Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

... the Supreme Court of May, 2022, has ended the evil rule of abortion against the souls of 40 million young women
Pretending that 40 million young women are morons whom the Supreme Court has emancipated is delusional. Most young women, like most Americans, support reproductive freedom by a wide margin.

Statists will inflict their authoritarian laws upon women in regressive states.

Advanced states will affirm the personal freedom of women, and insure that they are empowered to retrain control of their bodies, not surrender it to dried up old bureaucrats and geezer politicians.

The burden of the government intrusion into personal matters will be inflicted on poor women in the backward states, but women control their own bodies, not the State, and will assert their liberty by whatever measures are necessary.
IMO, if men had babies, abortion would be in the Bill of Rights.
Sorry, konradv, but it would be if EVIL men could choose to murder a fetus made dainty by a bad law that would stain the integrity of the Bill of Rights. The little 2-cell critter IS A HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And its being deserves respect inside and outside of the womb. :cranky: I pity the march of those at St. Peter's gate after their life on earth is over and their sorry sight of one hundred million small angels frowning on them because they were aborted and denied the right to life. Arrrrrrgh!
Then only the Highly moral states who determine that a zygote in side its human mother is a human being. That is a fact of science, not my fantasy as some here would like to push down believers' craw. Abortion is as evil as murder because it has a human being for a victim, and that human being deserves better than extinction from having a life of (1) life, (2)liberty, and (3) pursuit of happiness. Funny how that promise in the Constitution has been ignored since the Roe v. Wade decision was the end of at least a hundred million human beings' lives in this country and in many other nonchristian lands where Biblical knowledge and warnings are snubbed egregiously by the community that pushes perfection to include anti-life activities to put education in the hands of murderers and bullies who deigned it fine to kill a little guy. Sorry. The truth is not pretty when it gets rolled over by ignorance. And because the zygote is a being, and its DNA shows that it is a human being formed, it is therefore a human being, and no law, no shoving of the facts aside can take away that little human being's rights to life, just like ours, liberty when it gets older, and its pursuit of happiness when it is freed from a certain death that abortion brings about.
Not disagreeing with you just making an observation.
Pretending that 40 million young women are morons whom the Supreme Court has emancipated is delusional. Most young women, like most Americans, support reproductive freedom by a wide margin.

Statists will inflict their authoritarian laws upon women in regressive states.

Advanced states will affirm the personal freedom of women, and insure that they are empowered to retrain control of their bodies, not surrender it to dried up old bureaucrats and geezer politicians.

The burden of the government intrusion into personal matters will be inflicted on poor women in the backward states, but women control their own bodies, not the State, and will assert their liberty by whatever measures are necessary.
Pretending abortion is gone?
Pretending that 40 million young women are morons whom the Supreme Court has emancipated is delusional. Most young women, like most Americans, support reproductive freedom by a wide margin.

Statists will inflict their authoritarian laws upon women in regressive states.

Advanced states will affirm the personal freedom of women, and insure that they are empowered to retrain control of their bodies, not surrender it to dried up old bureaucrats and geezer politicians.

The burden of the government intrusion into personal matters will be inflicted on poor women in the backward states, but women control their own bodies, not the State, and assert their liberty by whatever measures are necessary.
You're mentally ill if you think everyone will clink beer glasses in a bar and praise murdering tiny little human beings who can't punch them in the nose to save themselves from the evilest, most cowardly act anybody can do to a helpless human being. The FACT is that little person inside his mommy is NOT his mommy, and he is NOT his daddy, He is a separate being than they, and since at full term he would have been a human being, he IS a human being in its earliest STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. Another stage of development happens rather early in the breathing life on earth of human beings when they UNDERSTAND THAT screwing out of wedlock is VERY BAD, AND the female partner has been raped if she is under the age of understanding she has a 50-50 chance of becoming with a little human being inside of her after such an act which the law considers rape in order to discourage young or old males from taking advantage of a little girl who may not understand what responsibility for another life entails..
Sorry, konradv, but it would be if EVIL men could choose to murder a fetus made dainty by a bad law that would stain the integrity of the Bill of Rights. The little 2-cell critter IS A HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And its being deserves respect inside and outside of the womb. :cranky: I pity the march of those at St. Peter's gate after their life on earth is over and their sorry sight of one hundred million small angels frowning on them because they were aborted and denied the right to life. Arrrrrrgh!
You women are so emotional! Now I see why laws are necessary to let you know what you’re allowed to do. Thanks to your fathers and husbands for their guidance. /sarc
Mississippi and 15 week rule started this. If you cant decide in almost 4 months you must be a Moonbat.

Over all the left will continue their barbarism in blue holes. Really changes nothing but gives the left a talking point for their brigades to yell about.
... everyone will clink beer glasses in a bar and praise murdering tiny little human beings ...
Lurid visions fester in your noggin, but I expect that authoritarians will not succeed in seizing control of the bodies of women, even in the most repressive states.

Most Americans support freedom:

Poll Finds Most Americans Support Access to Abortion

Will the repressive states pass updated versions of fugitive slave laws and pursue women fleeing to free states?

