Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Pence did the only thing he could and that was to certify the election, he carries no weight in the process.
Of course he did.

I am talking about former President Trumpā€˜s criminal enterprise to establish fake electors in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico to be sent to Mike Pence so that he could declare Trump the winner on Jan6

Those Americans who did that committed fraud in an attempt to steal an election on Trumpā€™s behalf. That is only the only theft is involved with the 2020 election. Trump trying to steal the election from every American who voted for Biden.

Itā€™s why I asked you these questions:

Do you believe a functional democracy must have at the top of itā€™s interactions among citizens a very healthy respect for facts based determination of what truth is?

Can we have a functional democratic process of self rule of the people, by the people, and for the people if half, the people, are persuaded by some cult leader, that the department of justice, and the FBI and our entire court system, based on grand juries finding probable cause that a person commits a crime, have no foundation in truth?

nf.23,09.111 #10,861
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No. They all lied and signed their names to a document attesting to the lie that they were the duly appointed electors in the state because the secretary of state announced Trump as the winner. Thatā€™s what they said when the truth is the secretaries of state announced that the true winner was Joe Biden, so that is a lie.

And then they were supposed to send this document to Mike Pence so he was going to rule that since the states with two slates of electors it means the election in those states is not settled and therefore we would not count those states and guess what without those states Trump is the winner. They were throwing out all the votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Just throwing the votes out , after the secretaries of state certified the actual winner of those elections.

Stating that you were the duly appointed elector when your candidate officially lost the state is fraud.

They said nothing on these fake certificates that Trump lost but they were doing this only in case the election gets overturn somehow.
Well it'll all come out in the wash I guess, so if any wrong doings or shananigans went on, then that's on them, but it doesn't clear the slate for uncle Joe who is y'all's favorite uncle.

Of course he did.

I am talking about former President Trumpā€˜s criminal enterprise to establish fake electors in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico to be sent to Mike Pence so that he could declare Trump the winner on Jan6

Those Americans who did that committed fraud in an attempt to steal an election on Trumpā€™s behalf. That is only the only theft is involved with the 2020 election. Trump trying to steal the election from every American who voted for Biden.

Itā€™s why I asked you these questions:

Do you believe a functional democracy must have at the top of itā€™s interactions among citizens a very healthy respect for facts based determination of what truth is?

Can we have a functional democratic process of self rule of the people, by the people, and for the people if half, the people, are persuaded by some cult leader, that the department of justice, and the FBI and our entire court system, based on grand juries finding probable cause that a person commits a crime, have no foundation in truth?

nf.23,09.111 #10,861
Better hope you're right, because it seems highly unlikely that Trump is that stupid to try and steal an election back from whom he thinks stole it from him.
Recertify doesn't mean that the states would recertify without review,

Trump: ā€œAll Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.ā€ 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN​
Trumpā€™s criminal enterprise to stay in power had no interest in any kind of review in each state. The plan was simply not to include the EC count of electors from Arizona, Georgia, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, which revises the 2020 Election results to a Trump win.

Trump said All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.

He meant on January 6th he was to become a two term president simply by not counting those seven states. No review was planned or necessary.

Better hope you're right
I know for certain that I am right. Trump is so stupid he told God and everybody who has seen the video of his speech on the Ellipse citing John Eastman that he was committing the theft of the election he lost and has never proven that he won.

This is a confession of several federal crimes.

Trump: ā€œAll Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.ā€ 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN
Trump: ā€œAll Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.ā€ 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN​
Trumpā€™s criminal enterprise to stay in power had no interest in any kind of review in each state. The plan was simply not to include the EC count of electors from Arizona, Georgia, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, which revises the 2020 Election results to a Trump win.

Trump said All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.

He meant on January 6th he was to become a two term president simply by not counting those seven states. No review was planned or necessary.

So you are trying to say that the states would join in on the alleged corruption plot, and just certify their state without a complete review first of what was being asked of them ? Sounds tremendously sketchy to me, otherwise that you are full of it. Prove that the states were ready to go along with the plan.

Of course he did.

I am talking about former President Trumpā€˜s criminal enterprise to establish fake electors in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico to be sent to Mike Pence so that he could declare Trump the winner on Jan6

Those Americans who did that committed fraud in an attempt to steal an election on Trumpā€™s behalf. That is only the only theft is involved with the 2020 election. Trump trying to steal the election from every American who voted for Biden.

Itā€™s why I asked you these questions:

Do you believe a functional democracy must have at the top of itā€™s interactions among citizens a very healthy respect for facts based determination of what truth is?

