Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

No. You are spewing a white Christian MAGA propaganda. Perinatal death potential is detectable during birth and it happens to people who want children. nobody murders these babies because they are born to parents who want them.

Women who decide not to go through a full term of gestation in states like California have an abortion statistically 93 percent of the time before 13 weeks of gestation.

You make absolutely no sense with your absurd fear-mongering that women who go ahead and give birth to a child are going to want to kill a very healthy baby within 28 days of his or her birth.

In a case where a newborn who is healthy suffers an unusual death immediately after birth can and will be investigated, regardless of the fact, whether the child was one day old or 18 years old.

We have friends, Catholic by the way, who’s 16 year old much loved son, an athlete active in high school sports swimming, just out of nowhere had a seizure in school and was in the hospital for observation. He seemed to be recovering and then two days later lost consciousness and died. Devastating loss. Cause of death unknown. The young man was survive by two sisters you can’t imagine how difficult this was at their young age.

I imagine with all the complications that can happen at birth the odds of sudden unexplained death in the first 28 days of life are much higher.

Families deserve to grieve without some self righteous religious bunch of assholes stoking accusations of murder on top of their loss.

California is too good for hate infested people like you.
Nice try with the "hate" mud sling. Fortunately, USMB readers are smarter than that. Your whole post is refuted and shot down by the fact that even when called upon to remove the word perinatal from the bill, it was still kept in the bill , and sent to the governor, who went ahead and signed it that way.

And long as the word "perinatal" is in the bill (now law), infanticide is legal in the nutjob state of California. I don't know why you keep yammering about religion here, as dont see why/how that has anything to do whith this, other that you think that somehow makes your hollow argument stronger.

All this is yet more reason to have California and the whole Pacific coast, and the other blue states seperate from the red states into 2 separate nations, as we really dont want to have anything to do with you. Should have broke apart years ago.

He is violating Catholic doctrine only if he commits the sin of personally fertilizing an egg and causes the woman to abort it.
"A Catholic that persists in supporting grave sin publicly, such that they injure good morals is subject to severe sanction, including excommunication [Can. 1369]."
Nice try with the "hate" mud sling.
From hateful trash, no less, the most bigoted filth on this site…

All this is yet more reason to have California and the whole Pacific coast, and the other blue states seperate from the red states into 2 separate nations, as we really dont want to have anything to do with you. Should have broke apart years ago.
Hell yeah. Though personally I would prefer to see Arizona Bay. Just the whole state taken off the map, fallen into the sea.
08900-a 23MAY16 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,900 Obviously, Quid Pro does not believe that a developing baby is a human life,

08900-b 23MAY16 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,900
or he would be taking a position to protect it at some point in development.

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 08,900 a} Because Biden is Catholic he can only believe that God creates a new human life at conception. There is no justification however for your absurd speculation that Biden does not believe that a developing baby is a human life.

Biden understands that he is President of all individuals who have met a live birth requirement who deserve right to life protection etc from the chief law enforcement officer of the land. He has no duty to impose Vatican Doctrine or Dictates on non-Catholics which make up the large majority of Americans.,

Also Biden is not violating Canon 1369:
A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 08,990 b} Biden’s political office is to uphold the Constitution of United States not {canon 1369} Roe versus Wade allows abortion on demand until viability and most of the United States of America - no state recognizes fetal rights from the moment of conception as he is consistent with catholic doctrine.
He is violating Catholic doctrine only if he commits the sin of personally fertilizing an egg and causes the woman to abort it.

08904 23MAY16 ¥ protectionist ¥

FALSE! "A Catholic that persists in supporting grave sin publicly, such that they injure good morals is subject to severe sanction, including excommunication [Can. 1369]."

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 08994} You are spreading a white MAGA propaganda lie against Biden’s religious beliefs.

Here is the real Canon 1369







Can. 1369 A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 08994}You will never provide evidence where Biden broke that Delict because he has stated that he is personally opposed to abortion.

Why did you post the white MAGA Christian propaganda lie version of Canon 1369 in post 8904 if it is not to smear and malign a politician who heads the political Party you hate? You do hate liberals don’t you?

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08904 23MAY16 ¥ protectionist ¥
#8,904 FALSE! "A Catholic that persists in supporting grave sin publicly, such that they injure good morals is subject to severe sanction, including excommunication [Can. 1369]."

The real version

Can. 1369 A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.
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08900 23MAY16 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,900 Obviously, Quid Pro does not believe that a developing baby is a human life, or he would be taking a position to protect it at some point in development.

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 08,900} as stated in your post 08,900 you have no complaint against Joe Biden upholding Roe versus Wade nationally, Biden has taken a position to protect fetal life at a specific point of fetal development.

That point is 28 weeks such as it’s been for fifty years.
00610 23APR27 ¥ Unkotare ¥ #610 Once again we see that leftists are forced to deny what they know to be obviously true in order to cling to their bloodthirsty, indefensible political position.

23MAY17 NFBW {to: 00,610} For the first 22 weeks every surviving fetus *1 (see below) is human and alive except that it ls not an individual human being ‘with a brain’ capable of consciousness, That is a fact that you ¥unkotvre¥ may not correctly and honestly and objectively deny.

