Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

My 12 yo son was sitting on the couch & crying. When I asked why, he said, “What’s happened to our country?” And told me he feels powerless. I was not prepared for that
He sounds like a lot of 45+ age people, right here on the board.
It's not that simple, physical life begins at conception. Personhood begins at birth. So are you trying to protect all life, or all people. I go with the latter, women need to be protected from atrocitious abortion laws.
What is an atrocious abortion law? If you want to have an abortion, there is nothing atrocious to saying get it by a certain period. If you want to rid ones self, time wouldn't necessarily matter.
I believe abortions will be available nationwide.
You're not making any sense. Covid is not related to the abortion issue at all. Please stop talking about it.
You claimed not being able to control your own body makes you a second class citizen......vax mandates fall under that statement.
The thing that gets me the most about the pro-choice people is that they don't give a damn about the unborn. To them, he/she has no more rights than a pimple on your ass. And anyone who believes that the unborn or yet to be born should have rights is labeled a kook that should be ignored. IOW, only their opinion matters.
You don't know?

So you just start babbling sans the actual facts?
The transcripts of their Congressional review are still available. All you have to do is access them, it's not privileged information. It's public information.
There's no law. That's the issue. The Roe decision wasn't a decision about a law, the court created a law from nothing which is why it's being overturned now and should never have been decided the way it was decided in the first place. You're bitch is with Congress not USSC. The only people advocating for authoritarianism are those asking 9 people with lifetime appointments and arent answerable to the electorate to do the job of the Legislature.
Unfortunately several of those nine seem to have got on the court with specific agendas in mind; usually judges with that kind of prejudice stay out of the decision making process. This could be the biggest prejudicial error ever made.
You are very sick person, to even be able to think like that.
Not thinking that at all, it's fact, why do you think PP is under fire....they offload baby parts for a profit. They claim they don't but there is quite the lucrative market out there for fetal parts. So where does this lucrative market get its dead babies?
I'd say PP is the McDonald's of a source for fetal parts.
What is an atrocious abortion law? If you want to have an abortion, there is nothing atrocious to saying get it by a certain period. If you want to rid ones self, time wouldn't necessarily matter.
I believe abortions will be available nationwide.
All abortion laws are atrocious. They have no place in modern society, they are a hangover of moral judgment. Remember most of those moral judgments are based on tribal laws to strengthen the tribe, it has nothing to do with the tribal gods that they worshiped.
Libtarded Democrap Senator reacting to the draft decision in Dobbs:

Not thinking that at all, it's fact, why do you think PP is under fire....they offload baby parts for a profit. They claim they don't but there is quite the lucrative market out there for fetal parts. So where does this lucrative market get its dead babies?
I'd say PP is the McDonald's of a source for fetal parts.
You obviously believe every lie that's come down the pike about abortion.
All abortion laws are atrocious. They have no place in modern society, they are a hangover of moral judgment. Remember most of those moral judgments are based on tribal laws to strengthen the tribe, it has nothing to do with the tribal gods that they worshiped.
It sounds like you don't support abortion then.

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