Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

On THE VIEW Whoopi Goldberg in all her fat-headed unfairness during her Pro-Abortion rantings criticized a Republican senator for being caught reading a porn novel by Sugar Kane -- the aptly titled MEN ARE GODS. But just two hours later, TWO DEMOCRATS (Mark Kelly and Al Franken) were outed for having a copy of the same porn book! I don't know why we can't discuss issues without making everything about one's political party and acting like one is worse or better than the other! Heck, I even sampled some chapters from the book myself and it's way too graphic for me. But nothing that I think is off limits as male entertainment for crying out loud!
^^^ This kind of crap is the hilarity of this joint.

Notice how magaturds just skip over the fact that there was an unfinished SCOTUS ruling leaked to the press. Let's forget that's never happened before. No. Let's not dwell on that. Let's fast forward to which political tribe is to blame!

This must be like fishing in a barrel to magaturds.
The obvious presumed reason for leaking is to intimidate and pressure the justices....this according to liberals talking about the leak.

So you fein outrage over a non-criminal leak, attempt tpputnlame on conservatives, and the only thing liberals are really pissed about or regret is that they presumably are not getting their preferred decision in the end...while calling for violence and insurrections for not getting your way.


You guys are hilarious.
Never heard of it before the decision was published, only leaks of the wrangling or changes leading up to the a decision after one came out, but I'm no legal scholar.
Leaked to start the yelling to try and scare the vote to what they want.

Kinda normal for the lunatic left.......

So will this be the start of their new RIOT SEASON...........everything getting expensive they need to make some Loot Runs.
Seems like pro-abortion fuckers have daily and annual quotas of babies to murder, so yeah—it matters to them what other states do and do not allow; got to get them dead baby numbers up . . .
As a guy, I just wonder who is going to pay for all these babies? I don't see dudes offering to marry young women so much nowadays, so why is this such a big deal when we know the women are going to find ways to get rid of these unwanted pregnancies no matter what laws you make? Seems like we're risking a lot of huge losses by waking up the demographic and making them Anti-Republican like this.
^^^ This kind of crap is the hilarity of this joint.

Notice how magaturds just skip over the fact that there was an unfinished SCOTUS ruling leaked to the press. Let's forget that's never happened before. No. Let's not dwell on that. Let's fast forward to which political tribe is to blame!

This must be like fishing in a barrel to magaturds.
So you want to avoid the ugly probable conclusion that some pathetic POS liberal extremist is the one responsible for the unprecedented leak?!


I love how snowflakes always want to skip the part where they are responsible for corruptions, scandals, leaks, and lies....

For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
I have a feeling you're right.
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.
Who "depends" on the right to an abortion?
If that's your main source of birth control, you should be sewn shut.
Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
Hold your breath.
I have a feeling you're right.
Pretty hypocritical after the shit they did during covid............take the jab or else.........My body my choice went out the window..........62 million abortions since Roe Versus Wade.........

Should I CLAP............

Complaints taken in the 4th port o let on the right basement section.
As a guy, I just wonder who is going to pay for all these babies? I don't see dudes offering to marry young women so much nowadays, so why is this such a big deal when we know the women are going to find ways to get rid of these unwanted pregnancies no matter what laws you make? Seems like we're risking a lot of huge losses by waking up the demographic and making them Anti-Republican like this.
By this logic we should be killing the homeless at the cyclic rate. I mean who’s gonna pay for all these people?
Pretty hypocritical after the shit they did during covid............take the jab or else.........My body my choice went out the window..........62 million abortions since Roe Versus Wade.........

Should I CLAP............

Complaints taken in the 4th port o let on the right basement section.
HEY -- I can't deny you've got a lot of good points. It does seem hypocritical and I fear it's going to cause a lot of losses for Republicans in November.
By this logic we should be killing the homeless at the cyclic rate. I mean who’s gonna pay for all these people?
You didn't read my comment.
I am saying it's wrong to overturn abortion. The Republicans are not going to pay for these children's lifelong care.
So this overturning makes no sense. That was my point.
Leaked to start the yelling to try and scare the vote to what they want.

Kinda normal for the lunatic left.......

So will this be the start of their new RIOT SEASON...........everything getting expensive they need to make some Loot Runs.
If it does, cities and governor should do their duty and put it down, hard if necessary.
HEY -- I can't deny you've got a lot of good points. It does seem hypocritical and I fear it's going to cause a lot of losses for Republicans in November.
Babies have no voice..........State's will decide.......Abortion should not have been the accepted birth control.........Most states give months to decide on abortions already.

Accountability.........time for them to be responsible for their actions..........62 million is INSANITY.
You didn't read my comment.
I am saying it's wrong to overturn abortion. The Republicans are not going to pay for these children's lifelong care.
So this overturning makes no sense. That was my point.
Right we should definitely kill the babies since like who’s gonna pay for them. Same with the indigent. Who’s going to pay for them?
Trump's asseater's who he appointed to the court all said at their hearings that abortion was settled law.

Now those assholes are clutching at their their pearls including Roberts over the leak. Awwwww. Their Primma Donna laden little Ivory Tower was besmirched with a leak but no mention about the lies those priveledged little blue nosed icewater in the veins aristocrats bleated at their hearings?

Throw the lies they told right back at 'em.
It evidentially wasn't that settled.

Roe V Wade was one of the worst decisions ever rendered by the Court. I (along with tens of millions Americans and countless number children that didn't want to die) are damn glad.
aka ..........the left leaked the possible decision so you can go postal and threaten them and their families so they may change their minds....

Yeah that sounds like your party.

A party going bat shit crazy over the right to KILL to be you huh.

Oh but on it or we will destroy you.................UP YOURS LEFTIST.
Oh you mean bringing up the lies spewed by Kavanaugh, Gorusch & Barrett is a threat, snowflake?

How dare anyone question those Primma Donnas, right genius?
Draft leak results in Democrats self-identifying as too stupid to serve in government as Representatives:

Rep Jayapal goes as far as claiming USSC Justices do not have the authority to rule on the Constitutionality of laws and legislation.

Add this to the list of Democrat ignorance:

Democrats believe biological males can become pregnant and give birth.

Democrats believe biological gender is based on liberal FEELINGS.

Democrats have no idea what a 'woman' is.

Democrats have no clue what authority the USSC has or what it's role is....

....and these idiots believe all of this makes them the smartest people to rule the nation...


People who admit not knowing what a woman is claims to know more about abortion Constitutionality than actual intelligent USSC THAT is funny.
There is no justice in a system that’s run by greedy old men who want to control our lives.

Solidarity with all in streets demanding safe and free access to abortion care.

Fuck the Supreme Court, religious extremism and the misogyny it protects.
Fuck those vile peices of shit that justify using the murder of a child for a method of birth control.

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