Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

If they do overturn it, the state will be saying that it will not be sanctioning abortions and will be kicked to the individual states.
The less educated, poorer, more regressive states will kowtow to the authoritarians. Liberty will be protected in the more advanced states, further dividing the nation.
The less educated, poorer, more regressive states will kowtow to the authoritarians. Liberty will be protected in the more advanced states, further dividing the nation.
Blah blah blah. You keep saying that pablum puke as if your words has any actual meaning. They don’t.
Why? Post 677 was baseless gibberish. It proudly proclaims you have an opinion. And? It isn’t a well thought out opinion. And it’s not really of any significance to the debate. But ok. It’s an opinion.
Bullshit! It is reality. If you don't think so, please explain. These are the things that we saw before Roe, and there is no reason to think that we will not see it again now.
It's not the 'intent' if it allows states to choose on an individual basis whether or not to ban or allow it.

You people simply don't grasp the concept of 'choice'

Whether it be state's rights or bodily autonomy (e.g. Covid vaccines, abortion)
See post 677. It takes away the choice for some people. Your claim that the ruling is pro choice is pure bullshit . States can chose but individuals may not be able to.
What the fuck does that mean?
Precisely what it's supposed to.

"Racist, sexist, classist."

What Ivy League college safe space did you crawl out of?

I mean, you ignore any woman who opposes abortion, and hoist the minority of women who support such blatant slaughter above them, claiming, wrongly, that they speak for them all.

Like I said, I can see the purple dye in your hair.
So the “right” to slaughter the innocent preborn comes down to a income inequality analysis?
No. It comes down to wealthy people having more privledges, which has always been the case.
When I was in nursing school many years ago, I had a teacher who told us about the unmarried daughters of wealthy people who would come to a certain hospital to get abortions.
This was in the 1960s before abortion was LEGAL for poor women.
This is exactly what we will be going back to if Roe vs Wade is overturned.
States can chose but individuals may not be able to.

You obviously don't know how this democracy functions do you?

The people can launch petitions to get this issue (for or against) added to their state's constitution.

The people can vote on those petitions.

The people can vote for other people who are for or against this issue.

The people can do both at the same time.

The illusion that people have no choice is simply a fantasy you created to incite fear in the unwitting. Which is your goal, it seems.

There are plenty of choices, there for the taking.
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There is no justice in a system that’s run by greedy old men who want to control our lives.

Solidarity with all in streets demanding safe and free access to abortion care.

Fuck the Supreme Court, religious extremism and the misogyny it protects.

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