Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Authoritarians in retrogressive states are hellbent upon joining the nations in red below where politicians and bureaucrats arrogate control of wombs:

As a practical matter, many American women will have a method of avoiding the State tyranny: Pharmaceuticals can now be used to end pregnancies in the first trimester, when more than 90 percent of legal abortions occur. (Almost 99 percent of abortions occur within the first 20 weeks.)
Second amendment where do democrats fall on the second amendment right.
You would have to be really, really stupid to think that this will end abortion. What it will do is end safe and affordable abortion:

Women who have the means to travel, and take time away from jobs will just go to another state where it is still available

Women who can't go elsewhere will seek out illegal abortions that will put their lives at risk

Those illegal abortions are likely to include late term abortions that you so called pro lifers hate so much

In other case, women and families will have the child although ill equipped to care for him/her. That will lead to increased poverty, cases of abuse and neglect, and an increase in the number of children becoming wards of the state.

No doubt some states that outlaw abortion will not make exceptions for for rape or incest leading to mental health crisis for some

This is a sexist, racist and classist ruling. It makes no sense! Your pro-life stance is pure bullshit because most of you do not give a shit about the child after being born. You oppose health insurance, nutritional programs, housing assistance, free day care and early childhood education, A tax policy that favors the working and middle class, a humane social safety net , and a minimum wage.
You’d have to be truly stupid to interpret anything I said as “it would end abortion.”
Authoritarians in retrogressive states are hellbent upon joining the nations in red below where politicians and bureaucrats arrogate control of wombs:

As a practical matter, many American women will have a method of avoiding the State tyranny: Pharmaceuticals can now be used to end pregnancies in the first trimester, when more than 90 percent of legal abortions occur. (Almost 99 percent of abortions occur within the first 20 weeks.)
I expect at least 15-20 states will make abortion legal in one form or another
Your denying an impregnated American all her rights and dictating to her is repugnant to liberty.

Politicians and bureaucrats should neither arrogate the power to prescribe nor to proscribe abortion. Until viability, it is a private, personal matter, and no one should be allowed to dictate either to anyone else through State coercion.

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If they do overturn it, the state will be saying that it will not be sanctioning abortions and will be kicked to the individual states.
When R vs W is overturned. It will not stop abortions.
Just make them impossible for the poor minorities and who cares if the female dies from one reason or another. Right?
Last time I looked the USA Individual states make up the USA.
This case I’d decided as per the draft opinion will NOT end abortions. I believe I’ve already acknowledged that. Several times.

It is FALSE to claim that it will work only to make it impossible for poorer women to get abortions. And, in any event, the abortion debate doesn’t boil down to one of income inequality. Life isn’t perfect. It isn’t always fair. Disparities exist. And? Do any of those truisms justify slaughtering perfectly innocent and helpless preborn human life? It’s not a trick question. The answer is “no.”

Your last sentence is a self contained non sequitur.
You would have to be really, really stupid to think that this will end abortion. What it will do is end safe and affordable abortion:

Women who have the means to travel, and take time away from jobs will just go to another state where it is still available

Women who can't go elsewhere will seek out illegal abortions that will put their lives at risk

Those illegal abortions are likely to include late term abortions that you so called pro lifers hate so much

In other case, women and families will have the child although ill equipped to care for him/her. That will lead to increased poverty, cases of abuse and neglect, and an increase in the number of children becoming wards of the state.

No doubt some states that outlaw abortion will not make exceptions for for rape or incest leading to mental health crisis for some

This is a sexist, racist and classist ruling. It makes no sense! Your pro-life stance is pure bullshit because most of you do not give a shit about the child after being born. You oppose health insurance, nutritional programs, housing assistance, free day care and early childhood education, A tax policy that favors the working and middle class, a humane social safety net , and a minimum wage.
Why should I be responsible? Why don't you hold the two who had the baby responsible. Never wanting to be held accountable. Despicable.
This case I’d decided as per the draft opinion will NOT end abortions. I believe I’ve already acknowledged that. Several times.

It is FALSE to claim that it will work only to make it impossible for poorer women to get abortions. And, in any event, the abortion debate doesn’t boil down to one of income inequality. Life isn’t perfect. It isn’t always fair. Disparities exist. And? Do any of those truisms justify slaughtering perfectly innocent and helpless preborn human life? It’s not a trick question. The answer is “no.”

Your last sentence is a self contained non sequitur.
See post 677
I always enjoy the smallest dick in the room trying to mansplain to me what's in the best interests of women and what women really want.

Go find something else to explain your love of baby-killing and stop trying to hide it behind my skirts.
Didn't you mean 'under'? I mean that's literally where this entire issue resides.
You would have to be really, really stupid to think that this will end abortion. What it will do is end safe and affordable abortion:
It won't.

What it will do is confer an actual choice on the matter to state legislatures.

Oh wait, there's that word again: CHOICE.

That is what you ghouls want, right?
When R vs W is overturned. It will not stop abortions.
See previous post.

Also note the rhetoric coming from your side, consisting mainly of:

"This will take away a woman's right to choose."

So if it won't stop abortions, then it literally won't take away a woman's right to choose.
Why should I be responsible? Why don't you hold the two who had the baby responsible. Never wanting to be held accountable. Despicable.
That is a miserable and dishonest cope out. I did not say that you as an individual should be responsible . WE as a nation and as a society should be responsible. That is unless you reject the concept of community and shared responsibility in favor of a primitive and brutal, every man for himself- fuck you, I have mine -sort of society. But that you for admitting that you are not pro life.
That is a miserable and dishonest cope out. I did not say that you as an individual should be responsible . WE as a nation and as a society should be responsible. That is unless you reject the concept of community and shared responsibility in favor of a primitive and brutal, every man for himself- fuck you, I have mine -sort of society. But that you for admitting that you are not pro life.
Feel free to support the child.

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