Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Trouble is you lied. It is the beginning of life at conception for sure; that has never been disputed, but it does not come with a right to life that preexisted the Declaration of Independence. Your post 8038 is a lie.

I didn’t lie, you flaming retard. I stated my position.

You’re a moron and a liar, but at least you aren’t worth chatting with.
didn’t lie, you flaming retard. I stated my position.
You stated as a matter of fact that the right to life at conception . . . preexisted the Declaration of Independence;

That is not true. And because it is not true you are not telling the truth. When you don’t tell the truth you are lying. You are a liar.
You stated as a matter of fact that the right to life at conception . . . preexisted the Declaration of Independence;

That is not true. And because it is not true you are not telling the truth. When you don’t tell the truth you are lying. You are a liar.
Right to life is given by God, and therefore it pre-exist the declaration of independence, the constitution excetra.

Life and death are in God's hands, and man doesn't control it, although he wants too.
You stated as a matter of fact that the right to life at conception . . . preexisted the Declaration of Independence;

That is not true. And because it is not true you are not telling the truth. When you don’t tell the truth you are lying. You are a liar.
The right to life absolutely did pre-exist the Declaration of Independence, you tragically mindless imbecile.
The right to life absolutely did pre-exist the Declaration of Independence, you tragically mindless imbecile.
You wrote:

BackAgain230330-#8,038 to: -1 ¥ BackAgain ¥ “Life begins at conception. You’ve already acknowledged that fact. •••• The right to life isn’t “granted” by the Constitution or by the mother. The right preexisted the Declaration of Independence; and our Constitution only seeks to guarantee it.”

You are a liar. When the D of I was written life at conception had no right to live if a woman terminated life before quickening. If she terminated life after quickening it was a misdemeanor.

The right to life that preexisted the Declaration of Independence began at quickening (20 weeks) … It was not right after conception.
You wrote:

BackAgain230330-#8,038 to: -1 ¥ BackAgain ¥ “Life begins at conception. You’ve already acknowledged that fact. •••• The right to life isn’t “granted” by the Constitution or by the mother. The right preexisted the Declaration of Independence; and our Constitution only seeks to guarantee it.”

You are a liar. When the D of I was written life at conception had no right to live if a woman terminated life before quickening. If she terminated life after quickening it was a misdemeanor.
You are an an asshole and devoid of honesty. Again, for the brain impaired like you (assuming you have a brain), the right to life preceded the Declaration.

I’m afraid I can’t help yiur mental retardation.
The right to life that preexisted the Declaration of Independence began at quickening (20 weeks) … It was not right after conception.
Nope. That was when primitives thought life began. But the right to life preceded the Declaration. You’re amazingly slow.
beagle9230402-#8,083 to: -1 ¥ beagle9 ¥ “Right to life is given by God, and therefore it pre-exist the declaration of independence, the constitution excetra.”

NFBW: When does god give it? WHEN IS ENSOULMENT?

(A) Catholic answer = at conception.

(B) Judaism answer = at first breath

(C) Rational Theist answer = At 22 Weeks when there are more than one brain in a pregnancy capable of individual conscious relationship with god.

the right to life preceded the Declaration.
NFBW: the right to abort prior to 22 weeks preceded the writing of the Declaration of Independence.

The only right to life in Colonial America that preceded the Constitution and Declaration of Independence was granted by society upon live birth and first breath.

you cannot change reality by lying that it was a right that began at the instance of conceptions

you can write it but you are lying.

BackAgain230330-#25 “When it comes to religion, you cockbite, I don’t have a dog in that fight.

NFBW230331-#8,056 to: -8031 “Actually when it comes to reproductive rights for women in America you vote for political representation on that issue in anti-choice groupthink with white Christians. You vote against black Christians who are pro choice. That is having a big nasty religious dog in the fight.”

BackAgain230331-#8,059 to: -3 ¥ @BackA ¥ “More of your inane introduction of religion.

NFBW: I did not bring religion to the culture war issue of abortion. Catholics who vote Republican like Clarence and Ginny Thomas brought religion to SCOTUS and me.

