Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Is there a better way to mobilize and energize the left prior to the midterm elections, than overturning Roe v Wade?
Ha ha, it only digs their losing to a far greater level than before, because the people are breaking the brainwashing chains that they've found themselves bound by finally. The left is losing it's grip, and losing it's mind all at the same time.
All these things you mentioned protect people. We are talking about abortion and a woman's right to choose. The only comparison I could think of that would make any sense would be if the government said men could only ejaculate with their wives for the expressed purpose of procreation. Banning all other types of sexual release. You see how inappropriate it is.

"Those things protect people, and this doesn't, because I have decided that babies aren't people, and that makes it truuuuueee!!"

Honestly, what IS it with you pro-aborts and your complete inability to argue your position, instead of just declaring it fact and demanding that everyone else accept it?
Ha ha, it only digs their losing to a far greater level than before, because the people are breaking the brainwashing chains that they've found themselves bound by finally. The left is losing it's grip, and losing it's mind all at the same time.
Which makes it dangerous.
Second paragraph of the bill:

(2) Since 1973, the Supreme Court repeatedly has recognized the constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before fetal viability, and to terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability where it is necessary, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care professional, for the preservation of the life or health of the person who is pregnant.

Moving on.
1st they won't define a woman (don't know what that is), but then out of convenience they clarify a "WOMAN", but only when they want to claim their right to abortion as a choice, and I mean even without the woman having to show knowledge in regards to or in concerns of a tragic hell like procedure when wanting to just exercise this so called choice or right in which ends the life of a separate human fetus/baby within their body, otherwise that is growing in the womb, and worse without regard to the potential of that human being if were to be brought to full term as the baby should be.
I definitely want an actual timeline from him on when, precisely, the magic of personhood happens.
None of them will put a stake in the ground as to when exactly a fetus get's their right to life. I think they realize the obvious question if they do. What's different from X week and X week minus 1 day?
So start child support from then. Make sure that embryo has a SSN number ASAP. Count them as a second person in the car pool lane. Count them on the census.
Ok. If we do these things can we stop murdering unborn babies?
Tubes tied isn't temporary. But you bring up a point....there surely is another way to force men to keep their pants zipped and not waste those LIVING sperm.
Sure it is. You can reverse tubal ligation.

I would recommend a simple google search before you talk out of your ass.

Try again.
Which makes it dangerous.
No pain, no gain right ? This country wasn't won by two sides getting together to hash things out over tea and crumpets. Passionate beliefs will be defended always, but the only crux is that the beliefs had best be right, because God won't stand up for wrong. Never has, and never will. He stands up for sinner's because he has given them the choice to redeem themselves through salvation and repentance, so he doesn't stand for them to continue in sin, but that they are willing to change for the better, and therefore move forward from sin otherwise leaving it in the dust bins of time.
  • Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon, and represent 1% of all abortions in the US. Typically, these procedures cost well over $1,000, excluding the cost of travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days, and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers.
  • Reasons individuals seek abortions later in pregnancy include medical concerns such as fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment, as well as barriers to care that cause delays in obtaining an abortion.
  • Roe v. Wade made the concept of viability critical to the regulation of abortion, particularly when it comes to abortions later in pregnancy. Viability is not set at a specific date in the pregnancy, rather multiple factors play into the determination of viability, including gestational age, fetal weight and sex, and medical interventions available.
Then the Mississippi law shouldn't bother you........99% comply with it already........
Support the current the current thing :rolleyes:

Ukraine flags down.....pussy hats back!!!!!!


Amazing how they are ready to kill people for the right to kill babies............imagine that.

Oh but Get the fucking jab or else we will make you lose your job and destroy you.

Fuck em.

Pro-choice is a cult, that much is undeniable. Who founded the cult might surprise some, especially some of these fugly militant feminist activists. Le Marquis de Sade was a huge proponent of unlimited abortion. So in that way, whenever a feminist pro-choice bitch has an abortion, she is essentially being forced to do so by a centuries dead old white guy. So much for the femme in feminism.
Are you that much of an idiot, what I'm saying is no fetus that was ever aborted had a name, in essence they did not exist. When people want a child, even before it is born, they often name it. If there is a miscarriage ( god's abortion ) late in the term they may even bury it and give it a grave marker. There is love there.

So your big argument is, "We're sociopaths who erase people's existence, so that makes it okay that we're sociopaths who dismember them"? I mean, what is the argument you think you're making here?

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