Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

What did you think was going to happen when these people had a COVID party on top of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s grave?
Why then, is it an issue that has to be decided by the judicial branch and not a law created by the legislature?
Roe V wade was a decision, not law.

That was one of many mistakes by Congress to assume because the court handed down the decision, there was no need to pass related legislation.

This decision is going to force Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer to hold votes, which could hurt members of their own party, but it is also going to prevent Republicans in swing districts, and Senators up for reelection, from hiding behind not having to vote, something Mitch McConnell protected them from their entire terms.

It also will put House Republicans that were fairly safe, in a less safe position, because many of them live in districts that are prochoice.
God! the sheeple are so predictable.....easily being led from one thing to the next!:rolleyes:

Bullshit. All the way around.

Conservatives have no reason to illegally leak a draft document that could endanger the decision. And anyone who really thinks that leftists actually have the morals and ethics to allow the leaker to suffer the consequences of this act, instead of cheering him as a hero because he served their purposes, is insane and naive.
Guess we will have to wait and see who is put out as the leaker. Not that important to me, though pretty cheesy move in my book. These things always come out.
Trump's asseater's who he appointed to the court all said at their hearings that abortion was settled law.

Now those assholes are clutching at their their pearls including Roberts over the leak. Awwwww. Their Primma Donna laden little Ivory Tower was besmirched with a leak but no mention about the lies those priveledged little blue nosed icewater in the veins aristocrats bleated at their hearings?

Throw the lies they told right back at 'em.
Do you have any proof as to how any of the justices feel? Aside from Alito, there are no concurring or dissenting opinions.
Trump's asseater's who he appointed to the court all said at their hearings that abortion was settled law.

Now those assholes are clutching at their their pearls including Roberts over the leak. Awwwww. Their Primma Donna laden little Ivory Tower was besmirched with a leak but no mention about the lies those priveledged little blue nosed icewater in the veins aristocrats bleated at their hearings?

Throw the lies they told right back at 'em.
aka ..........the left leaked the possible decision so you can go postal and threaten them and their families so they may change their minds....

Yeah that sounds like your party.

A party going bat shit crazy over the right to KILL to be you huh.

Oh but on it or we will destroy you.................UP YOURS LEFTIST.
Riot season is coming folks........................They will RIOT OVER THE RIGHT TO KILL.
The leak is a criminal ploy to pressure the outcome, to prevent the reversal.

No liberal / Democrat will be held accountable.

The reversal is either Constitutional or not. It being leaked in advance has no bearing on Constitutionality, thus the leak should have no bearing on the final decision.
^^^ This kind of crap is the hilarity of this joint.

Notice how magaturds just skip over the fact that there was an unfinished SCOTUS ruling leaked to the press. Let's forget that's never happened before. No. Let's not dwell on that. Let's fast forward to which political tribe is to blame!

This must be like fishing in a barrel to magaturds.
When’s the last time a SCOTUS decision was leaked?
Never heard of it before the decision was published, only leaks of the wrangling or changes leading up to the a decision after one came out, but I'm no legal scholar.

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