Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Ok. So a baby is delivered at 20 weeks. If I kill that baby that's murder, but if I punch a woman in the stomach who's 30 weeks pregnant and kill the fetus inside her it's just simple assault against her and not murder? 30 days in jail max?
Your statement is an error. If a woman successfully delivers a living child at 20 weeks. It is a person at that point. To kill it would be murder. Like all cases of murder that would be decided by the courts. We have no right to make arbitrary decisions about sentences. Each case is always unique that's why the courts come into play.
So how do research, medical and so on entities obtain fetal body parts then?
When I get blood at the university hospital for testing they ask if they have permission to do research on it. I'm sure the same principle is in play at healthcare centers for women all across the country.
When I get blood at the university hospital for testing they ask if they have permission to do research on it. I'm sure the same principle is in play at healthcare centers for women all across the country.
That should say when I give blood
I'm a WHITE JEWISH GUY here. So I don't know why you keep bringing up Black issues.

A lot of these babies are better off if they stay in heaven.

ABORTION IS NOT MURDER -- the fetus is not a fully human being right away.

We have enough unwanted children on this planet that nobody takes care of. Nobody wants to pay taxes for.

Children should be planned & wanted. Let these WOMEN decide what they will do with their bodies.

You're unwanted. Millions of adults today were born as a result of premarital sex, or unplanned pregnancy of a married woman. Before this vile evil was promulgated, women had their babies, the father usually married them, and here we are, all normal.

Then women demanded "freedom" to sleep around like men do, irresponsibly.
Then women got pregnant as a result of their "freedom" and irresponsibility not to take preventative measures.
Then women demanded the "right" to kill a human being with unique DNA and you can't understand and comprehend that.

"Before you were conceived in the womb I knew you." - The Holy Bible says that

You should be ashamed of yourself, parroting murderous talking points.

"If you didn't want to go to Chicago, why did you get on the bus?" - Garrison Keillor, talking to pro-abortion evil idiots
So in the 3rd trimester it's ok to MURDER THEM OVER MONEY.. then they are forming......Do they have a soul you know.

How about the women make up their damn mind early on..........And there are plenty of great people who grew up in foster homes .
Does any of what you're saying matter, no.
You're unwanted. Millions of adults today were born as a result of premarital sex, or unplanned pregnancy of a married woman. Before this vile evil was promulgated, women had their babies, the father usually married them, and here we are, all normal.

Then women demanded "freedom" to sleep around like men do, irresponsibly.
Then women got pregnant as a result of their "freedom" and irresponsibility not to take preventative measures.
Then women demanded the "right" to kill a human being with unique DNA and you can't understand and comprehend that.

"Before you were conceived in the womb I knew you." - The Holy Bible says that

You should be ashamed of yourself, parroting murderous talking points.

"If you didn't want to go to Chicago, why did you get on the bus?" - Garrison Keillor, talking to pro-abortion evil idiots
There are no pro-abortion people, they are all pro women's right to choose and mind your own f****** business.
Your statement is an error. If a woman successfully delivers a living child at 20 weeks. It is a person at that point. To kill it would be murder. Like all cases of murder that would be decided by the courts. We have no right to make arbitrary decisions about sentences. Each case is always unique that's why the courts come into play.
Ok so there's some magic that happens when a baby is born that confers personhood on it then? And no there cant be some subjective standard of what life is and who gets rights or not. That's a recipe for some Orwellian horror show. The courts aren't deciding whether the individual who was killed in a murder case had the right to life or not, they are deciding whether their life was taken by the person accused of murder those are 2 vastly different questions.
When I get blood at the university hospital for testing they ask if they have permission to do research on it. I'm sure the same principle is in play at healthcare centers for women all across the country.
Article from 2012 yet this is what former employee testimony from PP revealed.

Here's how it's done:
“. . . The research institutes and the abortion clinics have joined with a third party, the fetal tissue wholesaler. The fetal tissue wholesaler pays the abortion clinics a “site fee” to place employees, known as “procurement agents,” who collect various body parts of the aborted fetuses as soon as the abortion process is finished and ship them to various research institutes. By having free access to all the desirable fetal tissue, these agents take the body parts that are requested to various research laboratories and government agencies.
The wholesaler is technically renting the space to harvest the body parts rather than paying for the tissue itself. The abortionist then “donates” the tissues to the wholesalers. At the other end of the transaction, the wholesaler will “donate” the fetal material to researchers but bill them for the cost of retrieval. Thus the business deal is complete.
Selling Unborn Babies: the Reality of Fetal Tissue Research - ClinicQuotes
Ok so there's some magic that happens when a baby is born that confers personhood on it then? And no there cant be some subjective standard of what life is and who gets rights or not. That's a recipe for some Orwellian horror show. The courts aren't deciding whether the individual who was killed in a murder case had the right to life or not, they are deciding whether their life was taken by the person accused of murder those are 2 vastly different questions.
No magic involved. It's simply a fact, it is no longer a fetus. It has a birthdate, it is a person.
So define when life begins and come to some compromise with the baby killers.
I've already done that several times, physical life begins at conception there's no doubt about that. What what the opposing side is trying to contend is that it's an " unborn child ". That doesn't exist, never has never will be. And you're dragging this out trying to make yourself look good and make points for your side. I'm sorry it's just getting worse for your side, you'rer emotionally invested in this issue you need to get a life.

Bias has invaded the highest court in America.
Monday night sparked demonstrations outside America’s highest court, condemnation from Joe Biden and fears that the judiciary has suffered profound damage to its reputation for independence. This leak constitutes an insurrection against our Constitutional Republic. The feckless Karens crying their fears.
"Cultural Maoist Marxism" and associated "political correctness" have come the USA. The "Cultural Maoist Marxist" movement uses traditional Marxist means to reach it's unjust goals which include:
1. Terrorism (political correctness in it's mildest form);
2. Political indoctrination (as, for example, NPR); and,
3. Sustained guerrilla warfare. Perhaps changing our current electoral system to some form of "proportional" electoral representation would, in part, address the aforementioned anomalies.
I've already done that several times, physical life begins at conception there's no doubt about that. What what the opposing side is trying to contend is that it's an " unborn child ". That doesn't exist, never has never will be. And you're dragging this out trying to make yourself look good and make points for your side. I'm sorry it's just getting worse for your side, you'rer emotionally invested in this issue you need to get a life.
Still it is not legally defined. That is the final answer.
I'm trying to defend all women from being subjugated by archaic moral thinking. I thought we had gotten away from this garbage, but it's back to haunt the world.
You’re trying to make the world safe for infanticide. You’re a dope.

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