Size, demographics and voting habits of white evangelicals 20APR06-BROOKINGS-WhiteDJTevangelicals-a​

About one in four American adults belongs to an evangelical Christian denomination according to a Pew Research Center 2014 study, making evangelicals the most common religious group just ahead of those without a religious affiliation. This percentage is down very slightly from a prior study in 2007. The National Election Pool exit polls found 26% of voters self-identified as white evangelical Christians in 2016. Beyond their total numbers, 64% of Evangelicals reported church attendance at least weekly compared to 35% of other Christians, suggesting a potential for a higher frequency of politically relevant messaging.​
Evangelicals are demographically distinct on several politically relevant dimensions. The following numbers are based on the author’s analysis of a 2018 AP/NORC national survey.[2] Among registered voters in the Census Region South, 21% identify as white evangelicals compared to 13%, 14% and 8% in the West, Midwest and Northeast, respectively. White evangelicals were less likely in the sample to report income over $150,000 and bachelor degree or higher education levels. They also tended to be older. Among registered voters under 40 in the survey, 8% were white evangelicals compared to 19% among those over 40, pointing to a long-term problem for Republicans without a more diverse electoral coalition.​
Embedded throughout this discussion is an assumption that the majority of evangelicals will vote for Republicans, and this assumption is well supported in survey data. The 2016 National Election Pool Exit Survey had Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton among white evangelicals by a staggering 79% to 16%. In that exit survey, white evangelicals composed 46% of Trump’s coalition compared to 9% of Clinton’s coalition. The aforementioned 2018 AP/NORC survey found white Evangelical voters were roughly twice as likely to approve of Donald Trump’s job as president as other voters. While only a small percentage of white evangelical protestants consistently vote for Democrats or identify as liberal, they tend to cluster in certain churches and, consequently, could have substantial localized electoral impact.​
Different surveys yield somewhat different numbers, but the overall direction is consistent: white evangelical protestants are a major component of President Trump’s coalition. The group tends to be older, of slightly lower socioeconomic status, and concentrated in the South.
NFBW: Like I said BackAgain You are a Chihuahua (religious “none” ) runnin’ with the BIG DOG bull terriers in white Christian Republican pack.

NFBW: the right to abort prior to 22 weeks preceded the writing of the Declaration of Independence.

The only right to life in Colonial America that preceded the Constitution and Declaration of Independence was granted by society upon live birth and first breath.

you cannot change reality by lying that it was a right that began at the instance of conceptions

you can write it but you are lying.

LOL, you go back to when women honored their pregnancies, and there was no abortions taking place in those periods except for miscarriages and such, but a lefty gotta Lefty eh ? ROTFLMBO 🤣

You keep on until you just work yourself into a pickle, then you try to hold on too whatever dishonor you have left.. ROTFLMBO 🤣
The right to life is a natural human right. It is inherent and thus predates any reference to it, it is a property of a sapient species.

The Declaration of Independence is a mission statement, a goal of behavior, a condemnation of the utter failure of the British Empire to live up to that standard - not immediately active with the weight of law. This is obvious - the DoI did not immediately ban slavery even though all men were created equal with the unalienable right to liberty.

Furthermore, this was one and done answered and finished. British common law banned abortion after quickening because they thought life began at quickening. That common law predates proper cell theory and microscopy. We know better now.

We know life begins at fertilization. We are created at the beginning of our lifespan. That’s what creation means.

And there you have it. The asshole is beaten utterly. Watch him flail about for years in this thread until he mercifully dies if you want to, but I’ll pass.
LOL, you go back to when women honored their pregnancies
NFBW: Not all women “honored” their pregnancies since Adam boinked Eve and the begatten begin in any period. No abortion free period ever existed - You are a liar until you make a case that abortion never happened in Colonial America. Common Law addresses it because society knew it was happening likely more in the cities than in the farmlands of every era. END2304020903
NFBW: Not all women “honored” their pregnancies since Adam boinked Eve and the begatten begin in any period. No abortion free period ever existed - You are a liar until you make a case that abortion never happened in Colonial America. Common Law addresses it because society knew it was happening likely more in the cities than in the farmlands of every era. END2304020903
slavery also "happened" does that make it right?
NFBW230401-#8,072 to: -1 “At least ¥ Blackrook ¥ is honest enough to admit that the abortion divide in America is entirely about religion - way more so than about science and logic.”

Redfish230401-#8,074 to: -2 ¥ Redfish ¥ “ religion, yes, and common sense. both of which you seem to lack.”

NFBW230301-#8,078 “You missed ¥ Redfish ¥ agreeing with me that right to life at conception is a religious belief not scientific”

Redfish230402-#8,092 to: -4 ¥ Redfish ¥ “not what I said, stop misquoting”

NFBW: I was not quoting you so there is no misquote. When you wrote “yes, religion”
You were agreeing with this statement by me:

“the abortion divide in America is entirely about religion - way more so than about science and logic.”​
Does yes mean no in the Trump Cult?

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NFBW230401-#8,072 to: -1 “the abortion divide in America is entirely about religion - way more so than about science and logic.”

Redfish230401-#8,074 to: -2 ¥ Redfish ¥ “ religion, yes, and common sense.”

NFBW: If you are saying instead of what you wrote in 8074 ¥Redfish ¥ that you do not agree with what I wrote in 8072 then can you defend ¥ BackAgain ’s ¥ complaint that “the abortion divide in America has nothing to do with religion?

