Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You're recalling Republican lies, not what really happened. Gullible, stupid and Republican is no way to go through life.
It happened you stupid fuck.

Hundreds of thousands of women are now going to die needlessly, forced into C sections, and forced into homelessness.

Who’s going to pay for this?

What will this do to everyone else’s healthcare costs, and premiums.

With the closures of hospitals in rural areas because Republican governors and legislatures refused to accept Medicaid funding. How will these states deal with hospitals being overwhelmed, that are already stretched thin now?

What will happen now is the call for abortion rights to be codified into law.
he is the drama queen, trolling hard on the message board...
Geez, what a crab, and still missing the point. Get your head out of your ass and try to realize I wasn't talking about YOUR point but was making an entirely NEW ONE about the real reason why this decision was leaked and now!

Not that you'd care anything about that, right?

Geez, what a blinkered dipwad. Still not "missing the point" in a discussion that had nothing to do with whatever fucking point you want to hobby-horse around on. Just say whatever the fuck it is you want to say, and quit trying to demand that every conversation MUST be about it.

And fuck off with your "If you're not talking about what I want to talk about, that means I get to ASSume what you do and don't think about it." You want to know what I think about something, you fucking ASK me.

Not that you have the privilege of asking me jack shit now that you ASSumed.
Guess what, ass bleeder? Murkowsi & Collins ain't too happy with The Supremes right now. :fu:
Guess what you raging homo? Not shit they can do about it. Also those two morons don’t understand (much like you) that “settled law” can get revisited upon a new appeal. So take your finger and insert it into your boyfriend’s ass as you cry when’s Republicans roll in the midterms anyway,
Are you ever not a stupid dumbfuck? In this leaked opinion (an illegal act in itself) it specifically states that this applies to abortion only. As in you don’t have a constitutional right to one. So take your dictator loving lying ass and hit the bricks.

SHE doesn't have any Constitutional rights at all, because she doesn't live in this country. She's a foreigner desperately trying to deal herself into what goes on in a country that wouldn't deign to spit on her.
NO. I do not agree with late term abortions. But in the normal reasonable time that women have traditionally had abortions I think it is their business. And I (BEING A GUY) don't want to have a baby with every chick that has an accident. It happens & sometimes I would rather not bring a child in the world that neither of us wants. Just being honest with you.

I, being a female, don't want to hear about faux concern for women based mostly in some man's desire to take advantage of them.

Thanks for being honest that you really just like abortion so that you can get your rocks off and jet. Now stop trying to dress it up in "I'm really just trying to do women a favor by letting them release me from my responsibilities".
I'm a WHITE JEWISH GUY here. So I don't know why you keep bringing up Black issues.

A lot of these babies are better off if they stay in heaven.

ABORTION IS NOT MURDER -- the fetus is not a fully human being right away.

We have enough unwanted children on this planet that nobody takes care of. Nobody wants to pay taxes for.

Children should be planned & wanted. Let these WOMEN decide what they will do with their bodies.

"Black issues"? What are you telling us? You're so incapable of taking a moral position that you think only black people can know that slavery was evil?
Geez, what a blinkered dipwad. Still not "missing the point" in a discussion that had nothing to do with whatever fucking point you want to hobby-horse around on. Just say whatever the fuck it is you want to say, and quit trying to demand that every conversation MUST be about it.

And fuck off with your "If you're not talking about what I want to talk about, that means I get to ASSume what you do and don't think about it." You want to know what I think about something, you fucking ASK me.

Not that you have the privilege of asking me jack shit now that you ASSumed.

Damn, someone sure got you out of the wrong side of bed today!!!
^^^ This kind of crap is the hilarity of this joint.

Notice how magaturds just skip over the fact that there was an unfinished SCOTUS ruling leaked to the press. Let's forget that's never happened before. No. Let's not dwell on that. Let's fast forward to which political tribe is to blame!

This must be like fishing in a barrel to magaturds.
You are so vastly stupid, it’s satisfying to watch you nibbke your own toes. The libtard who leaked it obviously hopes the ensuing uproar would get a conservative Justice to back away.

Of course it has only rarely happened. It should never have happened. But it did. The right is stuck with that insidious and possibly criminal behavior. But the focus is still on what might be the ultimate decision: overruling Roe v. Wade. Even an odious imbecile like you should be able to figure out that the decision is more important than the leak.
They are sending it back down to the states where it should have always been. The Court is not outlawing abortions.
Seems the left is running with this because they don't have any policies that is palatable to real America.
It's not going to fly, because Brandon really is that bad.

Well a majority of Americans oppose overturning Roe. So who is not with Americans again?
You are so vastly stupid, it’s satisfying to watch you nibbke your own toes. The libtard who leaked it obviously hopes the ensuing uproar would get a conservative Justice to back away.

Of course it has only rarely happened. It should never have happened. But it did. The right is stuck with that insidious and possibly criminal behavior. But the focus is still on what might be the ultimate decision: overruling Roe v. Wade. Even an odious imbecile like you should be able to figure out that the decision is more important than the leak.
I know exactly what it's about. I don't think you do, however.
It defacto bans abortion for anyone who doesn't have the means to travel to a state where a woman's right to privacy will still be the law of the land. Get ready for more generational poverty Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina etc...
No, there will always be ways of getting an abortion, and there will be leftist groups who set up funds for people who want to travel for an abortion.

Heck, California is contemplating setting up a state fund for help with out of state people wanting an abortion:

California senate bill 1142

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