So every rational human being capable of conscious thought may easily and morally conclude that no conscious individual human life is present in the womb of a woman when the mother of a brainless fetus chooses to terminate the never conscious fetus’ development for any reason of her own, including averting harm to her physical, mental and financial health.

*1 . . . one out of five fertilized eggs in humans briefly lives and dies in nature before consciousness is remotely possible. They all are unceremoniously flushed down toilets or thrown into the trash with no respect or value as an individual human being, given to them, ever.

If each conception is supposed to be a valued creation by an infallible God, then statistically God has been exceedingly sloppy with “HIS” creation of the human reproductive process.

I Deny No THING that I know to be true ¥unkotvre¥ . The denial that you are attempting to “shame” “leftists” into believing you are not extremist insane is a fraud.

So mostly because of *1 (see above) I have concluded that your accusation against leftists in your post 00,610 above is complete and utter MAGA extremist bull shit. And you are incapable of disputing or even discussing it or acknowledging any objective truth on the subject of abortion . That goes for most if not all MAGA propagandists opposed to reproductive freedom including the most vile MAGA CarsomyrPlusSix and the most intellectual but intolerant ding and the most nice Meriweather and most Christian beagle9 . Amen.
00610 23APR27 ¥ Unkotare ¥ #610 Once again we see that leftists are forced to deny what they know to be obviously true in order to cling to their bloodthirsty, indefensible political position.

23MAY17 NFBW {to: 00,610} For the first 22 weeks every surviving fetus *1 (see below) is human and alive except that it ls not an individual human being ‘with a brain’ capable of consciousness, That is a fact that you ¥unkotvre¥ may not correctly and honestly and objectively deny.

So every rational human being capable of conscious thought may easily and morally conclude that no conscious individual human life is present in the womb of a woman when the mother of a brainless fetus chooses to terminate the never conscious fetus’ development for any reason of her own, including averting harm to her physical, mental and financial health.

*1 . . . one out of five fertilized eggs in humans briefly lives and dies in nature before consciousness is remotely possible. They all are unceremoniously flushed down toilets or thrown into the trash with no respect or value as an individual human being, given to them, ever.

If each conception is supposed to be a valued creation by an infallible God, then statistically God has been exceedingly sloppy with “HIS” creation of the human reproductive process.

I Deny No THING that I know to be true ¥unkotvre¥ . The denial that you are attempting to “shame” “leftists” into believing you are not extremist insane is a fraud.

So mostly because of *1 (see above) I have concluded that your accusation against leftists in your post 00,610 above is complete and utter MAGA extremist bull shit. And you are incapable of disputing or even discussing it or acknowledging any objective truth on the subject of abortion . That goes for most if not all MAGA propagandists opposed to reproductive freedom including the most vile MAGA CarsomyrPlusSix and the most intellectual but intolerant ding and the most nice Meriweather and most Christian beagle9 . Amen.
You haven’t convinced yourself.
You haven’t convinced yourself.
I have presented an objective fact. Can you refute it or can you just only disagree with it?

I predicted

you are incapable of disputing or even discussing it or acknowledging any objective truth on the subject of abortion

So far, you are proving me absolutely correct.
I have presented an objective fact. Can you refute it or can you just only disagree with it?

I predicted

you are incapable of disputing or even discussing it or acknowledging any objective truth on the subject of abortion

So far, you are proving me absolutely correct.

Is a 40 year old woman a human being?
Is a 40 year old woman a human being?

At about 22 weeks after she was conceived in her brain became developed, and then trillions of neurological connections were being made, which gave her the ability to have consciousness of being.
23MAY16 NFBW: Biden is personally opposed to abortion. When you say he champions it you are a liar.
A politician who supports the rule of law but is personally opposed to abortion would celebrate the overturning of Roe and would push for pro-life legislation, to expand protection of unborn life.

Quid Pro Joe pushes pro-abortion legislation at every opportunity. He and his administration mourned, not celebrated, the overturning of Roe. In July of last year he signed an EO designed to continue as much of the Roe decision as possible. How can you continue to claim he's "personally opposed to abortion" when he takes active steps to ensure more abortions are done? Tell you what, give me an instance where his actions, not words, show his "opposition to abortion".
At about 22 weeks after she was conceived her brain became developed, and then trillions of neurological connections were being made, which gave her the ability to have consciousness of being. Then she survived live birth at least atround 24 weeks after conception.
A politician who supports the rule of law but is personally opposed to abortion would celebrate the overturning of Roe and would push for pro-life legislation, to expand protection of unborn life.

Quid Pro Joe pushes pro-abortion legislation at every opportunity. He and his administration mourned, not celebrated, the overturning of Roe. In July of last year he signed an EO designed to continue as much of the Roe decision as possible. How can you continue to claim he's "personally opposed to abortion" when he takes active steps to ensure more abortions are done? Tell you what, give me an instance where his actions, not words, show his "opposition to abortion".

I wonder if he still pretends to be Catholic.

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