Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Because the citizens there aren't intelligent enough to use contraception? It works every time it's tried. Also, Planned Parenthood gets billions a year to provide "reproductive health" services so it's time they ponied up for these poor, idiot women who aren't bright enough to use the pill by paying for their travel and lodging expenses to get them to a state where this ghoulish practice is still condoned.

Except they won't and you know it. PP is about making bank, not doing good deeds.
Do you really believe contraception works "every time"?
You should study history. But I'm sure the Red States will be there to support all of the unwed mothers, fatherless children, tens of thousands of unwanted pregnancies, etc... because, as we all know, the Red States are at the fore front of sex education

You people really cannot seem to understand or accept even the concept of personal responsibility, can you? With you, it's either allow abortion or the state becomes responsible for every life that is carelessly created through a total lack of concern. IF the government stopped subsidizing abortion and also paying for every unwanted child born to irresponsible people, this problem would QUICKLY solve itself.
Do you really believe contraception works "every time"?
Nah, the failure rate may approach a couple of % but that doesn't begin to excuse your outlook. You don't give a damn about the fact that millions of babies are carelessly created without even attempting contraception, then, they are slaughtered for the convenience of the silly couple that created them. IT IS EVIL.
? What about the supposed 81 MILLION who voted for the turnip-in-chief?
Cute name for trump, however that turnip only got 74,222,958 votes. It was Biden who got 81,283,098 votes ( 51.3% ). trump spent $3 million in Wisconsin on recounts. The recounts ended up giving Biden 257 more votes, making his lead even bigger. Same thing happened in all the other states that were questioned, the full spent millions making Biden an even bigger winner. I love the irony of that.
I'm torn on this one. I'm right-leaning but pro-choice to a point.

That said RvW was shit decision by a shit court who was on the wrong side of everything, it should never had been heard and left to the states.

BUT......I see this as a HUGE landmine for the gop's chances going forward. The best thing the gop can do is STFU about it instead of the incessant crowing I'm already hearing.
It isn't enough of a hot button for Republicans or Independents to stop what's coming in November. No Democrat was going to vote Red anyway. If there is an effect it might be to keep status quo in the Senate but unless they ditch the filibuster, that isn't too much of a problem either.
When the House flips, Biden becomes an instant lame(r) duck and will spend the rest of his time signing EOs. If we get lucky and the Senate flips as well, we get to watch Chucky the Putzhead, spontaneously combust on the Senate floor.
You people really cannot seem to understand or accept even the concept of personal responsibility, can you? With you, it's either allow abortion or the state becomes responsible for every life that is carelessly created through a total lack of concern. IF the government stopped subsidizing abortion and also paying for every unwanted child born to irresponsible people, this problem would QUICKLY solve itself.
You don't get it, if the state demands control over reproductive Rights then they are responsible for the end results. Abortion is a medical procedure best served by the woman and her doctor alone, with the possible exception of her husband or significant other. No other people or entities should be involved in that process. That's the reality.
It isn't enough of a hot button for Republicans or Independents to stop what's coming in November. No Democrat was going to vote Red anyway. If there is an effect it might be to keep status quo in the Senate but unless they ditch the filibuster, that isn't too much of a problem either.
When the House flips, Biden becomes an instant lame(r) duck and will spend the rest of his time signing EOs. If we get lucky and the Senate flips as well, we get to watch Chucky the Putzhead, spontaneously combust on the Senate floor.
It must be nice to have a crystal ball. Good luck with that.
Cute name for trump, however that turnip only got 74,222,958 votes. It was Biden who got 81,283,098 votes ( 51.3% ). trump spent $3 million in Wisconsin on recounts. The recounts ended up giving Biden 257 more votes, making his lead even bigger. Same thing happened in all the other states that were questioned, the full spent millions making Biden an even bigger winner. I love the irony of that.
What's your opinion about "2000 MULES"? Haven't watched? You probably should make the time. You'll be hearing A LOT about it in the months ahead. You fools seem convinced that as long as your media keeps repeating a thing, it MAKES IT TRUE. Nope... Next year a Republican house is going to take up these investigations OR the members who refuse will be gone after one term. This isn't going away, Cletus, not ever.
That's the reality.
So in your estimation, there is absolutely no responsibility whatever on a personal basis where people simply ignore contraception and if they become pregnant, they MUST be allowed to use abortion as "birth control"? Can't you see how disgusting that is?
That’s the dumbest argument in support of abortion I think I’ve ever heard. If it’s a human life and you kill it on purpuse that’s literally the definition of murder.
You idiots complain about not being able to have your guns I'm not going to start discussing guns I just want to make a stupid comparison like you guys do. How can you compare anything like that to not even having control over your own body. Women are supposed to be equals with men. Abortion laws make women second class citizens, they are a joke.
What's your opinion about "2000 MULES"? Haven't watched? You probably should make the time. You'll be hearing A LOT about it in the months ahead. You fools seem convinced that as long as your media keeps repeating a thing, it MAKES IT TRUE. Nope... Next year a Republican house is going to take up these investigations OR the members who refuse will be gone after one term. This isn't going away, Cletus, not ever.
You guys have a lot of fantasies going on in your heads, don't let it get the better of you. Take a deep breath and come down to reality once in a while.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

It will be overturned because it was a poor legal decision. Abortion itself not really being part of the issue at hand and will continue regardless. And if anything this is just a response brought about by the death throes of a dying conservative movement. Part of a last stand as society in general moves to the left.
You idiots complain about not being able to have your guns I'm not going to start discussing guns I just want to make a stupid comparison like you guys do. How can you compare anything like that to not even having control over your own body. Women are supposed to be equals with men. Abortion laws make women second class citizens, they are a joke.
whoops. I think we’ve broken him.


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