal code was originally written, it contained a "social clause" permitting women to seek abortions for social reasons, such as economic distress.[10] The clause was withdrawn in 1980 under the initiative of the Orthodox Jewish parties (see Shas, United Torah Judaism, and National Religious Party).

This clause is still under debate in Israel. In 2004, MK Reshef Chen of Shinui submitted an addendum to reinstate the clause, arguing that under present circumstances, women with financial problems must lie to the termination committee to obtain approval under the emotional or psychological damage clause, and that "no advanced country compels its citizens to lie in order to preserve religious, chauvinistic, patronizing archaic values". Women's organizations such as Naamat supported the proposal.[19]

Women's organizations such as Naamat[20] and Shdulat HaNashim (women's lobby)[21] argue in favor for feminist, pro-choice reasons, such as reproductive rights.

Efrat[22] is a religious organization that lobbies against abortions, as well as offering financial support to women who are considering abortion for economic reasons. Efrat's campaign includes stickers with the slogan, "Don't abort me" (Hebrew: אל תפילו אותי). Be'ad Chaim[23] is a Messianic Christian anti-abortion non-profit association. Another organization which provides financial support and counseling to women considering abortion is Just One Life (J.O.L.)[24] – which in Hebrew is known as Nefesh Achat B'Yisrael.

They are distinct organisms
NFBW: by “distinct organisms” do you mean fetuses that are attached to uteruses inside a woman’s body are organisms that are separate from the woman who has the uterus to which the organism is attached?

If that is your case, you have to be a blithering idiot.

I'm surprised you didn't off yourself last night over your guilt.

Yes, a not so distinct complete REPUBLICAN idiot like ding has become thinking I have guilt.for supporting choice.

NFBW: They are distinct organisms and members of our species that use “someone else’s oxygenated blood”

I'm tired of correcting you, already. Read a book. They need some oxygen and nutrients from that blood, the addition of which the mother already naturally has the inclination to intake for their sake.

They do not "use the blood" or take ownership of the blood.

which makes them zombies
You said this stupidity once and I didn't call you on it, but what the actual fuck?

Here in reality, normal living human being behavior is not "being a zombie," which is a fictional type of undead popularized in George Romero films.

In none of those films, nor any of their spinoffs / copycats / remakes / parodies / deconstructions, are humans just zombies and then magically not zombies anymore.

My point is this - in reality, what you have said makes no sense. Even as an aficionado of the genre of fiction you might - were you an insane person - think was literally actual reality, your comment does not reflect those fictional universes either.

That stage of development has been referred as viability
The chief factor of viability just means having sufficiently developed lungs with enough surfactant to breathe, including with the best possible NICU equipment.

No organism could develop organs in the first place if he or she wasn't alive. The unborn are alive.

No organism doesn't have parents - and that organism almost certainly belongs the the same species as his or her parents. The unborn are human beings.

They have their own body, their own genetic code, etc - they are distinct, and they are "someone else."


and abortion should not be an option after viability except when the life of the mother is at stake.
Elective abortion should not be an option period, though in the exceedingly rare circumstance when the child is going to die no matter what you do it is understandable to take action to save life if the mother would otherwise die.

Most Americans will not agree that zombies have equal rights to a viable human and have a right to be carried to full term attached to the uterus of a pregnant woman.
I mean, present most Americans with your "zombie" bullshit, and most of them are going to give you a funny look and an eyeroll.

Your extremist political zealotry has hit a brick wall in Kansas.
So Kansas will need to get its own Supreme Court issue fixed - it is doubtful that Kansas's Constitution refers to abortion anymore than the United States Constitution did.

Trump fucked up Republicans politically when he selected 3 Catholic lying Taliban
What lies, precious?

attempting to overturn the election with his fake electors coup plot and his violent mob attacking the peaceful transfer of power at the Capitol, END2208020342
"his coup plot"

Okay, whatever. It's clear I'm not talking to someone oriented to reality on Earth. Miss me with all this nonsense.
NFBW: by “distinct organisms” do you mean fetuses that are attached to uteruses inside a woman’s body are organisms that are separate from the woman who has the uterus to which the organism is attached?
They are distinct organisms with their own body. That attachment via placenta is how embryology works, the attachment does not change the fact that they are distinct. There are (at least) two distinct and recognizable organisms involved in every pregnancy, and in this case two human beings, which means for any physician worthy of the name, two patients.

