Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You did get credit where it was due. And you don’t get credit for any of your other nonsense because your nonsense is — nonsense. And I’ve used “preborn baby” before. I don’t think I can claim credit for that term. “Unborn” and “preborn” are pretty much synonymous though.

I don’t care how it goes over, either way. It’s accurate and that’s plenty good enough for me. I can see how accuracy wounds you.
Science is the best assessment of our world. Fetus is the scientific term for a developing human in the womb. I stand with science not with science fiction or any other nonsense. No offense meant to science fiction, I enjoy it very much as entertainment.
Look at what you're calling these people these women you don't even know. So who's the crazy one them or you I think you.
I personally never knew a Nazi Concentration Camp guard but I know they are scumbags.

Any filthy ass bitch that chooses to use murder as a birth control method rather than love the child they conceived is worthy of ridicule and disrespect.
Because people generally believe in the rule of law and fighting within the bounds of the law to change it. What exactly should people do to stop abortions other than fight to change the law?

Do you believe slavery is wrong? There are more slaves in the world today than at any other time in history, why arent you getting off your ass to stop it?
I don’t think American are killing babies so I’m living with a clear conscious. If I thought babies were being murdered law be damned.
The majority of women suport a women's right to control their own bodies, dumbass.

And millions of them vote.
Yeah, maybe controlling their own bodies when it comes to dieting, fighting many disorders, dealing with stress, marriage, job's, and everything else pertaining to their own human life, but they weren't ever supposed to commit baby murder in order to somehow deal with their situations in life. It has nothing to do with controlling their bodies, but everything to do with murdering a child. It's really amazing how so many people were brainwashed.
Science is the best assessment of our world. Fetus is the scientific term for a developing human in the womb. I stand with science not with science fiction or any other nonsense. No offense meant to science fiction, I enjoy it very much as entertainment.
Fun fact: The term “preborn” was apparently first used in 1962 which is a good 11 years before Roe v. Wade.

Why not focus on being proactive in preventing unwanted pregnancy? There are many many forms of birth control available that eliminate the need to even consider an abortion. You don't have to kill the child.
Why not focus on being proactive in preventing unwanted pregnancy? There are many many forms of birth control available that eliminate the need to even consider an abortion. You don't have to kill the child.
You don't think all these women health centers are trying to promote healthy lifestyles. Of course they are. Education has brought abortion to new lows. Greater funding to women's health centers is needed and will help the situation.
Many agree. Guess what? It is in court right now Moonbat. Mississippi days 15 weeks.

How does it feel that your comments are useless?
If you are still alive 20 or 30 years from now when the government ( having had the power over women's bodies and reproductive Rights already ) does an about face and issues edicts limiting the right of women to have children because of the overpopulation of the world. I am certain I will no longer be alive, I wouldn't want to live in that kind of dystopian world that you helped create.
As usual you're trying to twist my words I'm sorry you're a total idiot and you don't make sense half the time I take that back you don't make sense most of the time goodbye and good riddance
How am I twisting your words? You said the fetus has zero rights until it's born and if that child is born is based solely on the person who got impregnated so if and when the baby is ever granted personhood is based solely on the opinion of that person. Is that not what you are saying?
How am I twisting your words? You said the fetus has zero rights until it's born and if that child is born is based solely on the person who got impregnated so if and when the baby is ever granted personhood is based solely on the opinion of that person. Is that not what you are saying?
No. The status of a fetus is determined by the mother if she wants a child then it hopefully everything will go well and she will end up with a child if it's a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant then it ends up being aborted hopefully. Legality has nothing to do with it. The law shouldn't be a factor.
No. The status of a fetus is determined by the mother if she wants a child then it hopefully everything will go well and she will end up with a child if it's a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant then it ends up being aborted hopefully. Legality has nothing to do with it. The law shouldn't be a factor.
So based on the opinion on of the person who got impregnated is what determines whether that child is a person or not. That's exactly what I said you said. You want to infer rights or withhold them based on an individual's opinion.
Hey ass wipe, Kavanaugh, Barrett, & Gorusch didn't know that when they were asked that question, shit for brains? :fu:

Now, go apeshit.
Poor little faggot. Having a meltdown because your shit is getting destroyed by facts. Fuck off asshole. Yet you cheer a light on pedos unqualified affirmative action placement on the court. Continue your tantrum bitch.
So based on the opinion on of the person who got impregnated is what determines whether that child is a person or not. That's exactly what I said you said. You want to infer rights or withhold them based on an individual's opinion.
No again, are you dense. I stated previously that a fetus cannot be considered a child it is what it is. You believe it's a child other people do not they have that right and I don't think the government has a right to control anyone's body or reproductive Rights it's that simple.

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