Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

They are so true. Why would we believe any of the lies Republicans have told us about our rights. You even have Republicans talking about taking the right to vote away from women. Now they want a federal statute banning abortion everywhere, with no exceptions for rape and incest.

Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.
Nobody hates birth control, fool.
Heads will not be exploding. The Republican Party will be destroyed if this comes to pass.

One in four American women has an abortion before age 40. 8 million more women voters than men. Even Susan Collins is upset that Kavenaugh and Gorsuch lied to her about "settled precedent".

"I'm just SURE that the politics of the country I desperately wish I was part of will be changed by that country not doing what I demand from my couch in my nothing country!"

Fuck off and go parrot your talking points at someone who was as gullible as you were to swallow them.
The dirty Democrats did it again. Whenever their ideology is threatened they will do anything including breaking the law. This leak is just another example of their typical underhanded tactics to retain political power. They are all guilty, IMO. Today the elite D.C. Democrats were wailing about the leaked deliberation not the fact that it was illegally leaked. It's pretty obvious Democrats don't care about the law.

It still leaves it up to the states. Don’t change your contention in the middle of a discussion.
I haven't changed anything.

I said this law does not give a fetus full constitutional rights and it doesn't.

All it does is allow a state to decide if abortions can be performed within its borders.

No state government will be able to stop any woman from leaving that state to get an abortion in another state.
So then if a state decides that a fetus has the full compliment of Constitutional rights then you realize that the state can then impose it's will on every pregnant women who the government deems isn't caring properly for the unborn child she carries don't you?

Are you willing to allow any state government that kind of power?

YES. It's the same thing as children after birth and the elderly or infirm at any age. If the state determines that the parents or guardians on any person are not properly caring for someone under their care then the state can and will impose their will, generally by removing the applicable person(s) to some kind of state institution.

That said, I don't think a state could force an abortion against the mother's wishes, if that's what you meant. But that's not what we're talking about here, what we're discussing here is whether a mother can choose to have an abortion of a child she doesn't want. I think the state should have the power to say no you can't, not in this state. Or the state can say not after a certain point in the pregnancy. So, mama then has the choice to carry the baby to term or find a way to travel to a state where abortion is legal.
YES. It's the same thing as children after birth and the elderly or infirm at any age. If the state determines that the parents or guardians on any person are not properly caring for someone under their care then the state can and will impose their will, generally by removing the applicable person(s) to some kind of state institution.

That said, I don't think a state could force an abortion against the mother's wishes, if that's what you meant. But that's not what we're talking about here, what we're discussing here is whether a mother can choose to have an abortion of a child she doesn't want. I think the state should have the power to say no you can't, not in this state. Or the state can say not after a certain point in the pregnancy. So, mama then has the choice to carry the baby to term or find a way to travel to a state where abortion is legal.
This ruling does not do anything like that. And If you think I meant that a state could force an abortion you better go back and reread what I wrote.

I said this ruling does not prevent any women from getting an abortion and that this ruling in no way grants any Constitutional protection to any fetus

No state government will be allowed to prevent any woman from leaving the state to get an abortion.
You're recalling Republican lies, not what really happened. Gullible, stupid and Republican is no way to go through life.

Gosh, I'm sure we're all put in our place by the stupidest cow to ever chew a cud insulting us.

Whatever does or doesn't happen, one thing is for certain: It's none of YOUR fucking business.
Funny how all the “pro-life” people don’t care if Americans can’t afford life-saving insulin.
Hundreds of thousands of women are now going to die needlessly, forced into C sections, and forced into homelessness.

Who’s going to pay for this?

What will this do to everyone else’s healthcare costs, and premiums.

With the closures of hospitals in rural areas because Republican governors and legislatures refused to accept Medicaid funding. How will these states deal with hospitals being overwhelmed, that are already stretched thin now?

What will happen now is the call for abortion rights to be codified into law.

Hundreds of thousands? Based on what? The nightmare you had last night after pulling your pud with one hand while eating anchovy pizza with the other?

Go bother people who are stupid enough to think you have something to say.
Dear God

I haven't changed anything.

I said this law does not give a fetus full constitutional rights and it doesn't.

All it does is allow a state to decide if abortions can be performed within its borders.

No state government will be able to stop any woman from leaving that state to get an abortion in another state.
I didn’t claim that it gave any preborn child any such thing. And I already acknowledged that it seems to allow the respective states to make their own laws. And I also didn’t suggest that a state could stop anybody from leaving that state to seek an abortion legal in another state.
I didn’t claim that it gave any preborn child any such thing. And I already acknowledged that it seems to allow the respective states to make their own laws. And I also didn’t suggest that a state could stop anybody from leaving that state to seek an abortion legal in another state.
Yes you did.
Actual benefit, none. Still something all the right wing conservatives, especially on the Christian right, have been hoping for. Someone leaking something they like for a change, would make the leaker almost a legend of the right. Had to be either clerk or Justice. If Justice, doubt we will ever know whol. If clerk, their high powered future is over, but if liked by powerful on the right for giving them the news, of their hopes and dreams coming true, there will undoubtably be a decent legal position somewhere in the country. Fame is important to some people.

Bullshit. All the way around.

Conservatives have no reason to illegally leak a draft document that could endanger the decision. And anyone who really thinks that leftists actually have the morals and ethics to allow the leaker to suffer the consequences of this act, instead of cheering him as a hero because he served their purposes, is insane and naive.
That's always the argument - go to a state where it's legal. And that's what women did. But the poorest women don't have the resources to travel. They have children and jobs and don't have the money to travel, and can't take the time off work to go to another jurisdiction, go through the waiting periods and the unneccesary tests required by law, and have the operation.

Rich women have always had access to abortion. When I was younger they went to Japan or Sweden. But poor women - the ones who are not in an emotional or financial position to raise another child, the women who can't afford to travel, will either seek a back alley abortion, or they'll have a child they are ill prepared to raise.

Or they can walk to the corner drug store and get the morning after pill. Hysterical leftists are a joke.

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