Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
That would be on appropriate response. I really hope it happens, but the propaganda these people put out has gotten a large minority of women.
Where I come from, when 28% get their way over what others should be able to do, it is time to load up the rifles.

Where I come from, I call that irony.

If we take this logic of yours into account, it might be high time to do something about the very small minority of wokesters influencing policies directed at our children. Or about the minority who convinced state governments to defund our police, or any culture-related issue for that matter.
In most states (including California), when a pregnant woman is murdered, the killer is charged with a double murder. However, when a woman wants to kill her baby by abortion, it's just a blob of flesh. Something doesn't smell right here.
That seems appropriate for any woman who is pregnant and wanted to carry the pregnancy to term.

You may wish to read the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.

The 10th amendment does NOT give the states any additional authority at all.
All the 9th and 10th amendment says, is the federal government only has authority over what is explicitly granted to it in the constitution, and all other authority remains as it was, either state, municipal, or individual.
The 9th and 10th amendments do not grant any new authority to the states, and the states never have any authority over person medical choices.
For example, the feds were not granted any authority over religion, but that then does not mean states have authority over religion.
Individuals each have their own personal authority over religion.
That seems appropriate for any woman who is pregnant and wanted to carry the pregnancy to term.

No it does not seem at all appropriate, unless the killed knew of the pregnancy and was deliberately killing the woman because of the fetus.
So twice as many people want abortion rights than want to end abortion rights.
Even if true, and I seriously doubt those numbers, this decision DOES NOT remove abortion as an option for women who want one. You guys are gonna LOSE on this one and if your freak show Leftist posse begins burning and looting this summer, you're apt to lose even larger this November.
For example, the feds were not granted any authority over religion, but that then does not mean states have authority over religion.
Bullshit! ALL rights not mentioned specifically in the Constitution as part of the Federal government automatically arrogate to the states. ALL OF THEM.
Could someone explain, how this website got registered, and build for this event two weeks before Roe v Wade news got leaked?

Even if true, and I seriously doubt those numbers, this decision DOES NOT remove abortion as an option for women who want one. You guys are gonna LOSE on this one and if your freak show Leftist posse begins burning and looting this summer, you're apt to lose even larger this November.

Does not really matter if there are still abortion options.
If the SCOTUS reverses Roe Vs Wade, they have to go.
And I don't care what else has to go in order to make that happen.
It is beyond the pale.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents said they want the Supreme Court to support abortion rights, 28% hope it opposes them and 15% don’t know or have no opinion, according to the Politico/Morning Consult poll.
So twice as many people want abortion rights than want to end abortion rights.

Nor do states have any standing.
They are not the ones being aborted and lose nothing when abortions are performed.
States should get no say in whether or not abortions are legal.
The states are trying to dictate the actions of others based on religious beliefs.
That is illegal.
And 70% of Americans want Rowe versus Wade to stay in place to allow women to have a choice in the matter.
Bullshit! ALL rights not mentioned specifically in the Constitution as part of the Federal government automatically arrogate to the states. ALL OF THEM.

Totally and completely wrong.
I don't even have to paraphrase.

{... The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. ...}

Clearly states do NOT have any additional rights or powers due to the 10th amendment.
There are lots of things states ever had any authority over before the 10th amendment, and they still do not after the 10th amendment.
For example, states do not have any authority over police, fire departments, curfews, traffic regulations, zoning, religion, health care, etc.
The majority of women suport a women's right to control their own bodies, dumbass.

And millions of them vote.
Correct, women and men should control their own bodies. I believe in women making a choice, and that choice should be made 'before' the pregnancy.

Then we had the COVID vaccination issue where all of a sudden, people having the right to control their own body, certainly by Democrats, was thrown out of the window.
When lifer lefty lawyer Alan Dersh sez Roe is bad law, it's really bad law.
The stupid decision was made back in the 70s to appease the Feminazis. It was determined for the wrong reasons. Imagine how stupid it was for the Court to say that it was a Consititonal Liberty to allow a person to kill a child for the purpose of birth control.

Great example of why we can't depend upon the Courts to protect our Liberties any more than we can depend upon the Legislative or Executive Branches. Something our Founding Fathers knew.
And there it is, the biggest loophole of them all. What is the definition of a 'special case' to someone who fights so fervently for unfettered abortion? And before you answer, I know what the legitimate, medical cases are. They are quite different from the liberal definition you're positing.

Please do answer the question, it will reveal your blatant duality on the subject.
Doctors are doctors you moron. Special cases are health situations. You fuckers should leave the doctoring to people who went to school for a decade vs your dumb asses.

So as medical advances move forward at some point in the future abortion will always be murder since at some point we will be able to keep a fetus alive outside the womb at any age.

Why would a doctor get to decide when a fetus has a right to life?
Same pic from my last post. You guys are clinically stupid. There is nothing wrong with the current law.

And 70% of Americans want Rowe versus Wade to stay in place to allow women to have a choice in the matter.
That is bullshit. Maybe some stupid internet poll will say 70% but that is not a real representation.

Except for a few really dumbass Moon Bats I hear about in the news or on the internet I don't even know anybody in real life that supports abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

This bullshit by the Libtards about "my body my choice" went out the window with the filthy ass insistance to wear mask and get vaccinated for Covid. They no more believe that than the Man in the Moon.

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