Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

what is alleged to have happened (a botched election that needed to be investigated),

Trump had every opportunity to investigate what he thinks was a botched election. He collected a couple hundred million dollars from you MAGA Donors.

He never investigated anything.

So why don’t you write him a letter and ask him why he has not spent a nickel or any effort looking into the fraud in the 2020 election he says is there.

And when he gives you an answer, Please put it on this message board.
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And Biden was neck deep in the DOJ going easy on Hunter.
So you say but that is about one of the weakest whataboutisms that I have ever seen?

Taylor Swift is getting tens of thousands of young people to register to vote against MAGA haters and white Christian nationalism and the anti-woman Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

She will be helping save democracy from your very forever stupid whataboutism Hunter Hunter Hunter.

nf.23.09.12 #10,902

So you say but that is about one of the weakest whataboutisms that I have ever seen?

Taylor Swift is getting tens of thousands of young people to register to vote against MAGA haters and white Christian nationalism and the anti-woman Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

She will be helping save democracy from your very forever stupid whataboutism Hunter Hunter Hunter.

nf.23.09.12 #10,902
An accusation of whataboutism is just another way of admitting that the other side was right. Otherwise, there would be no whataboutism.
Oh, so you are for the state's doing exactly what the court has given over for them to do now eh ?
Yep! It’s destroying the Republican Party and all states will give women their right to privacy back. All is well.

An accusation of whataboutism is just another way of admitting that the other side was right. Otherwise, there would be no whataboutism.
Actually, Joe Biden has not been indicted for anything he’s not expecting to be indicted for anything because he hasn’t done anything in violation of the constitution or any law and on the other hand, Donald Trump is facing 91 felony counts from four jurisdictions, and when he goes to court Hunter Biden what about ism is not going to be a defense
Yep! It’s destroying the Republican Party and all states will give women their right to privacy back. All is well.

Actually, Joe Biden has not been indicted for anything he’s not expecting to be indicted for anything because he hasn’t done anything in violation of the constitution or any law and on the other hand, Donald Trump is facing 91 felony counts from four jurisdictions, and when he goes to court Hunter Biden what about ism is not going to be a defense
How would you know?

Democrats are better candidates. If you wonder why, then you do not understand that you live in a multicultural, multi-racial, multi-religious through no religion at all society. That’s too bad because you seem to be an earthperson, not a saint.

The bulk of the wealth is not controlled in this country by mist the non-white community of hard working Americans who voted for Biden and will again.

Think Ruby Freeman and her daughter.

Every Republican politician is locked into the Saving Baby Fetus and Book Banning Cult of authoritarian Trumpism and is diametrically opposed morally and politically to what Democrats stand for.

I could care less about your voting worldview which is don’t vote for anyone that will make a difference because nobody is as smart as you. You vote for nobody and stand for nothing except being grumpy as I see you.

Never claimed to be a saint, I don’t believe in saints but hey your the asshole making shit up.

I never claimed I am smarter than anyone but you as you admitted it, but I knew you wouldn’t understand.

I find Democrats to be as racist and bigoted like their leader, who spews his racism quite often and are well documented.

You spend post after posts claiming I need to vote for a Democrat and yet you claim you don’t care! Lol! Seriously? I am a very happy person, I don’t see doom and gloom if one party wins. I don’t care who wins as long as everyone votes, in that way I am much more liberal than you and happier than you. If I vote my conscience I win every time. When I exercise my right to vote, I win every time, seems you are the one worried and grumpy if your side loses, otherwise you wouldn’t be so negative about my vote. Got it grumpy earthling?
You voted for Alan Keyes. Your Sainthood is in the American Saving Baby Fetus Cult.
Now, now, you are getting upset and remember you don’t care, you seem like a miserable human. I vote for more than one issue, I am unsure how you can’t get that, you poor miserable human.
I find Democrats to be as racist and bigoted like their leader,
You are not a rational earthperson, Nine out of ten black Americans who vote are Democrats and you say they are racist. I expect equally racist as Republicans. Is it everyone is racist except you the smartest saint in the world. You and Saint of the Saints ; the very very very smart Alan Keyes.
You are not a rational earthperson, Nine out of ten black Americans who vote are Democrats and you say they are racist. I expect equally racist as Republicans. Is it everyone is racist except you the smartest saint in the world. You and Saint of the Saints ; the very very very smart Alan Keyes.
You deny that Biden is not a racist after all the things he has said over the decades? Seriously? Why do you give a pass to Biden and any Republican you’d brand as a racist for saying less?

Poor earthling is getting madder at me, oh no! You poor miserable human.
Trump had every opportunity to investigate what he thinks was a botched election. He collected a couple hundred million dollars from you MAGA Donors.

He never investigated anything.

So why don’t you write him a letter and ask him why he has not spent a nickel or any effort looking into the fraud in the 2020 election he says is there.

And when he gives you an answer, Please put it on this message board.
How do you know that he received a couple a hundred million dollars from donor's he could have used to investigate fraud but didn't ? Prove your assertion or stop lying.
you are getting upset

There’s not much more joy in life that taking care of a brand new grandkid not that mom and dad went back to work full time.

