Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Oh you mean bringing up the lies spewed by Kavanaugh, Gorusch & Barrett is a threat, snowflake?

How dare anyone question those Primma Donnas, right genius?
I could care less............Your side has no moral ground to stand on.......except you try on a mountain of dead babies..............

Now this goes to the States to decide as your side burns and loots again.........kinda normal for you guys before elections.
Do you have any proof as to how any of the justices feel? Aside from Alito, there are no concurring or dissenting opinions.

I don't know a lot about the internal workings of the Supreme Court - I doubt anyone who doesn't actually work there does - but I don't think Alito would have written up the draft opinion unless there was a reasonable idea of how the vote was going to go.

From what I can understand from people who are lawyers (as I am not), the draft was written to circulate to the other Justices to allow them to see what he had in mind, discuss and debate it, and possibly even change their votes before the whole thing becomes official. For him to be writing it at all, they had to have taken a vote with him in the majority. However, the votes remain fluid until the decision is officially handed down, and the majority opinion can go through multiple drafts.
At the end of the day....

WOMEN should be the ones to decide what happens with their bodies. If they don't want to carry a baby to term, that should be their decision and no one else's. 70% of Americans agree with me. #Shrugs to those who don't.
Draft leak results in Democrats self-identifying as too stupid to serve in government as Representatives:

Rep Jayapal goes as far as claiming USSC Justices do not have the authority to rule on the Constitutionality of laws and legislation.

Add this to the list of Democrat ignorance:

Democrats believe biological males can become pregnant and give birth.

Democrats believe biological gender is based on liberal FEELINGS.

Democrats have no idea what a 'woman' is.

Democrats have no clue what authority the USSC has or what it's role is....

....and these idiots believe all of this makes them the smartest people to rule the nation...

Oh look, a Trumptard gets hysterical over one person's opinion. :asshole:
At the end of the day....

WOMEN should be the ones to decide what happens with their bodies. If they don't want to carry a baby to term, that should be their decision and no one else's. 70% of Americans agree with me. #Shrugs to those who don't. agree to late term abortions......even at birth.......

BLM.............BABIES LIVES MATTER.............HUH
Guess we will have to wait and see who is put out as the leaker. Not that important to me, though pretty cheesy move in my book. These things always come out.

Subverting our system of government, breaking the law, and undermining our fundamental institutions isn't important to you?
Oh look, a Trumptard gets hysterical over one person's opinion. :asshole:

No, self-identified ignorance.

Dems need to educate themselves or either think before they say seriously stupid things.

False flag, right mouth breather?
Overblown set up ..........Lynching going on now...........but 200 cities ........Burn and loot NO PROBLEM with your side.

Why we just ignore your asses..............fitting symbol of the DNC...........anymore.
You didn't read my comment.
I am saying it's wrong to overturn abortion. The Republicans are not going to pay for these children's lifelong care.
So this overturning makes no sense. That was my point.

You have no point to make. NONE.
1. Overturning murder is as "wrong" as ending slavery.
2. Parents are responsible for their children's welfare. Always have been.
LBJ inserted the government to pay off women whose lovers desert them and their children.
Thus began the decline of blacks everywhere, into poverty, crime and fatherless homes.
3. There are also four grandparents who could support their grandchildren.

You should be ashamed of yourself, but you repeat the garbage talking points of the Evil Left without thinking one whit.
As a guy, I just wonder who is going to pay for all these babies? I don't see dudes offering to marry young women so much nowadays, so why is this such a big deal when we know the women are going to find ways to get rid of these unwanted pregnancies no matter what laws you make? Seems like we're risking a lot of huge losses by waking up the demographic and making them Anti-Republican like this.

All these babies? How many babies do you think there are going to be, and why? What makes you think women are stupid enough to continue to slut around while casually dismissing the use of contraceptives if they don't have the option of sashaying into Planned Parenthood?
I don't know a lot about the internal workings of the Supreme Court - I doubt anyone who doesn't actually work there does - but I don't think Alito would have written up the draft opinion unless there was a reasonable idea of how the vote was going to go.

From what I can understand from people who are lawyers (as I am not), the draft was written to circulate to the other Justices to allow them to see what he had in mind, discuss and debate it, and possibly even change their votes before the whole thing becomes official. For him to be writing it at all, they had to have taken a vote with him in the majority. However, the votes remain fluid until the decision is officially handed down, and the majority opinion can go through multiple drafts.

Yes but you're missing the point. The real reason this opinion was leaked to the public when it was, was to put abortion on the front page of every paper and discussion so that when the 2000 Mules movie came out the following day, all attention once again would be elsewhere.
HEY -- I can't deny you've got a lot of good points. It does seem hypocritical and I fear it's going to cause a lot of losses for Republicans in November.

Why? What makes you so sure that the majority of American love abortion so much that they'll break their legs rushing out to the polls to vote on that issue? In fact, pro-lifers are more likely to be "vote or die" on the subject of abortion than pro-aborts are.

And I really doubt that the majority of Americans are screaming with their hair on fire over the "horrible" prospect of individual states making their own decisions on abortion.

How dare anyone question those Primma (sic) Donnas, right genius?

You love genius Unbomber, and Marxist professors, right genius?
The word is "prima" and with "donna" it is not a proper noun, "genius."

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