Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

If abortion is murder why are all you internet warriors sitting around doing nothing while babies are murdered? I know this fuckers….If I thought babies were being murdered I’d be up off my ass saving them. You guys just sit around whining on the internet because you know it isn’t murder.

You just want to control women and fake virtue signal while you’ll be the first person to drive your daughters to LA for an abortion… if you weren’t fat trolls that couldnt get a date. Assholes all of you.

"You're not practicing your belief I don't share the way I think you should, so that means you don't really believe it!"

And sorry, but who the fuck are you that I should care if you approve of me or justify myself to you?
Are you that much of an idiot, what I'm saying is no fetus that was ever aborted had a name, in essence they did not exist. When people want a child, even before it is born, they often name it. If there is a miscarriage ( god's abortion ) late in the term they may even bury it and give it a grave marker. There is love there.
I hereby name all fetus's Bill. They now have a name and are thus a person. Can we stop killing them now?
Unfortunately several of those nine seem to have got on the court with specific agendas in mind; usually judges with that kind of prejudice stay out of the decision making process. This could be the biggest prejudicial error ever made.

Oh, yeah, the only Justices that got onto the court with a predetermined agenda are on the right. :rolleyes: Hey, did Ketanji Brown Jackson ever figure out what a woman was? I'm thinking if she called a biologist to discuss it, they'd probably take the call.
All abortion laws are atrocious. They have no place in modern society, they are a hangover of moral judgment. Remember most of those moral judgments are based on tribal laws to strengthen the tribe, it has nothing to do with the tribal gods that they worshiped.

"I have decided that abortion should magically be the only thing in the whole entire world which is entirely, 100% beyond any reference to law whatsoever, BECAUSE!"

And let's discuss this tossaway notion of yours that "modern" equals "beyond morality". How does THAT work?
Your statement is an error. If a woman successfully delivers a living child at 20 weeks. It is a person at that point. To kill it would be murder. Like all cases of murder that would be decided by the courts. We have no right to make arbitrary decisions about sentences. Each case is always unique that's why the courts come into play.

What was it five minutes earlier when it was in her uterus? And exactly what was the magic that took place in that five minutes to change it from whatever to a "person", whatever you mean by that?

I just love this, "You don't really care about babies, because you aren't supporting the social spending programs I want!!!" argument. Basically, the left's agenda is objective morality at all times and in all ways, just because they say so.

I think I will pass on begging for moral approval from someone loathsome enough to support killing babies, thanks. Call me if you want to beg for the right to describe yourself as a human.
Yes if the tax payer isnt willing to pay for the birth and raising of your child they have no right to tell you cant kill it.

So I'm walking down the street, and I see some guy about to step out in front of a bus. Can I run forward and pull him out of the way of the bus, or do I have to be prepared to financially support him for the rest of his natural life first?
So I'm walking down the street, and I see some guy about to step out in front of a bus. Can I run forward and pull him out of the way of the bus, or do I have to be prepared to financially support him for the rest of his natural life first?
Does he have a name? If not you can actually push him in front of the bus as he is not a person
1st they won't define a woman (don't know what that is), but then out of convenience they clarify a "WOMAN", but only when they want to claim their right to abortion as a choice, and I mean even without the woman having to show knowledge in regards to or in concerns of a tragic hell like procedure when wanting to just exercise this so called choice or right in which ends the life of a separate human fetus/baby within their body, otherwise that is growing in the womb, and worse without regard to the potential of that human being if were to be brought to full term as the baby should be.

I do notice that the same people currently proclaiming themselves to be "champions of women's right" and profoundly concerned about "women becoming second-class citizens" had no idea what a woman even WAS a month ago. Oh, and they had no worries whatsoever about women being erased from their sports, their awards, their bathrooms, and their locker rooms. It appears that the line between full citizen and second-class citizen exists solely at being used as a sperm container for every asshole man who wants to get his rocks off and then vanish.
I just love this, "You don't really care about babies, because you aren't supporting the social spending programs I want!!!" argument. Basically, the left's agenda is objective morality at all times and in all ways, just because they say so.

I think I will pass on begging for moral approval from someone loathsome enough to support killing babies, thanks. Call me if you want to beg for the right to describe yourself as a human.
You could chose your own social programs to support babies, but we all know that according to the GOP the sanctity of life begins at conception but stops when children are born.
Lurid visions fester in your noggin, but I expect that authoritarians will not succeed in seizing control of the bodies of women, even in the most repressive states.

Most Americans support freedom:

Poll Finds Most Americans Support Access to Abortion

Will the repressive states pass updated versions of fugitive slave laws and pursue women fleeing to free states?

We'll see.
Nobody is trying to control the bodies of women. If a woman wants to go on tiktok and punch herself in the face for an hour straight, nobody is going to stop her. If she wants to dye her skin pink and surgically attach a horn to her head and call herself a unicorn, nobody is going to protest. If she wants to cut off all of her hair and sew a wig on in its place, have at it. If she wants to take an ink pen and hand draw tattoos all over her body, nobody will care. This is not about controlling the body of a woman, it's about the life inside of her.
You could chose your own social programs to support babies, but we all know that according to the GOP the sanctity of life begins at conception but stops when children are born.
So lets kill them all then.........huh.....

The Lunatic leftist answer...............

How about you put on a fucking rubber........used for fucking...........understand and don't get her pregnant.

It's high time that Abortion isn't used for birth control.
You could chose your own social programs to support babies, but we all know that according to the GOP the sanctity of life begins at conception but stops when children are born.

Oh, well thank you so much for "generously" allowing me to choose the way in which I conform to your edicts on the only correct way to do things. I will counter with a generous offer of your choice of the method to go fuck yourself.
I just love this, "You don't really care about babies, because you aren't supporting the social spending programs I want!!!" argument. Basically, the left's agenda is objective morality at all times and in all ways, just because they say so.

I think I will pass on begging for moral approval from someone loathsome enough to support killing babies, thanks. Call me if you want to beg for the right to describe yourself as a human.
Holy shit.

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