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NFBW: How does the Catholic Church allow Vigano^ praise the genocidal maniac terrorist Putin who is murdering Ukrainian parents and kidnapping and brainwashing Ukrainian children as we speak, to be right about anything?

MESSAGE of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America to the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR) Moscow, March 14, 2023​
Recent events have shown us that the materialist atheism that devastated the Russian Empire and the world since 1917 — as the Most Blessed Virgin Mary announced at Fatima — has today joined liberalism in the globalist ideology which underlies the delirious project of the New World Order.​
An infernal project, as President Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin rightly pointed out in a recent speech, in which hatred for Christian civilization wants to create a society of slaves subservient to the Davos elite.​
A dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children.​
We cannot be surprised that, after de-Christianizing the Western world, this elite considers Russia an enemy to be overthrown.​
" Principles Of Individualism And Non Violence Versus Populism Of Democracy As Tyranny By Majority "

* Sedition Based On Dumbfounded Scrotus Claims Backed By Fee Press Of Moralism Cracked Pots *

What an attempt at elitist con-foolery that doesn't address the true moral reasoning that has been explained here to ridiculous level's about why abortion was sent back to the state's, and why it should remain there.
The abortion issue was sent back to the states by sedition of scrotus that is supported by traitors to us republic and by traitors to a credo of e pluribus unum , by rejecting independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among those entitled by live birth to receive them .

A live birth requirement , or natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement , along with equitable doctrine and a live birth requirement to be a citizen , logically , of course , requires live birth for equal protection with a citizen , whereby the federal government and state government are prohibited from protecting a wright to life which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , are all rhetorical premises to ensure that sanctimonious , anthropocentric , ass clowns , mind their own piss ant business when it comes to " with cause " abortion .

As " without cause " abortions are not sought when " with cause " abortions are valid , and in that " without cause " abortions occur where there is not a legal victim to represent by proxy , neither based on empathy for suffering , nor by constitution , pleas for the issue to remain at the state level are dismissed with prejudice , as us 9th amendment and not us 10th amendment maintains precedence .
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BackAgain230327-#52 ¥ BackAgain ¥ “I’ve never believed that morality has to be premised on a religious belief.”

NFBW: I agree with you 100%. I only wish you were capable of appreciating what that means. Recognizing that morality is not premised on one specific religious belief or another is the foundation of our “do no infringement of the rights of others” gives you absolute freedom of conscience.

A fetus without consciousness is not an “other” for the first 22 weeks to its mother.

Throughout his entire life, Thomas Jefferson was publicly a consistent opponent of slavery. Calling it a “moral depravity”1 and a “hideous blot,”2 he believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation.3 Jefferson also thought that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty.4 These views were radical in a world where unfree labor was the norm.​

ding230401-#98 ¥ ding ¥ Truth is discovered. Error can’t stand.

Alang230401-#100 to: -2 ¥ alang1216 ¥ If slavery was considered moral by Jefferson but is considered immoral in our society, it seems clear to me that, with or without God, society determines morality.

saveliberty230401-#103 to: -3 ¥ saveliberty ¥ Jefferson did not consider slavery moral. In fact he called it moral depravity. He spent his entire life in a society that tolerated slavery.

NFBW: I am pro-choice for every woman whom I do not know. If a woman I know were to conceive a child by me, I would not be pro-choice and have that worked out in advance. My moral choice has nothing to do with God or religion or politics. It is solely about each individual born to this world to have the rightful freedom of conscience that comes without harm to others.

For that position on reproductive rights and abortion I keep seeing anti-choice fanatics citing an absurd analogy that abortion rights proponents are the same as slave holders.

HeyNorm230120-#6,808 ¥ HeyNorm ¥ “So 3/5 a person. Is that about right? Sound like the same rights the slave owners gave n***rs.”​

Jefferson’s moral failure was not in considering slavery being moral or slaves being less than human. His failure was in considering that black people were racially inferior and needed to be returned to a nation of their own.

Jefferson’s belief in the necessity of abolition was intertwined with his racial beliefs. He thought that white Americans and enslaved blacks constituted two “separate nations” who could not live together peacefully in the same country.14 Jefferson’s belief that blacks were racially inferior and “as incapable as children,”15 coupled with slaves’ presumed resentment of their former owners, made their removal from the United States an integral part of Jefferson’s emancipation scheme.​
It seems to me that being pro choice on abortion is about women being free to make a choice regarding their own lives. So it would be being pro choice against slavery where every human being has a right to be free to make choices about their own lives.

Can anyone explain what the hell ¥ HeyNorm ¥ in post 6808 is being so absurd about.

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