Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


A nation dictating for two years to women the choice of injecting a vaccine into their bodies, essentially robbing them of their bodily autonomy.

Guess who? The US. Every western nation (or 'advanced' nation).

So, how do you address this double standard?

These are the same people who don't think a woman should have enough control over her own body to decide who she does and doesn't want to get naked in front of in the locker room.

They address this double standard the way they address all of their double standards: "I want it, and you're bad for not giving it to me!! Wanting it makes it right!!!"
Which was advised by groups like the National Abortion Federation.

Why then, does the behavior of Democrats belie the position taken in that platform? Because none of them believe in the safety, legality, or rarity of abortion.

Mischaracterization. No surprise there.

Alex Shephard writes in the latest issue of The New Republic that something odd has happened to Newsweek. It has become an outlet for rightwing advocacy. The Newsweek story has been covered by many media outlets over the past several years, but I had not seen those stories and had no idea about what happened to this once iconic magazine.

For half a century, Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post and was a well-respected voice in American journalism. In 2010, the Post sold Newsweekto 91-year-old businessman Sidney Harman; Harman bought it for $1 and assumption of its liabilities. Ownership turned over a few more times, from Harman to Barry Diller. Diller regretted his purchase and sold Newsweek in 2014 to a group called International Business Times Media. IBTM changed its name to Newsweek Media Group. Its owners were tied to a small Christian college (Olivet University) led by a charismatic Korean pastor, David Jang. Jang also was founder of a cult called “The Community,” according to this report in Mother Jones.

In 2018, the offices of Newsweek were raided by federal agents investigating a money-laundering operation between the publication, the cult, and the college.
They address this double standard the way they address all of their double standards: "I want it, and you're bad for not giving it to me!! Wanting it makes it right!!!"
I get it. But call me naive for wanting a truthful answer for once.
Mischaracterization. No surprise there.

Alex Shephard writes in the latest issue of The New Republic that something odd has happened to Newsweek. It has become an outlet for rightwing advocacy. The Newsweek story has been covered by many media outlets over the past several years, but I had not seen those stories and had no idea about what happened to this once iconic magazine.

For half a century, Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post and was a well-respected voice in American journalism. In 2010, the Post sold Newsweekto 91-year-old businessman Sidney Harman; Harman bought it for $1 and assumption of its liabilities. Ownership turned over a few more times, from Harman to Barry Diller. Diller regretted his purchase and sold Newsweek in 2014 to a group called International Business Times Media. IBTM changed its name to Newsweek Media Group. Its owners were tied to a small Christian college (Olivet University) led by a charismatic Korean pastor, David Jang. Jang also was founder of a cult called “The Community,” according to this report in Mother Jones.

In 2018, the offices of Newsweek were raided by federal agents investigating a money-laundering operation between the publication, the cult, and the college.
Deflection. Attacking the source, not the behavior being addressed by the source.

So, where's your point?

Notice how I didn't attack that image of yours from Mother Jones earlier. So the least you can do is provide me with the same dignity.

Or admit you have no cogent point.
Deflection. Attacking the source, not the behavior being addressed by the source.

So, where's your point?

Notice how I didn't attack that image of yours from Mother Jones earlier. So the least you can do is provide me with the same dignity.

Or admit you have no cogent point.
Second paragraph of the bill:

(2) Since 1973, the Supreme Court repeatedly has recognized the constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before fetal viability, and to terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability where it is necessary, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care professional, for the preservation of the life or health of the person who is pregnant.
It's not that simple, physical life begins at conception. Personhood begins at birth. So are you trying to protect all life, or all people. I go with the latter, women need to be protected from atrocitious abortion laws.

You know what "it's not that simple" usually means? It means, "It IS that simple, but I really want to justify doing what I want."

And what is this "personhood" thing you want us to simply accept trumps life? Is "personhood" a scientific term? Which discipline can you find that definition in?
If abortion is murder as you say, there have to be victims. Please name the victims. People have names.

Oh, okay, so now humanity is defined by having a name? So when that baby is born, does that personhood magically convey when the birth certificate is filled out, or when it's filed with Vital Statistics? Or is it just when the parents agree on what the name's going to be? What happens if the parents just can't decide?
Second paragraph of the bill:

(2) Since 1973, the Supreme Court repeatedly has recognized the constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before fetal viability, and to terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability where it is necessary, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care professional, for the preservation of the life or health of the person who is pregnant.

Yeah, and?
When all this s*** started the supreme Court should have said abortion is a medical procedure and a Private matter and it's none of our business. Ending all abortion laws before they started would have been the right thing to do.

Do you actually think "medical procedure" puts something beyond government regulation? :auiqs.jpg:

The left could have tried to "end all abortion laws", but they went with, "We'll get the court to just make everyone do what we want!" instead. Why do you suppose that was?
This is a victory for democracy. Now the voters in the individual states get to decide if they want abortions inside their borders. The Constitution gives the Federal govt no authority over medical matters. Under the 10th amendment, that means that power rests with the states and with the people. I am shocked that the Democrats in Congress took an oath to defend the Const and now they have abandoned it.
They've been long ago abandoned it when they went crazy.
Abortion exists for a reason. People seem to have very little control over their sexual natures thus the Creator entity put many controls in place to try to control the population. We are still over populating the Earth, the last thing we need is any more people on this Earth adding to the problem. If a god existing I believe it does, it would not want us to destroy this world as we are doing.

You realize you just defined the reason we have every law on the books that prohibits behavior, not the reason we shouldn't have laws that you seem to think you did, right?
It was probably meant to test the waters. 70% of Americans still believe a woman's right to choose is the way to go. A minority only 28% believe the opposite. Doing away with roe versus Wade would create tremendous social injustice.

"My agenda is correct, because I'm SUUUUURE that everyone else agrees with me!!! So we HAVE to make sure there are never any votes about it!" :rolleyes:

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