Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Beware, this is not an official opinion. This is a first draft. It is not indicative of an opinion one way or another.

Reference John Roberts and his decision on Obamacare
Possibly, but if it isn't the likely outcome, why would anyone leak it? Let's face it, a Dem-appointed Justice leaked this. No conservative would have started such chaos any sooner than was necessary.
Funny how no state does abortion at that stage unless the fetus is not viable.
Bullshit. Some laws have even allowed partial birth abortions where one of the last acts is to puncture the baby’s skull at the base of the neck before the child is fully delivered. I don’t know who the fuck you imagine your dishonesty convinces.

For that matter, if the image had been one of a less developed fetus or of an embryo or even a zygote, how does that change the fact that it’s a human life that’s getting snuffed out?

Susan Collins Dismayed Supreme Court Justices Misled Her On Abortion

Is she lying - or is she just stupid? I suspect both...
You're kidding yourself. The Left is going to go absolutely insane over this if it holds and is announced as a ruling. In fact, it will probably begin long before then. That was the intention of one of the Leftist Justices who leaked the draft. You are partially correct about damage to the Republican cause. This issue will turn out the ghoulish base in higher numbers and probably cost the Republicans, control of the Senate, but even that isn't guaranteed. Americans are about fed-up with the chaos, looting, arson, and such barbarism that surrounds Leftist "protests". If your Party coordinates such madness in response to this ruling then even the political advantage may be lessened or lost. So, by all means - raise hell, loot, burn, and destroy in support of the right to murder babies.

You language is laughable. You don't give rat's ass about these babies at all, once they're born. They can die, get shot going to school, or be sexually abused by their Catholic priests and you stand by and do NOTHING and say NOTHING.

Why aren't you trying to save the lives of babies who are dying before they're a year old???? The USA has the highest rate of infant mortality in the free world, but no universal health care, poor education opportunities, and the highest rate of maternal death in childbirth in the free world.

You only care about babies until they draw their first breath and then you abandon this life you consider so precious.
You're recalling Republican lies, not what really happened. Gullible, stupid and Republican is no way to go through life.
And I disagree. That aside, what do you think of the idea to have PP or other such private organizations subsidize travel, lodging, and medical care for women who choose abortion?
She will be removed if it's her. Immediately.

If they can prove she was involved, she'll be legally prosecuted. The current makeup of Congress won't do anything about it - which is not going to help them in the midterms - but if Republicans take seats like they're expected to, anyone involved in this leak is headed for the slammer.
Bullshit. Some laws have even allowed partial birth abortions where one of the last acts is to puncture the baby’s skull at the base of the neck before the child is fully delivered. I don’t know who the fuck you imagine your dishonesty convinces.

For that matter, if the image had been one of a less developed fetus or of an embryo or even a zygote, how does that change the fact that it’s a human life that’s getting snuffed out?

No matter how many times you try to sell these lies, we know they're lies. YOU HAVEN'T THE FIRST CLUE ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

And I disagree. That aside, what do you think of the idea to have PP or other such private organizations subsidize travel, lodging, and medical care for women who choose abortion?

What a fucking waste of money and resources - both of which are in short supply, for these families.

What about the right of the woman to manage her own care? To get help from her medical personnel, in a setting where she is at home and comfortable.

Travel for an abortion involves a lot more than just going to another state. What about her job, her family at home? Why are women having to go to another state for medical care which should be available to them at home.
The door is now wide open for the SCOTUS to be expanded, mouth breather.

You Trump asseaters just stepped on your own dicks. :fu:

Moron......if you increase the court, we will increase the court....and you are too fucking stupid to understand why that is a bad thing.
You only care about babies until they draw their first breath and then you abandon this life you consider so precious.
You know nothing of who I am, personally. Most of those situations are tragic but they come from a system put in place by YOUR PARTY over decades. It's as though you people are unaware that contraception even exists as an option. You are quite willing to use Abortion as contraception.

Finally, why am I or any other American faced with being responsible for the care from womb to tomb of children that others chose to create? You aren't even capable of understanding that, are you? You've believed the lie that government is responsible to provide everything for free, and anyone who isn't willing to give it, and more, is evil. Go watch a couple of abortions and get back to me about which of us is evil...
No. But let’s be honest. In a vast majority of races, the two candidates are steaming piles of shit. So anything you do to drop a little more fecal matter on one pile, means that more people will decide that steaming pile of shit is a little less stinky.

That is what happened in 2020. More people decided they could stomach the steaming pile of shit that was Biden over the steaming pile of shit that was Trump.

Also you really don’t want to make your opponents predictions come true. Since I was a boy the Democrats have argued that Republicans wanted to take away Womens rights. Now I’ve argued in the past that these doom and gloom predictions were laughable because nothing has ever happened. Now you have gone and made it true.
They are sending it back down to the states where it should have always been. The Court is not outlawing abortions.
Seems the left is running with this because they don't have any policies that is palatable to real America.
It's not going to fly, because Brandon really is that bad.
No matter how many times you try to sell these lies, we know they're lies. YOU HAVEN'T THE FIRST CLUE ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

No matter what font you use, your lies remain transparent, DraggingTurd.

And again, you stupid bitch, you studiously miss the point anyway. If my prior post image of a nearly full term fetus had instead been one of a less developed fetus or of an embryo or of a zygote, the conclusion is the same. It is a discreet human life that gets snuffed out. And that life, that person, gets no choice.
The majority of women suport a women's right to control their own bodies, dumbass.

And millions of them vote.
Yes, but how many of them would have voted for a Republican but now will change their mind? How many Republican women will be energized to go to the polls where they otherwise wouldn't? Finally, if your crowd handle this issue as they did Saint George di Fentanyl, burned out city centers are apt to turn even the Democrat ladies against your cause.
Authoritarians alway contrive excuses for suppressing personal freedom and ramming their statism down the throats of everyone else.

The practical impact of legislating from the bench an unpopular ruling will be that the authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.

Hundreds of thousands of women are now going to die needlessly, forced into C sections, and forced into homelessness.

Who’s going to pay for this?

What will this do to everyone else’s healthcare costs, and premiums.

With the closures of hospitals in rural areas because Republican governors and legislatures refused to accept Medicaid funding. How will these states deal with hospitals being overwhelmed, that are already stretched thin now?

What will happen now is the call for abortion rights to be codified into law.
rather be dictated to by faceless bureaucrats and politicians with faces like this:
Only he didn't impregnate her nor did he choose for her the refusal to use contraception. Most abortions have feck-all to do with health of the mother. They are about CONVENIENCE and as such, they are an abomination.

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