Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

If women seek refuge in states where their rights are respected, will the repressive states resurrect a version of the fugitive slave law to prevent their accessing the medical services they seek?
Well, a few prisoners when released often go rob a bank just so they can be convicted to jail for a long long time, because they couldn't stand fending for themselves when they found safety behind bars. Why would a woman who had another rid her of her baby be any different? Vice is heavy and some people who use vice get tired of fending for themselves in a cold, cruel world that misunderstands their widdle probwems. :cranky:
What exactly is "pro-abortion"?

See, if "pro-life" is the belief that every pregnancy should be carried to term, then "pro-abortion" would be the belief that every pregnancy should be terminated.

No one is advocating for that...
Pro-abortion is a euphemism for cowardly pro-bloody murder that is legal because cowards like the term so they can screw, murder their own kid, and screw again, kill the next, and the next, and the next, and the next. :cranky:

'if "pro-life" is the belief that every pregnancy should be carried to term...'​
You're making too much out of the meaning of "pro-life." It's definition is literally FOR life, and as it is commonly used, it is for the lives of the unborn when discussing abortion, which is a cruel way to end a human being's life.

The reason the "law" doesn't know that ending a human being's life is murder is because a cowardly and jealous Congress doesn't have the cajones to define where life starts scientifically, so wrongfully and against science, we've had that Roe v. Wade cramming dead future Americans into garbage dumps for forty-eight or more years, considering the cases before then were reissued as part of the new murder-of-unborn-human-beings "law" was legislated from the highest court's bench. They were too full of themselves to define where life starts for one, they were too politically motivated to piss on nature in order to keep their lawyerly jobs, so they pissed on the Constitution for their failure to know through science that a 2-cell zygote is a separate human being than its own mother and father. Nature makes way for babies. Puerile human beings want to rewrite God's laws of live and let live which had done nothing but harden women's minds to reality that their body was made for having children to keep the human race going since death can happen by fate or to the end of that person's natural life from natural occurrences that cause death, such as a body killing off its own cells by way of the complications of aging which are as numerous as the complications of a 2-cell zygote going through numerous life stages until birth. And abortion is the teacher of this last 48 years of human life in America. It teaches people to cowardly extinguish a human citizen before its birth and reaching the age of accountability. In the meantime, Hollywood has glamorized youthful beauty from earlier and earlier and earlier ages as years and time go by.

People with no regard for right and wrong have pushed abortion on this world into killing off millions and millions of human beings for a huge profit to "do-no-further-damage-doctor-wannabes" for killing people's right to life just because they're too little to punch their killers in the nose and give 'em a black eye and a sore belly from punching back while they're being "extinguished" in the most inhumane manner imaginable, not to mention the aftermath of their death by being torn limb by limb and beheading in order to make life easy on their killer mom who agreed to the insanity of abortion by euphemistic lies perpetrated on them by of all things "planned parenthood" which ought to be forced to call itself "planned murderers of the world's future of human life." 'Scuse me while I go vomit. All this garbage Russia is throwing at growing children in vaporizing their schools, teachers, kids, and caretakers alike sets my jaws on the wrong angles, but oh, well. That's life. :crying:
An end to this perpetual argument would be a legal definition of when life starts.
It's not that simple, physical life begins at conception. Personhood begins at birth. So are you trying to protect all life, or all people. I go with the latter, women need to be protected from atrocitious abortion laws.
You may be upset by my noting most freedom-loving American's support for Roe v Wade, but it is that opposition to authoritarianism that will safeguard a woman's freedom throughout the advanced, enlightened states.
You are confused, sir. Abortion has been murder made legal, and many people from science backgrounds know it and do not care for the legalization of murder, considering that serial murderers have been threatening this nation worse than ever before in my lifetime.
I haven’t whined ar all. If I applaud the prospective overruling of Roe v. Wade, of course I’d lament the overruling of Dobbs.

Pretty stupid “question” you “ask.”

No not really but only time will tell
And then you went off subject.
Your post is off topic. Your earlier post was off topic. And you’re generally wrong here even when you manage to be sort of on topic.

Back on topic: if Roe v. Wade was a horrible SCOTUS decision made without regard to the actual Constitution (and it was), then overruling it is good and perfectly proper.
An end to this perpetual argument would be a legal definition of when life starts.
This perpetual argument would end if the Congress had the cajones to scientifically rule on when human life begins by tossing aside politics of getting votes out of women who like themselves for murdering their own child because they hadn't respect then and they've no respect now for human life. They're the most grissly women who ever lived if they liked the attention they got from caregivers who artificially congratulate them on enduring their murderous act long enough to pay them for their services. :cranky:
You are confused, sir. Abortion has been murder made legal, and many people from science backgrounds know it and do not care for the legalization of murder, considering that serial murderers have been threatening this nation worse than ever before in my lifetime.
If abortion is murder as you say, there have to be victims. Please name the victims. People have names.
Your post is off topic. Your earlier post was off topic. And you’re generally wrong here even when you manage to be sort of on topic.

Back on topic: if Roe v. Wade was a horrible SCOTUS decision made without regard to the actual Constitution (and it was), then overruling it is good and perfectly proper.
I I am countering that position. I did not compare it to mandates for covid that's ridiculous.
If abortion is murder as you say, there have to be victims. Please name the victims. People have names.
If you think people name the babies they just murdered, honey, you're thinking on moronic levels of human discernment and nobody can pull your brain outta your posterior sphincter. :cranky:
Not true because even states that might ban abortion cannot stop any woman from getting one.

The ability to get an abortion somewhere does not translate into the right to have one in the US Constitution. Which I think is what you were talking about with your reference to the 9th Amendment. Roe v Wade basically ruled that the right to an abortion is included in the US Constitution; we are apparently going to see that the current SCOTUS is going to overturn that ruling. Whatever a particular state does has no bearing whatsoever on that.
Pro-abortion is a euphemism for cowardly pro-bloody murder that is legal because cowards like the term so they can screw, murder their own kid, and screw again, kill the next, and the next, and the next, and the next. :cranky:

'if "pro-life" is the belief that every pregnancy should be carried to term...'You're making too much out of the meaning of "pro-life." It's definition is literally FOR life, and as it is commonly used, it is for the lives of the unborn when discussing abortion, which is a cruel way to end a human being's life.

Okay, so, thank you for not refuting my very valid point.

There is no such thing as "pro-abortion". Literally no one is advocating for that...

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