We'll see.
Mr. Templar, there is a course in higher universities called "Human development." Once that zygote of 2 human cells is formed, it is not the same person as its host mother or its progenitor father. It is a being. We call it a human being. Should we tolerate human extinction just because it is to little to notice? If you read the Psalms, ever, I hope you run into King David's words that tell us that we are wonderfully made inside our mothers, and that before she even knows the baby is there that God knows that little human being is there. God loves his creation, man, and people with or without faith in God must not allow another human being to be killed by people thousands of times bigger than themselves. Extinguishing a fetus is not just a buncha cells. It is a being. We call it a human being, because at full term of the woman's pregnancy her product is human, not a cow for slaughter.
I agree with the bulk of this post. But given that the majority of Americans agree with allowing abortions in the early 1st Trimester, the best you can ask for is what I just stated.

The very definition of humanity begins at the moment the two sets of genes combine to form one unique set, wholly different from the mother's or father's. But good luck convincing anyone else of that.
Lurid visions fester in your noggin, but I expect that authoritarians will not succeed in seizing control of the bodies of women, even in the most repressive states.

Most Americans support freedom:

Poll Finds Most Americans Support Access to Abortion

Will the repressive states pass updated versions of fugitive slave laws and pursue women fleeing to free states?

We'll see.
Right and wrong of baby killing are not a political knowing, and the high court that approved abortion as just fine had no idea women in the millions would be using abortion, the killing of their own baby, until 100,000,000 American citizens were denied the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..

Once more, let me repeat this to you.

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Ad nauseum. One hundred million goddamn times.
Pretending that 40 million young women are morons whom the Supreme Court has emancipated is delusional. Most young women, like most Americans, support reproductive freedom by a wide margin
"Reproductive freedom" is not purely constrained to abortion.

Hate to break that to you, pal.
Not disagreeing with you just making an observation.
Not to worry, but I have been denied my first amendment rights, because somebody with clout disagrees with my opinion and removed my post, will probably remove my other post as well. I have no clout here, but the truth does. I do know what the truth is, and quite a few people did not know that I know precisely what the truth is and what God and man knows is the truth. Killing another human being is verboten.

Abortion is born of Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice.
Science can find possible evidence for microbes and call it "life".
Yet, for some reason, on our own planet, we have to debate what is "Life".

It is a shame that in our country we will bend the rules of science to accommodate almost any agenda; personal, social, political, and religious.
Right and wrong of baby killing are not a political knowing, and the high court that approved abortion as just fine had no idea women in the millions would be using abortion, the killing of their own baby, until 100,000,000 American citizens were denied the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..
Most Americans, and the people of most advanced nations, respect the right of a woman to make her own, personal reproductive decisions with the advice of her loved ones and medical and spiritual advisers rather than impersonal, authoritarian politicians and bureaucrats arrogating her personal freedom and dictating to her.

Whether it is China forcing abortions or Iraq denying them all, don't surrender the power over wombs to any State.

Whereas some nations are hellbent upon surrendering freedom in reproductive matters to politicians, Canada keeps its politicians out of the womb:
Canada is the only nation with absolutely no legal restrictions at the federal level to access abortion services. Nevertheless few providers in Canada offer abortion care beyond 23 weeks and 6 days without a medical reason as outlined by provincial regulatory authorities for physicians.​
It should be the women who decide
The saying “possession is nine points of the law” is a common law precept that means one who has physical control or possession over the property is clearly at an advantage or is in a better possession than a person who has no possession over the property.

As a practical matter, women have possession of their own bodies, not the authoritarians who would attempt to seize control of them.

Unless they apprehend and incarcerate all pregnant women, the authoritarians won't be able to control all those wombs.

The increasing preference of pharmaceutical abortion - especially during the first 20 weeks when 90% of abortions occur - will strain the maximal statists' capacity to control women, even if they revive fugitive slave laws to deal with those seeking freedom in advanced states.
I must've pissed off the barracudas this morning. My apologies to the barracuda who kicked me off not only this thread whom I offended, but off the internet as well. Knowledge has final power, and I was judged harshly by someone who has the power to knock another person off the internet.

Abortion has no regard for the life it takes away from this earth. And it doesn't uplift the coward who uses abortion to not have to face the responsibility of one's situation. Bless the mothers who refuse to abort their own child. I'm one of them, and it resulted in a very unpleasant divorce from a cowardly husband who wanted me to abort my second child with him. He demanded parental rights of visitation that ended when he brought the older child home with 5 stitches over his eye that resulted from drunk driving. The judge didn't think very much about that incident and granted the protection of my children to me, and I brought up the two most beautiful, bright kids on the planet who are now productive beings in their fifties.

And I weep for the orphans who were murdered in Kiev's territory by the Russians who will have to bear the responsibility for 50 young lives they ended through vaporization and stupidity of weapons they are unfit to use on other people they decide they want to screw out of their natural resources, nation, and displeasing the atheist Russians who have zero caring for little kids, because they cowardly bullies who can't pull dirty tricks on other human beings forever. Now they're threatening to nuke any nation who helps the Ukrainians.

And what does Biden do? He goes and soothes himself in the basement with ice cream.
Your inadequacy in substantive discourse is acknowledged.
A lame come back from a tool who can’t say more than “authoritarian” at any given time. Shitlap, you’re a total fail and I enjoy the absolute futility of your infantile posting efforts. :clap:

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