Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
You mean those on the Left vetoed it? Everyone? Don’t think so !
Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".
then tell your side to stop changing the rules on the fly.

"president in their lame duck year cannot appoint a SCOTUS" was the democrat mantra. well, until it didn't serve them, then they never said it.
Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".
As a famous community organizer once said - elections have consequences.

they are simply remanding the issue back to the states to determine.

now, as for biden trying to make this a law - check me if im wrong, but if the SCOTUS *does* in fact rule in this manner, wouldn't the law then be unconstitutional?

once again biden seems to overstep authority to do what he wants. it seems this is getting worse with every admin abusing executive privilege and simply going around our processes of checks and balances to do what they want in the name of a "crisis".
Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".
Oh well…

My Body. No Choice.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

I'd be curious to know WHICH of the Dem-appointed Justices leaked the draft. There certainly can be no doubt that the Left want to fully politicize the court and bring pressure through politics to its decisions. They seem unaware that the other members of SCOTUS are mature enough to KNOW the firestorm it would cause, so the pressure is just coming a few weeks sooner than expected.

I think it will cost the Rs the Senate but the House is too far gone for the Ds to save, even with this kind of media frenzy.
Can't wait to watch heads explode (and not babies) if this comes to fruition.

Heads will not be exploding. The Republican Party will be destroyed if this comes to pass.

One in four American women has an abortion before age 40. 8 million more women voters than men. Even Susan Collins is upset that Kavenaugh and Gorsuch lied to her about "settled precedent".
Funny how no state does abortion at that stage unless the fetus is not viable.

Heads will not be exploding. The Republican Party will be destroyed if this comes to pass.

One in four American women has an abortion before age 40. 8 million more women voters than men. Even Susan Collins is upset that Kavenaugh and Gorsuch lied to her about "settled precedent".
trump even paid for seven abortions for his mistresses.
The fact that blue state assholes in NY and CA give a shit about what other states do with their laws shows what absolute Nazis they are.

You blue state fascists can suck it.
I recall a standing ovation being given in the NY statehouse when they passed what was effectively a right to retroactive abortion. While they continue to cheer their progressive thinking, let them help fund travel and lodging for those they want to help to have the right to "choose".
I differ from big intrusive government, authoritarian statists in that I regard a woman's superior knowledge of herself, her beliefs, her circumstances, and her emotional concerns to allow her to make the best, informed decisions for herself in such a personal matter, in consultation with her loved ones and spiritual and medical advisers whom she trusts, rather be dictated to by faceless bureaucrats and politicians with faces like this:

Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 8.02.12 PM.png
This is not what abortion looks like. This is yet another Republican lie. This is a fully term fetus ready for birth, not a zygote or first trimester fetus which is when the vast majority of abortions take place.

Just more of the lies Republicans tell you.
Damn, but you are a robotic mindless dishonest shill.

Yes, you imbecile, that’s a nearly full term baby. And if you scrape out a zygote or an embryo or dismember a fetus, the human being that is getting killed is the same.

Furthermore, you worthless hack, the pro-death demands of you fucking abortion “rights” zealots includes the right to slaughter the baby whose picture I posted just as much as a less developed embryo or zygote. Stop lying you rancid idiot.
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Heads will not be exploding. The Republican Party will be destroyed if this comes to pass.
You're kidding yourself. The Left is going to go absolutely insane over this if it holds and is announced as a ruling. In fact, it will probably begin long before then. That was the intention of one of the Leftist Justices who leaked the draft. You are partially correct about damage to the Republican cause. This issue will turn out the ghoulish base in higher numbers and probably cost the Republicans, control of the Senate, but even that isn't guaranteed. Americans are about fed-up with the chaos, looting, arson, and such barbarism that surrounds Leftist "protests". If your Party coordinates such madness in response to this ruling then even the political advantage may be lessened or lost. So, by all means - raise hell, loot, burn, and destroy in support of the right to murder babies.
I recall a standing ovation being given in the NY statehouse when they passed what was effectively a right to retroactive abortion. While they continue to cheer their progressive thinking, let them help fund travel and lodging for those they want to help to have the right to "choose".

You're recalling Republican lies, not what really happened. Gullible, stupid and Republican is no way to go through life.

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