Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

They are so true. Why would we believe any of the lies Republicans have told us about our rights. You even have Republicans talking about taking the right to vote away from women. Now they want a federal statute banning abortion everywhere, with no exceptions for rape and incest.

Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.

Its simple. Quit screwing around. The problem is that the left doesn't want to be held accountable for their actions so they just kill the baby that they created. That is on the woman AND the man.
They are so true. Why would we believe any of the lies Republicans have told us about our rights. You even have Republicans talking about taking the right to vote away from women. Now they want a federal statute banning abortion everywhere, with no exceptions for rape and incest.

Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.

"They MUST be true! Look at all my talking points telling me they are!!"

See if you can find enough of a brain to wrap around what I'm saying, LizardBitch:

If I want to hear an opinion from an ignorant sheep, I'll go visit a farm.

The instant I see your name, I assume that everything in the post is an ignorant lie, and most likely incoherent on any standard applied by humans.

Don't waste my fucking time presenting links to leftist websites like they prove anything other than my original premise that you're a gullible dimwit.
There are more significant ways to destroy our Republic than a few idiots getting out of control in a protest.

This is one of them. No clerk should be allowed to practice law or even be associated with the law (except for some jail time) for releasing a draft of a SCOTUS document before authorized. It is beyond insurrection.


Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

Great news for small helpless humans everywhere.

This is a real blind spot for the cult.

This is not A federal issue.

Why do you want the fed to butt out of Marijuana laws, but butt into Abortion laws?

As always, you fools contradict yourselves at every turn.


See how my stance is CONSISTENT?
OTOH, you have a blood lust governor in california who will stop at nothing fighting for your rights to kill innocent life. There will be a reckoning for anyone who murders innocent life................
The main issue here is the justices all committed perjury, if they vote to overturn Roe. That is the precedent that has been set.

All future confirmation hearings will be based upon that fact now. It also opens the door to reinterpret an present amendments of the Constitution, and that includes the second.

Like I said earlier, this is going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

On a lot of rights, near and dear to their hearts.

No, your "I have a right to expect people to do what I want!" whining is NOT the main point here. It's not a point at all, in fact.
What I am saying is that IMHO the US Constitution does not have any basis for making that determination, and neither does any federal statute. Therefore, it ought to be up to the individual states to make that call but it has to be under that state's Constitution or laws.
So then if a state decides that a fetus has the full compliment of Constitutional rights then you realize that the state can then impose it's will on every pregnant woman who the government deems isn't caring properly for the unborn child she carries don't you?

For example a state could prohibit every single pregnant woman from leaving that state to travel to another state that allows abortion.

Are you willing to allow any state government that kind of power?
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It isn’t an official decision yet. But yes. That is very much what it says.
No that is not what it says.

Any woman in any state that bans abortion can still travel to another state to get one. If this ruling gave full constitutional rights to a fetus then any state government could force its will on any pregnant woman and force her to stay within state borders until the fetus was born.

This is not going to happen and it should never be allowed to happen
The dirty Democrats did it again. Whenever their ideology is threatened they will do anything including breaking the law. This leak is just another example of their typical underhanded tactics to retain political power. They are all guilty, IMO. Today the elite D.C. Democrats were wailing about the leaked deliberation not the fact that it was illegally leaked. It's pretty obvious Democrats don't care about the law.
This is not what abortion looks like. This is yet another Republican lie. This is a fully term fetus ready for birth, not a zygote or first trimester fetus which is when the vast majority of abortions take place.

Just more of the lies Republicans tell you.

Who said that was what abortion looks like, lackwit? This is what you get when you think with your glands because Nature forgot to give you a brain.
No that is not what it says.

Any woman in any state that bans abortion can still travel to another state to get one. If this ruling gave full constitutional rights to a fetus then any state government could force its will on any pregnant woman and force her to stay within state borders until the fetus was born.

This is not going to happen and it should never be allowed to happen
It still leaves it up to the states. Don’t change your contention in the middle of a discussion.

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