Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

It will be overturned because it was a poor legal decision. Abortion itself not really being part of the issue at hand and will continue regardless. And if anything this is just a response brought about by the death throes of a dying conservative movement. Part of a last stand as society in general moves to the left.
Fact is no one knows it's going to happen. Although likely, it's not set in stone until it's done and I can't see this being put down when 70% of the population supports it.
Fact is no one knows it's going to happen. Although likely, it's not set in stone until it's done and I can't see this being put down when 70% of the population supports it.

Theres no where near 70% support for abortion. There’s probably not 70% support for anything in this country. I’m not sure we could get 70% support for free blow jobs..
Where are you getting that 70% number from?
Fifty-seven percent of respondents said they want the Supreme Court to support abortion rights, 28% hope it opposes them and 15% don’t know or have no opinion, according to the Politico/Morning Consult poll.
So twice as many people want abortion rights than want to end abortion rights.

Nor do states have any standing.
They are not the ones being aborted and lose nothing when abortions are performed.
States should get no say in whether or not abortions are legal.
The states are trying to dictate the actions of others based on religious beliefs.
That is illegal.
Saw a different polling

If you add those who support abortion rights with those who do not care, then it is 72% who are against over turning Roe Vs Wade.
Only 28% want to force a changes.
Where I come from, when 28% get their way over what others should be able to do, it is time to load up the rifles.

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