Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I I am countering that position. I did not compare it to mandates for covid that's ridiculous.
No. You’re stupid. But that’s obvious. The point you are not countering and cannot counter is that when it suits you, you are all for government substituting it’s judgment on medical matters for our own. But when it doesn’t suit you, you are opposed to it.

I understand why you rebel against the obvious conclusion that you are a hypocrite. It is a commendable thing to feel embarrassed over your own hypocrisy.
No. You’re stupid. But that’s obvious. The point you are not countering and cannot counter is that when it suits you, you are all for government substituting it’s judgment on medical matters for our own. But when it doesn’t suit you, you are opposed to it.

I understand why you rebel against the obvious conclusion that you are a hypocrite. It is a commendable thing to feel embarrassed over your own hypocrisy.
Why do you believe a woman's right to make that choice that difficult choice is any of your f****** business you are the f****** hypocrite don't you understand that.
Your post is off topic. Your earlier post was off topic. And you’re generally wrong here even when you manage to be sort of on topic.

Back on topic: if Roe v. Wade was a horrible SCOTUS decision made without regard to the actual Constitution (and it was), then overruling it is good and perfectly proper.
When all this s*** started the supreme Court should have said abortion is a medical procedure and a Private matter and it's none of our business. Ending all abortion laws before they started would have been the right thing to do.
Except people right here in this thread are saying that if any state wants to grant rights to a fetus then it should be allowed.

So it seems to me people are indeed talking about it.
Yeah. If the state legislatures pass the laws and they are upheld in court then why wouldn't they be valid laws?
This is a grave abuse of clerkship.A Scotus law clerk
LEAKED a Febuary Draft Opinion from our Supreme
This has to be addressed Immediately.Find out who pulled
this stunt.The last bastion of Protection is guarding our
Supreme court.
OR ... will this Leaker be celebrated as a Honorable
If this passes muster ... The End of the SCOTUS is
Well first off we don't know who leaked it. Second it's not a done deal yet. I am in a wait and see pattern. At this point it feels like some sort of diversion. Look over here as I bend you over and use no lube type thing. Something tells me we are about to get screwed over in another way while watching this diversion.
Why do you believe a woman's right to make that choice that difficult choice is any of your f****** business you are the f****** hypocrite don't you understand that.
Why is it difficult? If its not a life and just a clump of cells it should be an easy decision one way or another shouldnt it?
No. You’re stupid. But that’s obvious. The point you are not countering and cannot counter is that when it suits you, you are all for government substituting it’s judgment on medical matters for our own. But when it doesn’t suit you, you are opposed to it.

I understand why you rebel against the obvious conclusion that you are a hypocrite. It is a commendable thing to feel embarrassed over your own hypocrisy.
Abortion exists for a reason. People seem to have very little control over their sexual natures thus the Creator entity put many controls in place to try to control the population. We are still over populating the Earth, the last thing we need is any more people on this Earth adding to the problem. If a god existing I believe it does, it would not want us to destroy this world as we are doing.
When all this s*** started the supreme Court should have said abortion is a medical procedure and a Private matter and it's none of our business. Ending all abortion laws before they started would have been the right thing to do.
you can literally say that about anything. Are seatbelt laws legal? Drug use? Why is the state involved in regulating when people can smoke or drink? It's a personal choice that effects their body what business is it of the states?
Well first off we don't know who leaked it. Second it's not a done deal yet. I am in a wait and see pattern. At this point it feels like some sort of diversion. Look over here as I bend you over and use no lube type thing. Something tells me we are about to get screwed over in another way while watching this diversion.
It was probably meant to test the waters. 70% of Americans still believe a woman's right to choose is the way to go. A minority only 28% believe the opposite. Doing away with roe versus Wade would create tremendous social injustice.
It's not that simple, physical life begins at conception. Personhood begins at birth. So are you trying to protect all life, or all people. I go with the latter, women need to be protected from atrocitious abortion laws.
So it's the magical trip through the birth canal that grants personhood?
It was probably meant to test the waters. 70% of Americans still believe a woman's right to choose is the way to go. A minority only 28% believe the opposite. Doing away with roe versus Wade would create tremendous social injustice.
Only because most people are as stupid as you are and think that the overturning of Roe V Wade will stop a single abortion or that the decision on the court to over turn it has to do with whether the court believes abortions should be legal or not. Neither of those things is true.
It was probably meant to test the waters. 70% of Americans still believe a woman's right to choose is the way to go. A minority only 28% believe the opposite. Doing away with roe versus Wade would create tremendous social injustice.
I don't know what to think yet. Absolutely nothing is concrete about the whole thing and all eyes are on it. I hope it is just a test the water type thing but can not escape the feeling they want me to look here when I should be looking the opposite direction
you can literally say that about anything. Are seatbelt laws legal? Drug use? Why is the state involved in regulating when people can smoke or drink? It's a personal choice that effects their body what business is it of the states?
All these things you mentioned protect people. We are talking about abortion and a woman's right to choose. The only comparison I could think of that would make any sense would be if the government said men could only ejaculate with their wives for the expressed purpose of procreation. Banning all other types of sexual release. You see how inappropriate it is.
If abortion is murder as you say, there have to be victims. Please name the victims. People have names.
So a person without a name cant be murdered?