Can we have a functional democratic process of self rule of the people, by the people, and for the people if half, the people, are persuaded by some cult leader, that the department of justice, and the FBI and our entire court system, based on grand juries finding probable cause that a person commits a crime, have no foundation in truth?

nf.23,09.111 #10,861
It is functioning with all you claim, it is still functioning, whether you like it or not, it is functioning as good as ever, and the blocking of free speech is the one thing that could make it worse. We all have a right to vote and it doesnā€™t matter who you vote for.
Prove that the states were ready to go along with the plan.
I do not have to prove that. Every single state was against the plan. All 50 states certified their elections by the December 14 deadline which meant the election was over - Joe Biden won.

The people involved in this plan are die hard losers totally corrupted by the spell that Donald J Trump holds on them.

The fake electors are Republican party operatives not elected politicians in the states.
I am saying nothing about blocking free speech. Why do you keep bringing that up?
Because freedom to speak, express and demonstrate is the key to our Constitution and our democracy, not a bunch of yahoos making false statements. Without freedom of speech we have nothing.
I have answered this question several times.
It would be easier to answer yes or no thsn to type seven words.

But I will take this as a yes.

If they are going to try him, then arrest him

You support the arrests of Trump who can now stand trial and prove his innocence like every other American who had a grand jury look at the case and found a preponderance of evidence that ordinary citizen committing crimes at the state and federal level.
Because freedom to speak, express and demonstrate is the key to our Constitution and our democracy, not a bunch of yahoos making false statements. Without freedom of speech we have nothing.
Does Trump have a right to ā€œattemptā€ to obstruct an official government proceeding if there are federal laws in place that prohibit anyone from ā€œattemptingā€ to obstruct an official government proceeding when Trump came up with a plan he shared with others to do it?
When Trump dies the left will continue to push for guilty verdicts for years after. It will be pointless but the left will push on.

If a grand jury decides there is a preponderance of evidence that a crime has been committed by Trump it has nothing to do with right or left in this country.

nf.23.09.11 #10,875
BTW, you vote Demo or Republican you are voting for the people that screw you, you are just as dumb as those you laugh.

#96 to #89
Works on the assumption that the two parties are equivalent, which they are not. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ The GOP is the party of the investor class. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ The Democrats are the party of the working class. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ It's really that simple.

Not that easy and it is left or right because the left and right made it this way.

Earthperson Papageorgio has figured out what 150 million American voters are apparently too dumb to catch on.

In post ppgrg.22.10.24 #397 Earthperson Papageorgio says he is ā€œ a fiscal conservative and a social moderate,ā€ who isā€ against abortionā€ but he ā€œcanā€™t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.ā€

But ā€˜too smart for the rest usā€™ Papa canā€™t figure out that the Republican ā€œSaintsā€ like beagle9 empower state Republican governments decide what pregnant women do with their lives. Women lose liberty in white Biblically run states but Earthperson Papageorgio seeks no political solution to protect womenā€™s right to reject full term gestation from continuing in her body.
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I do not have to prove that. Every single state was against the plan. All 50 states certified their elections by the December 14 deadline which meant the election was over - Joe Biden won.

The people involved in this plan are die hard losers totally corrupted by the spell that Donald J Trump holds on them.

The fake electors are Republican party operatives not elected politicians in the states.
They may have certified, but wasn't there a pause in some of them because they were being shown that their elections were compromised, and that they were willing to give another look see once the anomalies were revealed ??

#96 to #89


Earthperson Papageorgio has figured out what 150 million American voters are apparently too dumb to catch on.

In post ppgrg.22.10.24 #397 Earthperson Papageorgio says he is ā€œ a fiscal conservative and a social moderate,ā€ who isā€ against abortionā€ but he ā€œcanā€™t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.ā€

But ā€˜too smart for the rest usā€™ Papa canā€™t figure out that the Republican ā€œSaintsā€ like beagle9 empower state Republican governments decide what pregnant women do with their lives. Women lose liberty in white Biblically run states but Earthperson Papageorgio seeks no political solution to protect womenā€™s right to reject full term gestation from continuing in her body.
I am a moderate, many pro choice are anti-abortion but let others make their own choice. I am smarter than you, I am glad you know that. Im for all legalized drugs, I am also pro free speech, something you canā€™t figure out how it applies in todayā€™s political world.
They may have certified, but wasn't there a pause in some of them because they were being shown that their elections were compromised, and that they were willing to give another look see once the anomalies were revealed ??
No. And the significance of certifying by December 14 was to lock each stateā€™s election in so it would be counted on Jan 6 so the winner can be inaugurated on January 20. None of those dates can move. The 2020 election was over on December 24 2020, Nothing could change that..

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