If that is your case, you have to be a blithering idiot.
My sympathies at flunking Biology, but look in a mirror when saying this, as you have demonstrated this much ignorance on the subject matter. It is cartoonish, really.
There are (at least) two distinct and recognizable organisms involved in every pregnancy,
One is a viable human being like you and me.

One is what you call an organism that is not a viable human being like you and me. It has to use oxygenated blood from “someone else” to continue development. It is a potential human being not a human being.

When you say CarsomyrPlusSix that an underdeveloped organism must be recognized at the same exact level of human existence by me and a civil society that is run by viable and free human beings who make choices on such matters is an authoritarian farce. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE deciding what is what according to your political whims and preferences. You have no moral authority to make decisions for “someone or something else” END2208030816
They do not "use the blood"
They need some oxygen and nutrients from that blood,

Yes the live developing organism uses the oxygenated maternal blood to stay alive until it is developed sufficiently to oxygenate its own blood when separation from the mother becomes physically possible. At that stage society at large morally and scientifically bestows right to life status on a brand new individual human being recorded at live birth on a certificate of birth even when premature.

IF You believe it is sooner than that you are free to follow your conscience and religion in your personal relationships as you see fit.

Nothing is stopping you, So what is your agenda to impose you beliefs on “someone else” Church Lady II? END2208030842
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One is a viable human being like you and me.
Your obsession with pulmonary fluid is not one I share.

The unborn are human beings like you and me, just younger, as you were before you aged.
It is a potential human being not a human being.

They are human beings - they could not be any other species. They will “potentially” age a day by tomorrow if they do not die today, but that is the same as you.

When you say…
When I say… that a young human being should not be discriminated against to the point of their murder being decriminalized, no that is not “authoritarian.”

WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE deciding what is what
A human being who doesn’t want to be killed by needless aggressive violence and doesn’t want anyone else to be killed needlessly either. A civilized and moral person. You must be the other type.
his coup plot"

Okay, whatever.
John Eastman’s fake electors coup that Trump told us was in play on Jan6

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.” And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution. - - - States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN END2208030917
The unborn are human beings like you and me
That’s your choice. I have made a much more moral choice with regard to viable hunan beings who have the reproductive organs and anatomy to conceive human life and reproduce human life when they themselves choose to do so. Your choice you think backed by your unscientific whims is to coerce full term pregnancy on millions of women you do not know because you think your choice of facts are infallible and not to be challenged because. . . . You say so. you are sick with power to control others unrelated to your existence for what we do not know yet. YOU have no religion you say. You have a unique but strange agenda. 2208030931
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Objectively false. They are distinct organisms and members of our species - Homo sapiens - no matter how much you hate them or would deny their existence.

Funny how once those distinct organisms enter the world, republicans turn their back on them. Whether it's WIC, or healthcare, or school lunches, republicans no longer care what happens to the unborn, once they're born.
Your obsession with pulmonary fluid is not one I share.

The unborn are human beings like you and me, just younger, as you were before you aged.


They are human beings - they could not be any other species. They will “potentially” age a day by tomorrow if they do not die today, but that is the same as you.

When I say… that a young human being should not be discriminated against to the point of their murder being decriminalized, no that is not “authoritarian.”

A human being who doesn’t want to be killed by needless aggressive violence and doesn’t want anyone else to be killed needlessly either. A civilized and moral person. You must be the other type.
The founding father's believed they were human beings forming, from the get go. But they did not believe the fetus had life, in the sense of personhood under the law where government had jurisdiction under the law, until quickening....until the baby stirred or kicked inside the mother, which is around 20 weeks gestation....before such, the mother to be alone, ruled alone.

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