Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

All these things you mentioned protect people. We are talking about abortion and a woman's right to choose. The only comparison I could think of that would make any sense would be if the government said men could only ejaculate with their wives for the expressed purpose of procreation. Banning all other types of sexual release. You see how inappropriate it is.
Either abortion is murder or it isnt. That's what we are talking about. So if you're contention is that abortion is not murder when does life start? It has to start at some point and legallly we can just say well it's whenever the woman decides because it has to be the same across the board. So draw a line in the sand otherwise you're argument is bull shit.
This is off subject I replied to your stupid original comment please stop talking about crap like this it doesn't belong here goodbye
it's the same thing just because it blows up your stupid choice argument doesn't make it not valid.
Either abortion is murder or it isnt. That's what we are talking about. So if you're contention is that abortion is not murder when does life start? It has to start at some point and legallly we can just say well it's whenever the woman decides because it has to be the same across the board. So draw a line in the sand otherwise you're argument is bull shit.
Abortion is not murder, by it never was.
Are you that much of an idiot, what I'm saying is no fetus that was ever aborted had a name, in essence they did not exist. When people want a child, even before it is born, they often name it. If there is a miscarriage ( god's abortion ) late in the term they may even bury it and give it a grave marker. There is love there.
More excuses because you fogot to wrap that rascal. Excuses for late term abortion.
Will be soon in some states if you do late term
Then you'd be criminalizing and murdering a lot of married women that require it to preserve their lives and /or to prevent the birth of a terribly deformed child which are often non-viable anyway.
Then you'd be criminalizing and murdering a lot of married women that require it to preserve their lives and /or to prevent the birth of a terribly deformed child which are often non-viable anyway.
Another Lie. The law allows for that...rape..incest... To save the mother

You speak with forked tongue
Abortion exists for a reason. People seem to have very little control over their sexual natures thus the Creator entity put many controls in place to try to control the population. We are still over populating the Earth, the last thing we need is any more people on this Earth adding to the problem. If a god existing I believe it does, it would not want us to destroy this world as we are doing.
There are some circumstances where abortion is sadly necessary. There are (in my estimation) other circumstances where it isn’t a “necessity” strictly speaking, but might nevertheless be “justifiable.” There are far more cases where it is simply used as contraception which it technically is not. In the majority of cases, it is indefensible.

Your Malthusian argument is insane.

This is just too funny to me. So the supreme court decides to exercise their freedom of choice to abort Roe v. Wade and the pro-choicers shit a brick.

Meanwhile, men can have babies, so it's not an attack on women and we don't even know what a woman is so who cares?
Didnt several of the judges lie on this very issue in order to get on the court ?

Surely action can be taken to nullify their influence.

Liars should not make policy.
Frankly - I'm pro abortion. The sooner we can discover the gay gene, and the transgender gene, the sooner we can abort those babies selectively.

No law against choosing to abort a deformed baby....yet.

Argumentum ad Absurdum

I'm actually against abortion, let the SCOTUS abort Roe v Wade lol
Didnt several of the judges lie on this very issue in order to get on the court ?

Surely action can be taken to nullify their influence.

Liars should not make policy.
You don't know?

So you just start babbling sans the actual facts?
Physical life begins at conception. Personhood begins at birth. That's why people have birthdays. Otherwise the whole world would be celebrating conception days ( which are unknown ). How the hell do you do that ? You don't.
Ok. So a baby is delivered at 20 weeks. If I kill that baby that's murder, but if I punch a woman in the stomach who's 30 weeks pregnant and kill the fetus inside her it's just simple assault against her and not murder? 30 days in jail max?
Only the creator of life can know when life begins. Not the Supreme court or man's constitution. How can Christian support abortions?

Luke 1:41
And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

I am a diehard Democrat that will never vote for a pro-choice candidate.
Didnt several of the judges lie on this very issue in order to get on the court ?

Surely action can be taken to nullify their influence.

Liars should not make policy.
You're learning the hardway that the American elites don't give a fuck. Now sit and be forced to have babies you cow.
Pretending abortion is gone?
There is no way that the authoritarians can spin the leaked abrogation of established law, supported by the majority of Americans, as other than the repressive revocation of personal liberty and arrogation of freedom by the State in those regressive jurisdictions but, as a practical matter, women will still control their own bodies. The Statists will just punish them for exercising their freedom.
Why are we not talking about affordable birth control instead of abortion? Worked for me 60 years ago

16 Types of Birth Control and Contraception (2021 Guide)
There are more types of birth control than ever. Some forms of contraception are long-lasting; Others are single-use.

Over 63 million abortions have occurred in the US since Roe v. Wade decision in 1973
America saw more than 1,000,000 abortions each year between 1975 and 2012

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards has argued that "there's no specific moment when life begins" and that hers began when her children were born

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