Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Less than 1% of abortions take place after 21 weeks

Most abortions actually take place in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy 99% take place by week 20
Yet we know, from the mouths of PP execs, that enough of the late term type occur to supply a market for parts. If a woman has decided that she refuses to carry her child to term there is nothing that will stop her from killing it.
IF this decision stands, the right to do that has not been taken from her. Organizations like PP can now put their money where their mouth has been and pay the freight to keep this ghoulish practice "alive". They're already working on grant applications or funding requests to Congress so that the taxpayers are on the hook for a whole new type of paid welfare.
You should read the posts of people who think a fetus should have the same compliment of Constitutional rights you do
You are entitled to that opinion. Not everyone agrees though.

Do you support the idea that the Supreme Court can and should legislate from the bench, creating civil rights out of thin air that have no root in our Constitution?

Do you support the idea that the Supreme Court can determine at a later date that an earlier ruling was in error and rectify it?

I think the government should stay out of all medical decisions a person makes. I have no problem with early term abortions and have always said that there should be some restriction on when abortions can be performed by I don't think a total ban is good policy.

So do you think a fertilized ovum has the full compliment of COnstituional rights you do?
Yet we know, from the mouths of PP execs, that enough of the late term type occur to supply a market for parts. If a woman has decided that she refuses to carry her child to term there is nothing that will stop her from killing it.
IF this decision stands, the right to do that has not been taken from her. Organizations like PP can now put their money where their mouth has been and pay the freight to keep this ghoulish practice "alive". They're already working on grant applications or funding requests to Congress so that the taxpayers are on the hook for a whole new type of paid welfare.

Still 1% or less of all abortions occur at or after the 21 week mark
Funny, I don't see this listed under the Bill of Rights.
SCOTUS can not decree a human right.
Except that the 9th amendment also states that people have rights that may not be enumerated in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution as a whole and that those rights are no less protected
So let me clarify your position.

You think that the state has the right to force pregnant women to comply with their rules of behavior for pregnant women.

So therefor it is perfectly fine for the state to incarcerate a pregnant woman who might smoke a cigarette, or who gets too fat while pregnant, or drinks more then the recommended amount of coffee or who doesn't follow the USDA dietary guidelines because all those behaviors put an unborn fetus at risk. You want the state to forcibly keep pregnant women from traveling to a state where abortion is legal because there is the chance she will choose to get one.

If a state legislature passed those laws and they were upheld in court after they would most definitely challenged then yes. Why would those laws be any different than then myriad of laws that are restrictions on what we can do with our bodies But those laws dont exist so you're hyperventilating over something that hasn't happened and isnt even something people are talking about.

Is the seatbelt law legal? There are laws against suicide are those legal? Are laws requiring the wear of life preservers legal? Why is it illegal for me to go down to the courthouse steps and light myself on fire, or shoot up heroin? Why aren't you ranting and raving against those laws? At least when I light myself a blaze I'm only hurting me unlike when a woman has an abortion.
That was one of many mistakes by Congress to assume because the court handed down the decision, there was no need to pass related legislation.

This decision is going to force Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer to hold votes, which could hurt members of their own party, but it is also going to prevent Republicans in swing districts, and Senators up for reelection, from hiding behind not having to vote, something Mitch McConnell protected them from their entire terms.

It also will put House Republicans that were fairly safe, in a less safe position, because many of them live in districts that are prochoice.
Congress outsourced their job to SCOTUS. It's a touchy issue and they don't want to do their job and possibly lose an election.

They can hold votes all day long, in the end it will still be a states rights issue.
I think the government should stay out of all medical decisions a person makes. I have no problem with early term abortions and have always said that there should be some restriction on when abortions can be performed by I don't think a total ban is good policy.

So do you think a fertilized ovum has the full compliment of COnstituional rights you do?
What's the line? How many weeks before it's murder?

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

If it is overturned, it will be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the courts. There's only one reason to bring life into this world and that is based on love. There are many reasons not to and that is based on love too. We would be making women sucking class citizens. We would be creating a new generation of super criminals. We would be creating so many new unwanted children by people who could least afford it. This law will be one based on hatred and lack of understanding. Abortion law should be illegal. Abortion is a medical procedure that should be decided between the woman and her doctor ( and her husband or significant other if there is one ) . No one else should be involved in the process, it's a difficult decision and have a other people involved in the process just makes it more complicated and more painful. Christians think they're doing the right thing, they are not. They are simply extending their control over everyone. The law is about power over people not power for people. A fetus is a potential human being it is not an unborn child or a person. Those terms are not real. Those terms are meant to make you feel emotional about the issue and it's worked on 28% of the population . 70% of Americans still believe that women should have control of their own bodies. Roe versus Wade protects all women not just pregnant women it gives them equality under the law.
You should read the posts of people who think a fetus should have the same compliment of Constitutional rights you do
I have. On the whole, I support that. I'm simply adult enough to understand that people will do as they please and consequences be damned, so the next best thing is to keep such government decisions at the level closest to the people - their own state.
I think that ending the life of a human being that was carelessly created, unwanted, and totally avoidable with the slightest bit of planning, is an abomination. Those who resort to abortion as birth control should be sterilized, imo. Either that or they should be permanently disqualified from receiving womb to tomb benefits for themselves and their unfortunate children.

All the decisions we take in life have consequences and there is no way to stop that. One party decided a few decades ago to infantilize a whole sub-culture in America, imbue them with permanent victim status and force all others to pay their way, no matter how outrageous their behavior. Before I start hearing "you RAY-SUS!" I include in that group whites and Hispanics as well.

