Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Legal abortion may end for poor women. Wealthy women will continue to have access to safe, medically supervised abortions just like they always have.
Abortion has always been available to wealthy women. Republicans know this. They are using abortion as a divisive wedge issue---not because they care about women or about the babies once they are born.
So the “right” to slaughter the innocent preborn comes down to a income inequality analysis?
why? its a state issue. let their state deal with it.
He's saying they are going to elect persons who insure it's dealt with as they desire.

I am not so sure but its a definite potential election game changer.
Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".

None of the actions are illegal and has been done by democrats before.

Everyone is against abortion. No one ever wants to have one. But they are often, the only choice. If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. It's that simple.

Every woman you know is against abortion, but ask how many of them have had abortions, and you'd be surprised at how many of them will say yes. One in four women have abortions before age 40. They will continue to have abortions, and they will die because of it.

It's amazing how you can assert something, have it proved utterly wrong, and then sashay off to another thread and assert it again as though nothing happened.

It's almost like "knowing" things has nothing to do with facts for you.
Why do libs have such cognitive dissonance regarding this?
On one hand, they say the people overwhelmingly support abortion privileges.
On the other, they say the SCOTUS is ending abortion privileges.
The SCOTUS, though, is only saying it'll be up to the states.
The dissonance is the fact that individual states will each be able to vote on this (you know, that precious "democracy" thing they constantly mewl about).
If they are correct about the support levels, then the supporters will just make it legal on an individual state basis.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

It is going to happen. But you are wrong abortion will be legal (including late term), rather regulating it will be left to the states… states like CA and NY will move to abortion without restriction up until (and maybe after) the baby is born.

Then you will have red states like TX, OK and MS that will make all abortion illegal unless the mother’s life is in danger!

My guess is 10 states move further left, 10 states move further right and 30 states don’t change any of their current laws.
That's always the argument - go to a state where it's legal. And that's what women did. But the poorest women don't have the resources to travel. They have children and jobs and don't have the money to travel, and can't take the time off work to go to another jurisdiction, go through the waiting periods and the unneccesary tests required by law, and have the operation.

Rich women have always had access to abortion. When I was younger they went to Japan or Sweden. But poor women - the ones who are not in an emotional or financial position to raise another child, the women who can't afford to travel, will either seek a back alley abortion, or they'll have a child they are ill prepared to raise.

That's always YOUR argument when it's something you like. "Go somewhere else; build your own; if you don't like it, don't have one." Why is that never acceptable when it's directed at you? Is it because "choice" is just a word you use to cover, "I want this, so everyone has to accept it!!"?
I try to understand the entire debate here.
I see legitimacy for those women that are raped or the life of the mother is a very large risk. Near term post birth deaths for the infant due to unavoidable issues I feel is legit.
I'm still on the fence for health issues, mental issues, and malformaties where the baby and long term disabilities is unavoidable.

But, abortion as a tool of convenient birth control because of the right to "choose", while removing or negating all the other available choices prior to sex is socially irresponsible. We can't have the perspective that pregnancy should be treated as a disease that one had no control over like cancer or some other STD. And the responsibility, shouldn't only rest on the woman either. The father should have some type of culpability.

As humans, we can do better. We can respect our ability to create intelligent, meaningful life better than we do. The narrative as presented by so many pro-choicers (and I know it's not all of you) is that abortion should be easy, emotionless, meaningless, as if we were taking penicillin to get rid of an infection. We can do better and we can be better. However, IMO, it doesn't start with abortion laws. It starts with sex education, strong family values, moral, ethics. It starts with being better human beings that look at sex differently. Yes, sex is great, fun, and meaningful. But browse Social Media, TV, Sex is everywhere, sex is EVERYTHING. But there is a consequence to sex that wants to be eliminated by the same devices that promote illicit sexual encounters.
All of those things are currently happening.

Gay marriage is next on the extreme right agenda. The leaked decision laws the groundwork for overturning gay rights as well. There are a lot of privacy related laws which are tied to Roe, beyond abortion. Trump's Supreme Court is poised to wipe out civil rights the American people have fought for 50 years to obtain.

All those things are NOT happening now, but thank you for the unneeded proof that you're a fucking moron who believes whatever her masters tell her to.
It is going to happen. But you are wrong abortion will be legal (including late term), rather regulating it will be left to the states… states like CA and NY will move to abortion without restriction up until (and maybe after) the baby is born.

Then you will have red states like TX, OK and MS that will make all abortion illegal unless the mother’s life is in danger!

My guess is 10 states move further left, 10 states move further right and 30 states don’t change any of their current laws.
That doesn’t make me “wrong,” since I didn’t say otherwise.
The Jan 6 insurrection thread is over there. *points*
There are more significant ways to destroy our Republic than a few idiots getting out of control in a protest.

This is one of them. No clerk should be allowed to practice law or even be associated with the law (except for some jail time) for releasing a draft of a SCOTUS document before authorized. It is beyond insurrection.
All those things are NOT happening now, but thank you for the unneeded proof that you're a fucking moron who believes whatever her masters tell her to.

They are so true. Why would we believe any of the lies Republicans have told us about our rights. You even have Republicans talking about taking the right to vote away from women. Now they want a federal statute banning abortion everywhere, with no exceptions for rape and incest.

Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.
You haven't really seen what's going on because you're not looking. The extreme right has just spent 50 years working to overturn Roe, including subverting the Supreme Court selection process to pack the court with extreme right wing factions. 70% of Americans are in favour of abortion rights for women.

Democrats have won the popular vote for president in every election since 1992, except 2006, and yet the Republicans have denied Democrats appointments a hearing, and rammed through an unqualified fringe candidate days before the 2020 election. The SC does not reflect the will of the American people.

The Senators who confirmed ACB to the court, represented 1.5 million fewer voters, than the Senators who voted against her confirmation.

Gay marriage is legal, for now, but the same people who are overturning abortion, are laying the groundwork in the abortion decision, to overturn gay marriage as well. They're coming for your rights next, little gay boy.

Right wingers are already saying the access to birth control is bad for women - leading to promiscuous and dangerous behaviour.

"You don't understand what's really happening in your country! Here, let me explain it from my couch in another country according to what I've been told to 'know' about it!"

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