Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Most Americans, and the people of most advanced nations, respect the right of a woman to make her own, personal reproductive decisions with the advice of her loved ones and medical and spiritual advisers rather than impersonal, authoritarian politicians and bureaucrats arrogating her personal freedom and dictating to her.

Whether it is China forcing abortions or Iraq denying them all, don't surrender the power over wombs to any State.

Whereas some nations are hellbent upon surrendering freedom in reproductive matters to politicians, Canada keeps its politicians out of the womb:
Canada is the only nation with absolutely no legal restrictions at the federal level to access abortion services. Nevertheless few providers in Canada offer abortion care beyond 23 weeks and 6 days without a medical reason as outlined by provincial regulatory authorities for physicians.​
How convenient politics has wormed itself into erasing the laws of uncountable human nations who know what human life is and respected it until some hollywood idiots put vanity ahead of human life and wouldn't hire pregnant actresses to play a role in a movie.
This isn’t a polling matter, you retard. But congratulations on finding another excuse to misuse the word “authoritarian.”
You may be upset by my noting most freedom-loving American's support for Roe v Wade, but it is that opposition to authoritarianism that will safeguard a woman's freedom throughout the advanced, enlightened states.
You may be upset by my noting most freedom-loving American's support for Roe v Wade, but it is that opposition to authoritarianism that will safeguard a woman's freedom throughout the advanced, enlightened states.
I’m not upset by any of the mindless nonsense you drool out. I find you absolutely worthless but amusing. You’re an imbecile hoping to someday be an idiot.

And by the way, your efforts to make the word “authoritarian” a contender for word of the month is going only so so. Maybe try a hashtag?
BackAgain said:
I’m not upset...
You appeared to be very surly.

Trashing the right to privacy recognized for the past half century - after ideologues Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett stated under oath that Roe v Wade was "settled law", could open the floodgates to statism running amok.

A retrogressive agenda could befoul the nation for years, further dividing advanced states from repressive one.
Lurid visions fester in your noggin, but I expect that authoritarians will not succeed in seizing control of the bodies of women, even in the most repressive states.

Most Americans support freedom:

Poll Finds Most Americans Support Access to Abortion

Will the repressive states pass updated versions of fugitive slave laws and pursue women fleeing to free states?

We'll see.
Nobody has the "freedom" to kill another human being. That brings us to science as follows:

Is a fetus a being? (Correct and accurately, yes, a fetus is a being because it is a life that is in its early stages of human development).

Is a fetus inside a human mother who had sex with a human man a human? (Correctly anbd accurately, yes, human beings can only produce human ovums and human sperms, so again yes). Enough for your doh, who me, what me, am I a human being? Doh, I do wonder! :muahaha:
You appeared to be very surly.

Trashing the right to privacy recognized for the past half century - after ideologues Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett stated under oath that Roe v Wade was "settled law", could open the floodgates to statism running amok.

A retrogressive agenda could befoul the nation for years, further dividing advanced states from repressive one.
The right to privacy is superceded by the right to live, doll.
You appeared to be very surly.

Trashing the right to privacy recognized for the past half century - after ideologues Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett stated under oath that Roe v Wade was "settled law", could open the floodgates to statism running amok.

A retrogressive agenda could befoul the nation for years, further dividing advanced states from repressive one.
Oh nozies! Shitlap is upset that I appear “surly.” Whatever shall I do? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

Listen, you imbecile. “Settled” law isn’t impervious to being corrected. Do you remember “separate but equal?” You clod. That gibberish was “settled law.” And it (Plessy v. Ferguson) was also a terrible decision — and tragically stupid, exactly like you. And guess what, you bombastic ignorant twat? Yes. That’s right. It got OVERRULED.

Do you lament the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas decision? I don’t.
The issue is whether this ruling ( which has not yet been made BTW) can be construed to grant full Constitutional rights to a fetus.

I'm sure some states will quickly write and pass new laws that ban all abortions based on the implied rights of a fetus whether the Supreme Court explicitly says that or not. And we'll have another Supreme Court case and go through all this pandemonium all over again. IMHO, saying that the Constitution cannot be interpreted as granting the right to an abortion is not the same thing as granting full Constitutional rights to an unborn baby. And if that is the case, then could the SCOTUS rule that an abortion ban has no basis in law at the federal level? If so, then it falls to each state to make their own decisions about that. Politically, there are more people that don't like a total ban over people that want abortions restricted to a certain time frame, say the first trimester or whatever. IOW, let the people in each state decide.
Most Americans, and the people of most advanced nations, respect the right of a woman to make her own, personal reproductive decisions with the advice of her loved ones and medical and spiritual advisers rather than impersonal, authoritarian politicians and bureaucrats arrogating her personal freedom and dictating to her.