A huge number of these slaughtered innocents were created as a result of that evil. If states want to continue it, then let their own taxpayers carry that burden. If that stance makes me evil in the eyes of the Left, I'll wear it proudly.
Except that the 9th amendment also states that people have rights that may not be enumerated in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution as a whole and that those rights are no less protected
It has to be recognized and/or defined.
I'd think what you are saying would hold water if congress did their job and passed law on this.
That's where SCOTUS comes define it.
This was a decision.
If it is overturned, it will be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the courts. There's only one reason to bring life into this world and that is based on love. There are many reasons not to and that is based on love too. We would be making women sucking class citizens. We would be creating a new generation of super criminals. We would be creating so many new unwanted children by people who could least afford it. This law will be one based on hatred and lack of understanding. Abortion law should be illegal. Abortion is a medical procedure that should be decided between the woman and her doctor ( and her husband or significant other if there is one ) . No one else should be involved in the process, it's a difficult decision and have a other people involved in the process just makes it more complicated and more painful. Christians think they're doing the right thing, they are not. They are simply extending their control over everyone. The law is about power over people not power for people. A fetus is a potential human being it is not an unborn child or a person. Those terms are not real. Those terms are meant to make you feel emotional about the issue and it's worked on 28% of the population . 70% of Americans still believe that women should have control of their own bodies. Roe versus Wade protects all women not just pregnant women it gives them equality under the law.
How many of these abortions were based on love or a good drunken roll in the hay?
The legal profession in general, even the sleazy ambulance chaser types, are shocked by this breach of ethics.
How Roberts is seen to handle this breach will be his legacy. Nothing else he does will have a greater impact on the future of the SCOTUS. This is one he can't weasel out of...
If it is overturned, it will be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the courts. There's only one reason to bring life into this world and that is based on love. There are many reasons not to and that is based on love too. We would be making women sucking class citizens. We would be creating a new generation of super criminals. We would be creating so many new unwanted children by people who could least afford it. This law will be one based on hatred and lack of understanding. Abortion law should be illegal. Abortion is a medical procedure that should be decided between the woman and her doctor ( and her husband or significant other if there is one ) . No one else should be involved in the process, it's a difficult decision and have a other people involved in the process just makes it more complicated and more painful. Christians think they're doing the right thing, they are not. They are simply extending their control over everyone. The law is about power over people not power for people. A fetus is a potential human being it is not an unborn child or a person. Those terms are not real. Those terms are meant to make you feel emotional about the issue and it's worked on 28% of the population . 70% of Americans still believe that women should have control of their own bodies. Roe versus Wade protects all women not just pregnant women it gives them equality under the law.
If it is overturned, it will be one of the greatest rulings in American judicial history. Correcting an egregious mistake made about 50 years ago is overdue, but a welcome admission of past fallibility. Stepping up and correcting such major mistakes is hugely important. The decision Roe v. Wade denigrated human life.
How many of these abortions were based on love or a good drunken roll in the hay?
I don't know and I don't care it doesn't matter. You want to be the judge of other people. How about all the people who smoke should we stop them from smoking how about all the people who drink or do drugs should we stop them from drinking should we stop them from doing drugs when does this garbage end.
If it is overturned, it will be one of the greatest rulings in American judicial history. Correcting an egregious mistake made about 50 years ago is overdue, but a welcome admission of past fallibility. Stepping up and correcting such major mistakes is hugely important. The decision Roe v. Wade denigrated human life.
Thel greatest moment in American judicial history will be when the supreme Court finally says abortion is a medical issue and there's no need for any ruling on it it's a personal matter a medical matter that's what it is stop trying to make it something that it isn't. All abortion laws need to be put to an end.
I think it was leaked now because the left is planning their made for TV J6 spectacular in June. If this decision came out before SCOTUS recess, it would overwhelm the TV spectacular.
Beyond that, if it is thought this could force SCOTUS to change their minds......they did that at Floyd and got caught trying during Rittenhouse.
I also think they screwed up doing this. By November, it will be shown this doesn't eliminate abortion rights....restrict them, yes. How about full term abortion, is that right?
If it is overturned, it will be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the courts. There's only one reason to bring life into this world and that is based on love. There are many reasons not to and that is based on love too. We would be making women sucking class citizens. We would be creating a new generation of super criminals. We would be creating so many new unwanted children by people who could least afford it. This law will be one based on hatred and lack of understanding. Abortion law should be illegal. Abortion is a medical procedure that should be decided between the woman and her doctor ( and her husband or significant other if there is one ) . No one else should be involved in the process, it's a difficult decision and have a other people involved in the process just makes it more complicated and more painful. Christians think they're doing the right thing, they are not. They are simply extending their control over everyone. The law is about power over people not power for people. A fetus is a potential human being it is not an unborn child or a person. Those terms are not real. Those terms are meant to make you feel emotional about the issue and it's worked on 28% of the population . 70% of Americans still believe that women should have control of their own bodies. Roe versus Wade protects all women not just pregnant women it gives them equality under the law.
Then pass a law to that effect. Which btw is what the draft decision says. It doesn't say whether abortion should or shouldn't be legal only that the decision of the court in 1972 to weigh in on the subject was wrong and that this decision should be made by the state legislatures not the USSC.

It's like 95% of the people bitching about this decision (which is only a draft) can't be bothered to even read the decision they say is supposedly one of the most important decisions in their lifetime. How can you disagree with something you haven't read? This decision will not stop a single abortion from happening in the United States. Not 1. Only state legislatures can do that if this ends up being the determination of the court. So if you oppose abortion take it up with your state legislature. Also if you are for abortion take it up with them as well.
I don't know and I don't care it doesn't matter. You want to be the judge of other people. How about all the people who smoke should we stop them from smoking how about all the people who drink or do drugs should we stop them from drinking should we stop them from doing drugs when does this garbage end.
That was a response to your statement :
There's only one reason to bring life into this world and that is based on love.

So is it?

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