Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

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I couldn't find documentation of any cases so far but it's definitely got to increase the maternal and fetal fatality rate, further complicate problems and risky pregnancies and lead to a lot more mental health issues.
To what precisely?

You essentially told a woman who has had more than one child that her opinions and positions regarding abortion and female bodily autonomy are fake. You dismissed her out of hand. You acted like she knew nothing that she was talking about. All of that presumably coming from a man.

Sometimes it's fun to use liberal logic against liberals, and you sir as far as this issue goes, are very liberal.

Did anyone tell you that you suck at mansplaining?

This is what the kids call getting owned.
Ahhhhh...poor little murdering lover snowfwake...for the record i could give a shit about any of this except the trigger'll still be abler to get your male abortion,,,,don't worry
You’re an intellectual giant. Your GED at work.
You ever going to state when exactly a fetus becomes a life and thus has a right to life? Or are you too much of a coward?
Abortion up to viability of the fetus and in special cases after as determined by a doctor. Just like Roe v Wade says.
You ever going to state when exactly a fetus becomes a life and thus has a right to life? Or are you too much of a coward?
Now you're doing this s*** to some other person. Physical life begins at conception that is a scientific fact. Personhood begins at birth, that's why we birth dates are so important. It begins the chronology of our existence as a person.
Abortion up to viability of the fetus and in special cases after as determined by a doctor. Just like Roe v Wade says.
So as medical advances move forward at some point in the future abortion will always be murder since at some point we will be able to keep a fetus alive outside the womb at any age.

Why would a doctor get to decide when a fetus has a right to life?
Now you're doing this s*** to some other person. Physical life begins at conception that is a scientific fact. Personhood begins at birth, that's why we birth dates are so important. It begins the chronology of our existence as a person.
Where da fuck did you invent this PERSONHOOD terminology...............Your side justs make shit up all the time.
Now you're doing this s*** to some other person. Physical life begins at conception that is a scientific fact. Personhood begins at birth, that's why we birth dates are so important. It begins the chronology of our existence as a person.
That’s the dumbest argument in support of abortion I think I’ve ever heard. If it’s a human life and you kill it on purpuse that’s literally the definition of murder.
And the Ghoul Docs say it's fine even if it's partial birth.

62 million and counting. Abortion ............the new condom..........huh
As long as you're going to get into the nasty side of abortion. Remembering that it's not the rule but the exception. The worst of all is necessary late-term abortions that involve very small women who were caring megalocephalic fetises. Especially the mother has other complications, especially septicemia. The woman and that we can State cannot withstand the surgery of removing the fetus so they use crusher forceps to crush the skull to facilitate removing it vaginally. That's the worst I've ever seen. Remember this is very very rare.
and in special cases
And there it is, the biggest loophole of them all. What is the definition of a 'special case' to someone who fights so fervently for unfettered abortion? And before you answer, I know what the legitimate, medical cases are. They are quite different from the liberal definition you're positing.

Please do answer the question, it will reveal your blatant duality on the subject.
You people invented " unborn child " I looked up the word, I don't make s*** up like you people do.
We disagree on when life begins.............And in our Red States we WILL DECIDE what our State believes in.
Not listening to brain dead people from the INSANE ASYLUM OF CALIFORNIA..........Keep your Frutcakes there...........Thanks.
And there it is, the biggest loophole of them all. What is the definition of a 'special case' to someone who fights so fervently for unfettered abortion? And before you answer, I know what the legitimate, medical cases are. They are quite different from the liberal definition you're positing.

Please do answer the question, it will reveal your blatant duality on the subject.
Why should he answer you at all you've already convicted him about a crime you people like convicting people of crimes don't you. You are all sick bastards.
You're not keeping up. I already said physical life begins at conception there's no doubt about it it's a scientific fact. Equally true, none of the three stages of human embryo development can be called a person, and there's no such thing as an " unborn child ". The term was developed by far right wing nuts invoke to invoke a negative emotional response to abortion.
Why should he answer you at all you've already convicted him about a crime you people like convicting people of crimes don't you. You are all sick bastards.

Oh look at you, poor baby (Oops. Should I have called you a fetus instead? Should I attempt to dehumanize you in the same way you do unborn children?)

Because when you make any assertion on a board like this, it will naturally bring about questions. If you aren't prepared for the questions, don't make the assertion.

It defacto bans abortion for anyone who doesn't have the means to travel to a state where a woman's right to privacy will still be the law of the land. Get ready for more generational poverty Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina etc...
Because the citizens there aren't intelligent enough to use contraception? It works every time it's tried. Also, Planned Parenthood gets billions a year to provide "reproductive health" services so it's time they ponied up for these poor, idiot women who aren't bright enough to use the pill by paying for their travel and lodging expenses to get them to a state where this ghoulish practice is still condoned.

Except they won't and you know it. PP is about making bank, not doing good deeds.

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