Don’t worry about me. Im retired. Doing Grampa Day Care for 3mo new Grandaughter best job ever getting paid in doughnuts / Baby’s mom is young professional after getting master’s degree without student loans thanks in part to ObamaCare stayed on my great company medical insurance until she turned 26.

- Browns defense mauled Joe Burrow / Governnent / watched the game 22 miles from my driveway . . . 21 miles of it parallel to I-66 bicycle super path into DC part of $3.7 billion of transportation improvements in the I-66 corridor.. / I’m in early 70’s and the Brown’s Backers Bar is right on the new path / So I rode it to have a few beers while watching the game. My house is now a mile from at least 160 miles of paved bike paths in the DC area The government did all this for me

And to top it all off the Confederate State of Mississippi tore down RvW and now the Saving Baby Fetus Cult is exposed for what it is / cruelty hate and religious bigotry hiding behind the robe of Jesus. So that cult is getting close to the Kool-Aid stage and MAGA Is going to crash and burn with it.

And there is this;

Taylor Swift Speaks Out Against Supreme Court Overturning Roe v. Wade: ‘I’m Absolutely Terrified’​

The pop star also shared a statement written by former first lady Michelle Obama condemning the Supreme Court decision.

By Hannah Dailey
How do you know that he received a couple a hundred million dollars from donor's he could have used to investigate fraud but didn't ? Prove your assertion or stop lying.

His campaign bombarded supporters with emails and text messages – as many as 30 a day – pleading for donations to a fighting fund to challenge the result. But with the election settled, that is not where the money is going

How do you know that he received a couple a hundred million dollars from donor's he could have used to investigate fraud but didn't ?

Perhaps wire fraud crimes indictments are coming

Led by the special counsel Jack Smith, prosecutors are trying to determine whether Mr. Trump and his aides violated federal wire fraud statutes as they raised as much as $250 million through a political action committee by saying they needed the money to fight to reverse election fraud even though they had been told repeatedly that there was no evidence to back up those fraud claims.​
There’s not much more joy in life that taking care of a brand new grandkid not that mom and dad went back to work full time.

Don’t worry about me. Im retired. Doing Grampa Day Care for 3mo new Grandaughter best job ever getting paid in doughnuts / Baby’s mom is young professional after getting master’s degree without student loans thanks in part to ObamaCare stayed on my great company medical insurance until she turned 26.

- Browns defense mauled Joe Burrow / Governnent / watched the game 22 miles from my driveway . . . 21 miles of it parallel to I-66 bicycle super path into DC part of $3.7 billion of transportation improvements in the I-66 corridor.. / I’m in early 70’s and the Brown’s Backers Bar is right on the new path / So I rode it to have a few beers while watching the game. My house is now a mile from at least 160 miles of paved bike paths in the DC area The government did all this for me

And to top it all off the Confederate State of Mississippi tore down RvW and now the Saving Baby Fetus Cult is exposed for what it is / cruelty hate and religious bigotry hiding behind the robe of Jesus. So that cult is getting close to the Kool-Aid stage and MAGA Is going to crash and burn with it.

And there is this;

Taylor Swift Speaks Out Against Supreme Court Overturning Roe v. Wade: ‘I’m Absolutely Terrified’​

The pop star also shared a statement written by former first lady Michelle Obama condemning the Supreme Court decision.

By Hannah Dailey
Racist crap that Biden spews.

June 2021, Biden says: “It's awful hard as well to get Latinx vaccinated, Why? They're worried they'll be vaccinated and deported,'” he said. So all Latinos are illegals? That is a racist statement, from our cognitive President.

Then May 2020, Biden says, On Charlamagne Tha God’s popular morning radio show in May 2020, Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then if youvote for Trump, you ain’t black”.

In August 2020 he tells black reporters and journalist “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” So does he really think latinosare more diverse and black all think alike.

In the same interview he was asked by a black reporter if he had taken a cognitive test and Biden was angry fired back with the suggestion that the black reporter was a drug addict. Imagine if someone would have said that, the left would have condemned him. “That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not,” Biden said. “What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?” That’s what Biden said but you don’t want to believe t.

In 2010 Biden eulogized KKK leader Robert Byrd calling Byrd his mentor, yep, our racist President.

2007 he said this about Barack Obama, as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” That sure sounds like a racist statement to me, but not you?

2006 our racist President said this, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Seriously? Isn’t that classic white privileged racial ignorance?

What about Biden fighting against school segregation? Remember he didn’t want his kids growing up in a “racial jungle.”

Now tell me this old white good ole boy is not racist, he sounds racist to me but Democrats ignore it and that is hypocritical, so spare me our President isn’t racist bit.

I’m not interested what Swift says, I listen more to my neighbors, family and friends, as we have a relationship of speaking and getting along. Swift is a total stranger to me, and I couldn’t pick her out in a crowd. I hear she is a decent singer.
His campaign bombarded supporters with emails and text messages – as many as 30 a day – pleading for donations to a fighting fund to challenge the result. But with the election settled, that is not where the money is going

Where's the money at or going now ?
Racist crap that Biden spews.

