Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

It should never have been a federal issue. Its a state issue.

You blue staters hate the red states anyways, so dont pretend you care about abortion being legal in Mississippi.

You do you, leave the other states the fuck alone.

It's interesting how the pro-aborts LOVE to say, "If you don't like abortion, don't have one." But they're incapable of applying the same standard, "If you don't like abortion restrictions, don't pass one", to the states.
How could leaking a copy of that draft early possibly benefit conservatives?
Actual benefit, none. Still something all the right wing conservatives, especially on the Christian right, have been hoping for. Someone leaking something they like for a change, would make the leaker almost a legend of the right. Had to be either clerk or Justice. If Justice, doubt we will ever know whol. If clerk, their high powered future is over, but if liked by powerful on the right for giving them the news, of their hopes and dreams coming true, there will undoubtably be a decent legal position somewhere in the country. Fame is important to some people.
Only he didn't impregnate her nor did he choose for her the refusal to use contraception. Most abortions have feck-all to do with health of the mother. They are about CONVENIENCE and as such, they are an abomination.
Impregnation can occur inadvertently, even by rape and incest. Rather than someone presuming to sit in judgment and dictate, the law of the land for the past half century that recognizes the rights of women is supported by most Americans. Authoritarians seizing control will only divide the advanced states from the retrogressive ones.
It's interesting how the pro-aborts LOVE to say, "If you don't like abortion, don't have one." But they're incapable of applying the same standard, "If you don't like abortion restrictions, don't pass one", to the states.
Women who want an abortion will still be able to get one in another state so this isn't really going to do anything to stop abortions
You haven't really seen what's going on because you're not looking. The extreme right has just spent 50 years working to overturn Roe, including subverting the Supreme Court selection process to pack the court with extreme right wing factions. 70% of Americans are in favour of abortion rights for women.

Democrats have won the popular vote for president in every election since 1992, except 2006, and yet the Republicans have denied Democrats appointments a hearing, and rammed through an unqualified fringe candidate days before the 2020 election. The SC does not reflect the will of the American people.

The Senators who confirmed ACB to the court, represented 1.5 million fewer voters, than the Senators who voted against her confirmation.

Gay marriage is legal, for now, but the same people who are overturning abortion, are laying the groundwork in the abortion decision, to overturn gay marriage as well. They're coming for your rights next, little gay boy.

Right wingers are already saying the access to birth control is bad for women - leading to promiscuous and dangerous behaviour.

It's not an issue to be decided at the federal level. Now you know what states rights is all about.
First, it’s Roe, and then they’ll go after Obergefell.

Vote like your rights depend on it because they do.
All of those things are currently happening.

Gay marriage is next on the extreme right agenda. The leaked decision laws the groundwork for overturning gay rights as well. There are a lot of privacy related laws which are tied to Roe, beyond abortion. Trump's Supreme Court is poised to wipe out civil rights the American people have fought for 50 years to obtain.

It was a leftist clerk who leaked the draft to which Chief Justice Roberts is pursuing an investigation to catch the lawbreaker for it.

Gay Marriage has been done through the legislature in various states thus not a subject of SCOTUS oversight since it has long been accepted as valid law.
Amid reports of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that majorities of Americans support upholding Roe, say abortion should be legal in all or most cases and -- by a wide margin -- see abortion as a decision to be made by a woman and her doctor, not by lawmakers.

Women who want an abortion will still be able to get one in another state so this isn't really going to do anything to stop abortions
Americans for fifty years have had their liberties respected in the states in which they reside.

The authoritarianism in regressive states will further divide the nation.
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Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

Legal abortion may end for poor women. Wealthy women will continue to have access to safe, medically supervised abortions just like they always have.
Abortion has always been available to wealthy women. Republicans know this. They are using abortion as a divisive wedge issue---not because they care about women or about the babies once they are born.

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