Whether it is China forcing abortions or Iraq denying them all, don't surrender the power over wombs to any State.

Whereas some nations are hellbent upon surrendering freedom in reproductive matters to politicians, Canada keeps its politicians out of the womb:
Canada is the only nation with absolutely no legal restrictions at the federal level to access abortion services. Nevertheless few providers in Canada offer abortion care beyond 23 weeks and 6 days without a medical reason as outlined by provincial regulatory authorities for physicians.​
How about the right of the woman to choose what firearm she wants to carry?. Your hypocrisy is well documented.
Nobody has the "freedom" to kill another human being.
Some extremist crackpots try to claim that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a "human being," and demand that their politicians seize control of wombs wherever one exists. Most decent American oppose such fanaticism.

Were freedom-loving Republicans like Murkowski and Collins lied to under oath by Goresuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett before they trashed the conservative judicial principle of stare decisis, respect for settled law?
I'm sure some states will quickly write and pass new laws that ban all abortions based on the implied rights of a fetus whether the Supreme Court explicitly says that or not. And we'll have another Supreme Court case and go through all this pandemonium all over again. IMHO, saying that the Constitution cannot be interpreted as granting the right to an abortion is not the same thing as granting full Constitutional rights to an unborn baby. And if that is the case, then could the SCOTUS rule that an abortion ban has no basis in law at the federal level? If so, then it falls to each state to make their own decisions about that. Politically, there are more people that don't like a total ban over people that want abortions restricted to a certain time frame, say the first trimester or whatever. IOW, let the people in each state decide.
If women seek refuge in states where their rights are respected, will the repressive states resurrect a version of the fugitive slave law to prevent their accessing the medical services they seek?
Some extremist crackpots try to claim that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a "human being," and demand that their politicians seize control of wombs wherever one exists. Most decent American oppose such fanaticism.

Were freedom-loving Republicans like Murkowski and Collins lied to under oath by Goresuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett before they trashed the conservative judicial principle of stare decisis, respect for settled law?
The draft ruling that was released said that R v W was not as "settled" as you Moon Bats claim it to be. In fact it said that the Justices thought it was one of the worst decisions ever made by the Court.
Some extremist crackpots try to claim that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a "human being," and demand that their politicians seize control of wombs wherever one exists. Most decent American oppose such fanaticism.

Were freedom-loving Republicans like Murkowski and Collins lied to under oath by Goresuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett before they trashed the conservative judicial principle of stare decisis, respect for settled law?
Again, you evasive coward:

Plessy was “settled law.” I have no “respect” for Plessy.. Nor should I. Nobody should. Not even an imbecile like you.
The issue is whether this ruling ( which has not yet been made BTW) can be construed to grant full Constitutional rights to a fetus.

All this argument is over a decision that has not even been made yet

“Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position of any member on the issues in the case,” Chief Justice John Roberts said in a statement.
You are 100% right. We have to credit our gutless wonders of Congress who were too confused to rule that a fetus in a human mother IS A HUMAN BEING. That bullshit about breathing air is just that bullshit! The truth is that the baby inside that morther WAS BREATHING, only its mother was by nature that you cannot legislate, putting oxygen and nutrients to that human being through the means of her unbilical cord inside the placenta that functions both for eating and breathing. /wah-wah trumpet to the exponential degree.
The preference of Americans for freedom from State coercion in such a personal matter is undeniable.

Poll: Majority of voters want Supreme Court to protect abortion rights

The authoritarians' capacity to seize control of wombs is limited as a practical matter.

That stupid article doesn't say jackshit on how the poll was conducted or who participated. Probably on purpose because it wouldn't pass any scrutiny. Mostly likely a stupid internet poll on some idiot Left Wing site.

What else you got Moon Bat?
Seems like pro-abortion fuckers have daily and annual quotas of babies to murder, so yeah—it matters to them what other states do and do not allow; got to get them dead baby numbers up . . .

What exactly is "pro-abortion"?

See, if "pro-life" is the belief that every pregnancy should be carried to term, then "pro-abortion" would be the belief that every pregnancy should be terminated.

No one is advocating for that...

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