June 2021, Biden says: “It's awful hard as well to get Latinx vaccinated, Why? They're worried they'll be vaccinated and deported,'” he said. So all Latinos are illegals? That is a racist statement, from our cognitive President.

Then May 2020, Biden says, On Charlamagne Tha God’s popular morning radio show in May 2020, Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then if youvote for Trump, you ain’t black”.

In August 2020 he tells black reporters and journalist “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” So does he really think latinosare more diverse and black all think alike.

In the same interview he was asked by a black reporter if he had taken a cognitive test and Biden was angry fired back with the suggestion that the black reporter was a drug addict. Imagine if someone would have said that, the left would have condemned him. “That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not,” Biden said. “What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?” That’s what Biden said but you don’t want to believe t.

In 2010 Biden eulogized KKK leader Robert Byrd calling Byrd his mentor, yep, our racist President.

2007 he said this about Barack Obama, as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” That sure sounds like a racist statement to me, but not you?

2006 our racist President said this, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Seriously? Isn’t that classic white privileged racial ignorance?

What about Biden fighting against school segregation? Remember he didn’t want his kids growing up in a “racial jungle.”

Now tell me this old white good ole boy is not racist, he sounds racist to me but Democrats ignore it and that is hypocritical, so spare me our President isn’t racist bit.

I’m not interested what Swift says, I listen more to my neighbors, family and friends, as we have a relationship of speaking and getting along. Swift is a total stranger to me, and I couldn’t pick her out in a crowd. I hear she is a decent singer.
Democrat's ignore Biden and his bull shite because they are user's. He promises, and they hold their noses and take. It's really this simple of a bargain type relationship between them all. Cut out the give aways or limit Democrat's irresponsible bait spending, and watch it all fall apart faster than you can spit.
Now tell me this old white good ole boy is not racist, he sounds racist to me but Democrats ignore it and that is hypocritical, so spare me our President isn’t racist bit.

Democrat's ignore Biden and his bull shite because they are user's. H

You are not a rational earthperson, Nine out of ten black Americans who vote are Democrats and you say they are racist.

Then when they blew their tops like an Antifa or BLM crowd, except in a far less violent version,

I see you are locked in on your voting behavior which is not very working class oriented - Trickle down economics has never really worked for working men and women.

A high percentage of black Americans are working class like me, so I go by the way black Americans vote, specifically black working class women.

They are hurting most by inflation while I am not. I am retired and my wife and I have acquired rental properties which as you know, inflation is a friend to the landlord, not the tenet.

So to keep me grounded as a working class American who was able to get ahead, I vote the way black women vote.

And when you say that the fear of losing our democracy to a white centric political tribe being led by an authoritarian who wanted to designate “Black Lives Matter” as a terrorist organization, is a dreamed up scare tactic, to me and to black women, I get it.

t is how you are able to rationalize that inflation and federal spending is more important than keeping 240 years of democracy intact.

Do you think law abiding black Americans could be more sensitive about their right to vote, more so than inflation?

And there’s this Republican Supreme Court decision (Dobbs) that is harsh to all women but harshest to low income women cannot afford to leave their state to get an abortion when it’s controlled by Republican. I vote to protect their reproductive rights.

Which makes BLM far more dangerous than just a bunch of fed up patriot's that had just had enough of the bull shite doesn't it ??

BLM didn't try to steal an election and no one said that they did. The rioters assaulted the people's house all over this COUNTRY

Jan6 rioters was 2000 of 25.000 in DC that day. The ratio of rioters to peaceful protesters is based on that. MAGA who did not riot are “peaceful protesters” and MAGA should not be labeled as an anarchists and thugs by a US President. - DO YOU AGREE?

On September 8, Trump suggested that BLM activists are "anarchists, not protesters" and referred to them as "thugs" via Twitter. On June 30, Trump called a BLM street painting on New York City's Fifth Avenue a "symbol of hate."
So planning a rally, which is a peaceful demonstration is not sedition, treason, or insurrection. Just like the peaceful protests with BLM, the crowd went stupid, this is proof that the attempt was peaceful at the start. I don’t think anyone planned this and I have yet to see anything that says otherwise. If you have the proof, please post it.

Pence refused to do his Constitutional duty.

Our government officials should not certify elections tainted by obvious fraud.

I am a very happy person, I don’t see doom and gloom if one party wins. I don’t care who wins as long as everyone votes, in that way I am much more liberal than you and happier than you. If I vote my conscience I win every time. When I exercise my right to vote, I win every time,

What if 50 million Americans like Saint lennypartiv who voted for Trump to win a second term to the presidency, but welches on our 240 years of the American experiment in self rule when Trump lost and his challenges fizzled out. Our Democratic institutions, are worthless and no longer viable because Trump did not win.

Do you see no potential harm to our democracy if the party of saints continues with anti-American pressure that state government officials should not certify elections when the Saintly Biblical white Christian Party’s President and VP candidate does not win?

nf.23.08.13 #10,920
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