Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

For some unknown reason you think all women support killing babies. They don't , Dumbass.
good point.. amazing how lefties just ASSUME (and you know how assuming goes) that all women are pro abortion...

in fact somewhere I heard more women are pro life than are men
Glad you and the other blood-sucking cretins are happy about that. Seek your solace where you can.
What are Republican goons going to do when their side piece needs an abortion & it's outlawed in their State?
good point.. amazing how lefties just ASSUME (and you know how assuming goes) that all women are pro abortion...

in fact somewhere I heard more women are pro life than are men

70% of all Americans support a womans right to choose.

This is going to be costly for Republicans in state legislatures now. Not only nationally. The church, that is already in steep decline, is also going to take a big hit.
Are you psyched? Just remember, the 4 justices that may vote to do that, swore under oath Roe was settled law at their confirmation hearings.

That’s the first thing I want you to remember, because that’s going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

The next thing I want you to remember, is now the court that has a majority, chosen by Presidents that did not win the popular vote, is now an illegitimate court, and the majority of the country now sees it exactly that way.

So much for the rule of law.

Now anything is possible as far as individual rights go. Any future court can now make any ruling, on any right, any way, as settled law no longer applies.

Be careful what you wish for.
But right wing turds don't know that because a good majority of them are too obsessed with owning the left.

The same strategy can be used to curtail gun rights.

How's that grab ya, Trump's asseaters?

Now go apeshit.
What are Republican goons going to do when their side piece needs an abortion & it's outlawed in their State?
Please spend several sleepless nights worrying about that.
Blah blah blah. You keep saying that pablum puke as if your words has any actual meaning. They don’t.
You are upset because I point out that statist authoritarianism has consequences. The freedom-loving majority will not take this lying down.

The womb grabbers, in trashing the conservative judicial principle of stare decisis, defying the popular will, and taking the nation in a retrograde direction antithetical to all advanced democracies, will be seizing their supremacy over reproductive rights at a very high cost.
It’s not an issue to be decided at the state level. Now you know what individual rights are all about.

Why then, is it an issue that has to be decided by the judicial branch and not a law created by the legislature?
Roe V wade was a decision, not law.
The main issue here is the justices all committed perjury, if they vote to overturn Roe. That is the precedent that has been set.

All future confirmation hearings will be based upon that fact now. It also opens the door to reinterpret an present amendments of the Constitution, and that includes the second.

Like I said earlier, this is going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

On a lot of rights, near and dear to their hearts.
Trump's asseater's who he appointed to the court all said at their hearings that abortion was settled law.

Now those assholes are clutching at their their pearls including Roberts over the leak. Awwwww. Their Primma Donna laden little Ivory Tower was besmirched with a leak but no mention about the lies those priveledged little blue nosed icewater in the veins aristocrats bleated at their hearings?

Throw the lies they told right back at 'em.
You are upset because I point out that statist authoritarianism has consequences. The freedom-loving majority will not take this lying down.

The womb grabbers, in trashing the conservative judicial principle of stare decisis, defying the popular will, and taking the nation in a retrograde direction antithetical to all advanced democracies, will be seizing their supremacy over reproductive rights at a very high cost.
Nothing you say is remotely upsetting. I discount everything you say now that I’ve seen your particular biases. You are a very limited little drip.

Stare decisis does not mean what simpletons like you seem to think it means. 🤣

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