Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Precisely what it's supposed to.

"Racist, sexist, classist."

What Ivy League college safe space did you crawl out of?

I mean, you ignore any woman who opposes abortion, and hoist the minority of women who support such blatant slaughter above them, claiming, wrongly, that they speak for them all.

Like I said, I can see the purple dye in your hair.
There are women who oppose abortion, There are also women who oppose the right to vote, hold office, work outside the home, disobey husbands, and own property. The fact is that most women support reproductive rights, but that is beside the point. That point being that outlawing abortion, even in 23 states, is detrimental to the well being of women and families
There are women who oppose abortion, There are also women who oppose the right to vote, hold office, work outside the home, disobey husbands, and own property. The fact is that most women support reproductive rights, but that is beside the point. That point being that outlawing abortion, even in 23 states, is detrimental to the well being of women and families
Most men and women also don't make it to college.
There are women who oppose abortion, There are also women who oppose the right to vote, hold office, work outside the home, disobey husbands, and own property. The fact is that most women support reproductive rights, but that is beside the point. That point being that outlawing abortion, even in 23 states, is detrimental to the well being of women and families

Spare me your talking points.
Bullshit! It is reality. If you don't think so, please explain. These are the things that we saw before Roe, and there is no reason to think that we will not see it again now.
No. It’s bullshit. You are comparing apples with rocks. Only one is a fruit. That there may be other ramifications that follow as a result of this ruling (if it comes down this way) isn’t disputed.

But nothing you point to has a damn thing to do with the actual legal principle.
There is no justice in a system that’s run by greedy old men who want to control our lives.

Solidarity with all in streets demanding safe and free access to abortion care.

Fuck the Supreme Court, religious extremism and the misogyny it protects.
Our resident shock trooper is at it again!
There is no justice in a system that’s run by greedy old men who want to control our lives.

Solidarity with all in streets demanding safe and free access to abortion care.

Fuck the Supreme Court, religious extremism and the misogyny it protects.
There are plenty of greedy young men and women who want to control our lives.
You obviously don't know how this democracy functions do you?

The people can launch petitions to get this issue (for or against) added to their state's constitution.

The people can vote for people who are for or against this issue.

The people can do both at the same time.

The illusion that people have no choice is simply a fantasy you created to incite fear in the unwitting. Which is your goal, it seems.

There are plenty of choices, there for the taking.
I most certainly understand how out representative democracy and constitutional republic works.

I also understand the concept of a tyranny of the majority, and in some cases a tyranny of a minority. In either case, voters and politicians should not be deciding on issues of civil rights and privacy of individuals

You are the one who is trying to create the illusion that people are not being robbed of their choice.
No. It’s bullshit. You are comparing apples with rocks. Only one is a fruit. That there may be other ramifications that follow as a result of this ruling (if it comes down this way) isn’t disputed.

But nothing you point to has a damn thing to do with the actual legal principle.
Feelings. Nothing more than...Feelings.
No. It’s bullshit. You are comparing apples with rocks. Only one is a fruit. That there may be other ramifications that follow as a result of this ruling (if it comes down this way) isn’t disputed.

But nothing you point to has a damn thing to do with the actual legal principle.
Thank you for confirming that you can't explain how I am wrong.
I most certainly understand how out representative democracy and constitutional republic works.

I also understand the concept of a tyranny of the majority, and in some cases a tyranny of a minority. In either case, voters and politicians should not be deciding on issues of civil rights and privacy of individuals

You are the one who is trying to create the illusion that people are not being robbed of their choice.
You don't need a passport to travel to another state.
Keep your legs together.
I'm guessing your grand kids are sluts.
This is not what abortion looks like. This is yet another Republican lie. This is a fully term fetus ready for birth, not a zygote or first trimester fetus which is when the vast majority of abortions take place.

Just more of the lies Republicans tell you.
Ok so where is the line? When does a fetus become a life and we can’t kill it via abortion? Assuming fetus is viable and mothers health isn’t a concern how many weeks until it’s murder?
Thank you for confirming that you can't explain how I am wrong.

You're wrong in your presumption, through the slew of reasons you listed earlier, in your reasoning that women are incapable of self-restraint. Abstention. Forethought.

Simply put, a female can avoid this entire process by demanding the man wear a condom. She can take the initiative and get contraceptives to take right before any sexual encounter. Spermicides.

Women are two things, emotional and extremely smart. And progressives like you play on the emotion and bank on the emotions overruling the intelligence and better judgment.
You're wrong in your presumption, through the slew of reasons you listed earlier, in your reasoning that women are incapable of self-restraint. Abstention. Forethought.

Simply put, a female can avoid this entire process by demanding the man wear a condom. She can take the initiative and get contraceptives to take right before any sexual encounter. Spermicides.

Women are two things, emotional and extremely smart. And progressives like you play on the emotion and bank on the emotions overruling the intelligence and better judgment.
Maybe the RegressivePerverts grandchild is 100% emotion.
Maybe this decision, if decided in favor of States handling abortion, will send a message to women that, outside of rape, there should never be unwanted children. Nature has seen fit to place the responsibility of bearing children on the female of the species. IMO, that means that the woman decides who she has sex with and who she deems adequate to be inseminated by. One would think that women would be more chaste which would make men be more chaste. Outside of rape (a heinous crime) there is no reason for 'unwanted' pregnancies.

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