Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Yup, elections definitely have consequences. Doesn’t impact me. I’m a guy and I’m in a blue state.

But there are people who will be impacted, who care deeply about this, and who didn’t bother to vote. I hope they learned their lesson.
Well given how the polls over Covid and inflation ate going you needed something to get the zombies of the left all raving mad again.

Inflation will fat outweigh this. Remind them of Covid and teaching BS will over come this.
Well given how the polls over Covid and inflation ate going you needed something to get the zombies of the left all raving mad again.

Inflation will fat outweigh this. Remind them of Covid and teaching BS will over come this.
This will likely help our chances but it’s hard to say how things will look next election. I still expect to lose the House and keep the Senate but who knows.
Some extremist crackpots try to claim that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a "human being," and demand that their politicians seize control of wombs wherever one exists. Most decent American oppose such fanaticism.

Were freedom-loving Republicans like Murkowski and Collins lied to under oath by Goresuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett before they trashed the conservative judicial principle of stare decisis, respect for settled law?
Another know nothing parrot who doesn't realize that “settled law” gets re-examined upon every new case. Funny you aren’t crying about Brown vs Board of Education overturning “settled law”. Or the Dred Scott decision. Nobody got lied to dumbfuck.
Why? Is it legal to murder babies there?
In California, abortion is legal up until the 23rd week of pregnancy. That is EXTREMELY late 2nd trimester. At that point, the definitions and physical characteristics of the unborn child make it difficult not to recognize them apart from an actual human baby.

As for New York, it's already legal.

This will likely help our chances but it’s hard to say how things will look next election. I still expect to lose the House and keep the Senate but who knows.
Why would you want the SCOTUS to decide this? Why would you want the US Congress to decide this? What jurisdiction would the Federal Government have on this issue anyway? This is clearly an issue that should be debated and decided on by the individual state legislatures.
You should read the posts of people who think a fetus should have the same compliment of Constitutional rights you do
You should get an education. Nobody is banning interstate travel you hyperventilating nimrod. So you’re okay with a woman abusing drugs and alcohol during a pregnancy. That damages another person.
Poor little faggot. Having a meltdown because your shit is getting destroyed by facts. Fuck off asshole. Yet you cheer a light on pedos unqualified affirmative action placement on the court. Continue your tantrum bitch.
Rght on cue, triggered.

Anything to add without being hysterical, drama queen?


That's what I figured.
Rght on cue, triggered.

Anything to add without being hysterical, drama queen?


That's what I figured.
You’re the hysterical one who’s throwing a tantrum here faggot. Poor triggered asshole. Killing of children isn’t right and you’re whining about it. Now tell your boyfriend you need comforting.
Why? Is it legal to murder babies there?
Another know nothing parrot who doesn't realize that “settled law” gets re-examined upon every new case. Funny you aren’t crying about Brown vs Board of Education overturning “settled law”. Or the Dred Scott decision. Nobody got lied to dumbfuck.
The repressive states will still have a difficult time depriving women of the freedom they have enjoyed for fifty years.

Over half of abortions in the U.S. is now by medication, approved for use up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, and additional research shows provision beyond 10 weeks is safe and effective, Some providers administer medication abortion “off label” after that point in pregnancy.

Rather than requiring that they flee to advanced states where their freedom to safely control their own bodies is respected, regressive regimes will have to interdict the mails, and delivery by alternate methods is still likely.
The repressive states will still have a difficult time depriving women of the freedom they have enjoyed for fifty years.
What freedom?
Roe gives the state the power to limit, restrict, regulate and in some instances ban abortions.
Rather than requiring that they flee to advanced states where their freedom to safely control their own bodies...
It mght very well be that red states pass laws that drive liberals out.
I am sure those states won't mind.
Partial birth abortion is barbarism. And it happens in blue lunatic areas. But these same areas will decide their states fate. Pass their own lunatic laws.

And we in the Red States will tell you to go to hell. Not happening here.
  • Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon, and represent 1% of all abortions in the US. Typically, these procedures cost well over $1,000, excluding the cost of travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days, and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers.
  • Reasons individuals seek abortions later in pregnancy include medical concerns such as fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment, as well as barriers to care that cause delays in obtaining an abortion.
  • Roe v. Wade made the concept of viability critical to the regulation of abortion, particularly when it comes to abortions later in pregnancy. Viability is not set at a specific date in the pregnancy, rather multiple factors play into the determination of viability, including gestational age, fetal weight and sex, and medical interventions available.
  • Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon, and represent 1% of all abortions in the US. Typically, these procedures cost well over $1,000, excluding the cost of travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days, and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers.
  • Reasons individuals seek abortions later in pregnancy include medical concerns such as fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment, as well as barriers to care that cause delays in obtaining an abortion.
  • Roe v. Wade made the concept of viability critical to the regulation of abortion, particularly when it comes to abortions later in pregnancy. Viability is not set at a specific date in the pregnancy, rather multiple factors play into the determination of viability, including gestational age, fetal weight and sex, and medical interventions available.
Ok then where is the line? How many weeks before it's considered murder. I keep asking this and keep getting deflections. Put a stake in the ground.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

This is a victory for democracy. Now the voters in the individual states get to decide if they want abortions inside their borders. The Constitution gives the Federal govt no authority over medical matters. Under the 10th amendment, that means that power rests with the states and with the people. I am shocked that the Democrats in Congress took an oath to defend the Const and now they have abandoned it.
This assumes the only way to care about babies is to make sure they and their mother have a bunch of free stuff.
Sure, it makes sense to a welfare-state liberal, but in the real world, not so much.

any you want to make it worse, dont ya?

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