Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

No it was some other person. You all sound the same to me

Do you think that a state should have the power to incarcerate any pregnant woman if the state deems that she is not caring for the unborn child in her womb properly? Do you think a state government should be allowed to forcibly prevent any pregnant woman from traveling to any state where abortion is legal?

Because that is the result of giving any fetus the full compliment of Constitutional rights. Which this ruling does not do nor does it give any state the power to do. ALL this ruling does is allow a state government to decide if abortions can be performed in that state.
It should never have been a federal issue. Its a state issue.

You blue staters hate the red states anyways, so dont pretend you care about abortion being legal in Mississippi.

You do you, leave the other states the fuck alone.

You actually believe the women in your state agree with you?

Wait until you actually start hurting them. Let’s see how that works out for you.

It's not an issue to be decided at the federal level. Now you know what states rights is all about.

It’s not an issue to be decided at the state level. Now you know what individual rights are all about.

I hope all these constitutional law scholars now recognize that the Supreme Court just makes stuff up.
No it was some other person. You all sound the same to me

Do you think that a state should have the power to incarcerate any pregnant woman if the state deems that she is not caring for the unborn child in her womb properly? Do you think a state government should be allowed to forcibly prevent any pregnant woman from traveling to any state where abortion is legal?

Because that is the result of giving any fetus the full compliment of Constitutional rights. Which this ruling does not do nor does it give any state the power to do. ALL this ruling does is allow a state government to decide if abortions can be performed in that state.
Let’s simplify. Any decision of this magnitude may have other related issues arise because of it. As Ted Kennedy might say, “we erah erah will drive off that bridge when we get to it.”
You haven't really seen what's going on because you're not looking. The extreme right has just spent 50 years working to overturn Roe, including subverting the Supreme Court selection process to pack the court with extreme right wing factions. 70% of Americans are in favour of abortion rights for women.

Democrats have won the popular vote for president in every election since 1992, except 2006, and yet the Republicans have denied Democrats appointments a hearing, and rammed through an unqualified fringe candidate days before the 2020 election. The SC does not reflect the will of the American people.

The Senators who confirmed ACB to the court, represented 1.5 million fewer voters, than the Senators who voted against her confirmation.

Gay marriage is legal, for now, but the same people who are overturning abortion, are laying the groundwork in the abortion decision, to overturn gay marriage as well. They're coming for your rights next, little gay boy.

Right wingers are already saying the access to birth control is bad for women - leading to promiscuous and dangerous behaviour.

You need a fainting couch!
This ruling does not do anything like that. And If you think I meant that a state could force an abortion you better go back and reread what I wrote.

I said this ruling does not prevent any women from getting an abortion and that this ruling in no way grants any Constitutional protection to any fetus

No state government will be allowed to prevent any woman from leaving the state to get an abortion.

So what's the problem?

IMHO, the real issue here is that the Supreme Court created a Right that has no basis in the Constitution or in any federal statute. This new ruling corrects that mistake.
They are so true. Why would we believe any of the lies Republicans have told us about our rights. You even have Republicans talking about taking the right to vote away from women. Now they want a federal statute banning abortion everywhere, with no exceptions for rape and incest.

Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.
If you honestly think that taking the voting rights away from women could ever be a thing in this country (outside of some militaristic take over) you are drinking way to much of the kool-aid.
BTW, as I thought, leaking the draft is beng declared by experts as 'NOT A CRIME'.

Robert's has every right to call in help to conduct an internal investigation to find out what liberal dirtbag aide or employee leaked the brief; however, no criminal punishment can be given.

I doubt the culprit will even get fired. They are a leftist extremists hero.
So then if a state decides that a fetus has the full compliment of Constitutional rights then you realize that the state can then impose it's will on every pregnant woman who the government deems isn't caring properly for the unborn child she carries don't you?

For example a state could prohibit every single pregnant woman from leaving that state to travel to another state that allows abortion.

Are you willing to allow any state government that kind of power?
Slippery slope fallacy. Lots of presuppositions here. If given to the state, the voters in that state should have the right to vote and decide. If that doesn't happen, then remove the politicians from their elected office. Until then, nothing changes until it changes.
So what's the problem?

IMHO, the real issue here is that the Supreme Court created a Right that has no basis in the Constitution or in any federal statute. This new ruling corrects that mistake.
Yes. And it does so unflinchingly. Imagine that. A branch of government admitting a past mistake and proactively agreeing to correct it.

This kind of thing could catch on!

Democrats leak Supreme Court documents on Roe V Wade​

They don’t know who leaked it, and as such your topic title is untrue. This belongs in the Rubber Room.
BTW, as I thought, leaking the draft is beng declared by experts as 'NOT A CRIME'.

Robert's has every right to call in help to conduct an internal investigation to find out what liberal dirtbag aide or employee leaked the brief; however, no criminal punishment can be given.

I doubt the culprit will even get fired. They are a leftist extremists hero.
It may not be a crime, but it is a violation of SC rules. They will be fired and possibly disbarred.

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