If a baby is born and I kill it before the parents name it Im not guilty of murder?

Why do you believe a woman's right to make that choice that difficult choice is any of your f****** business you are the f****** hypocrite don't you understand that.
You’re a retard. A woman’s “right” to “choose” to kill an innocent human being doesn’t exist. It is certainly well within my business to decide to try to prevent the murder of any person. That’s not hypocrisy, you witless lummox. It’s a statement of fact.

If a woman doesn’t have the “right” of “privacy” in her own home to “choose” to kill a houseguest, then one might well assume (correctly) that the right to privacy and the “right” to choice are not rights superior to the law against murder. The right to life of the houseguest supersedes those other alleged rights.

Pretty fucking stupid argument you’re trying so poorly to cobble together there, Stain.
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All these things you mentioned protect people. We are talking about abortion and a woman's right to choose. The only comparison I could think of that would make any sense would be if the government said men could only ejaculate with their wives for the expressed purpose of procreation. Banning all other types of sexual release. You see how inappropriate it is.
Who do seatbelt laws protect? Who do drug and smoking laws protect? I get to CHOOSE right? My body my choice? Some shit like that. You are talking out of your ass.
If it is overturned, it will be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the courts. There's only one reason to bring life into this world and that is based on love. There are many reasons not to and that is based on love too. We would be making women sucking class citizens. We would be creating a new generation of super criminals. We would be creating so many new unwanted children by people who could least afford it. This law will be one based on hatred and lack of understanding. Abortion law should be illegal. Abortion is a medical procedure that should be decided between the woman and her doctor ( and her husband or significant other if there is one ) . No one else should be involved in the process, it's a difficult decision and have a other people involved in the process just makes it more complicated and more painful. Christians think they're doing the right thing, they are not. They are simply extending their control over everyone. The law is about power over people not power for people. A fetus is a potential human being it is not an unborn child or a person. Those terms are not real. Those terms are meant to make you feel emotional about the issue and it's worked on 28% of the population . 70% of Americans still believe that women should have control of their own bodies. Roe versus Wade protects all women not just pregnant women it gives them equality under the law.
Excuses. How much does a rubber cost? Accountability doesnt exist in your Utopia. Mississippi its 15 weeks to make up your damn mind. Whats the problem?
If you think people name the babies they just murdered, honey, you're thinking on moronic levels of human discernment and nobody can pull your brain outta your posterior sphincter. :cranky:
Are you that much of an idiot, what I'm saying is no fetus that was ever aborted had a name, in essence they did not exist. When people want a child, even before it is born, they often name it. If there is a miscarriage ( god's abortion ) late in the term they may even bury it and give it a grave marker. There is love there.
Who do seatbelt laws protect? Who do drug and smoking laws protect? I get to CHOOSE right? My body my choice? Some shit like that. You are talking out of your ass.
This is off subject I replied to your stupid original comment please stop talking about crap like this it doesn't belong here goodbye

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