Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

That is bullshit. Maybe some stupid internet poll will say 70% but that is not a real representation.

Except for a few really dumbass Moon Bats I hear about in the news or on the internet I don't even know anybody in real life that supports abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

This bullshit by the Libtards about "my body my choice" went out the window with the filthy ass insistance to wear mask and get vaccinated for Covid. They no more believe that than the Man in the Moon.
100% of people support it when they need one. The only people who oppose the procedure are those who don’t need it. Just like unemployment… until they do.
Doctors are doctors you moron. Special cases are health situations. You fuckers should leave the doctoring to people who went to school for a decade vs your dumb asses.

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You are confused Moon Bat.

Typical Moon Bat bullshit by a shithass Libtard publication like "Mother Jones". Most women don't even know they are pregnant by 1-6 weeks. By the time they do know they are pregnant the baby has a heartbeat already.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

I notice you quote "Mother Jones" quite a bit on this forum. You are a fucking moron. Mother Jones supposedly got their information from the CDC and we all know how fucked up the CDC is with all the disinformation they have put out on Covid, don't we? Besides, getting knocked up isn't a disease so what the hell do they know about it?
You are confused Moon Bat.

Typical Moon Bat bullshit by a shithass Libtard publication like "Mother Jones". Most women don't even know they are pregnant by 1-6 weeks. By the time they do know they are pregnant the baby has a heartbeat already.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

I notice you quote "Mother Jones" quite a bit on this forum. You are a fucking moron. Mother Jones supposedly got their information from the CDC and we all know how fucked up the CDC is with all the disinformation they have put out on Covid, don't we? Besides, getting knocked up isn't a disease so what the hell do they know about it?
I just posted the histogram of abortion frequency dumb fuck. I swear. It’s the CDC bitch. So now you just know the numbers? How the fuck do you do that? You’re a brainwashed turd. Argue the facts not your fantasy basement boy tin hat shit.
100% of people support it when they need one. The only people who oppose the procedure are those who don’t need it. Just like unemployment… until they do.
You are confused Moon Bat

Nobody needs to murder their child on demand, for the sake of convenience, as a method of birth control.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Ethics than you know about Biology, Economics, History, Climate Science or the Constitution.
I just posted the histogram of abortion frequency dumb fuck. I swear. It’s the CDC bitch. So now you just know the numbers? How the fuck do you do that? You’re a brainwashed turd. Argue the facts not your fantasy basement boy tin hat shit.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The CDC lost all their credibility with the COVID bullshit you fucking moron. They are government bureaucrats that don't know jackshit about the crap they feed Libtard publications like Mother Jones. We saw that big time, didn't we?

My wife and I worked on a church mission to help council women that were considering getting an abortion. In all instances they were well into their second month or later before they even started to consider an abortion.

Besides it really doesn't make any difference when a woman murders their child, does it? It is still murder. By the time a woman knows she is knocked up the baby has a heartbeat.

If you weren't so ethically challenged you would understand what is wrong with murdering a child as a method of birth control. You Libtards never get anything right, do you?
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CDC lost all their credibility with the COVID bullshit you fucking moron. They are government bureaucrats that don't know jackshit about the crap they feed Libtard publications like Mother Jones. We saw that big time, didn't we?

My wife and I worked on a church mission to help council women that were considering getting an abortion. In all instances they were well into their second month or later before they even started to consider an abortion.

Besides it really doesn't make any difference when a woman murders their child, does it? It is still murder. By the time a woman knows she is knocked up the baby has a heartbeat.

If you weren't so ethically challenged you would understand what is wrong with murdering a child as a method of birth control. You Libtards never get anything right, do you?
So back to babies being murdered eh? Well then you have no ethics. You are just sitting by and watching it happen. You’re guilty as sin, read my signature. At least I know that an unviable fetus is just that. You think it’s a person and just sit by with murder occurring down the street?!?! You really think that’s happening? How do you live with yourself? . At least I can live with myself.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CDC lost all their credibility with the COVID bullshit you fucking moron. They are government bureaucrats that don't know jackshit about the crap they feed Libtard publications like Mother Jones. We saw that big time, didn't we?

My wife and I worked on a church mission to help council women that were considering getting an abortion. In all instances they were well into their second month or later before they even started to consider an abortion.

Besides it really doesn't make any difference when a woman murders their child, does it? It is still murder. By the time a woman knows she is knocked up the baby has a heartbeat.

If you weren't so ethically challenged you would understand what is wrong with murdering a child as a method of birth control. You Libtards never get anything right, do you?
Put up your own numbers then dipshit. Let me destroy them.
Put up your own numbers then dipshit. Let me destroy them.
The only number that is relevant is the fact that over 600,000 American children are murdered each year as a method of birth control.

Here is the stat from your fucking CDC since you love that source so much.

In 2019, 629,898 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC

Something you asshole murdering sonofabitch Libtards celebrate.
The only number that is relevant is the fact that over 600,000 American children are murdered each year as a method of birth control.

Here is the stat from your fucking CDC since you love that source so much.

In 2019, 629,898 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC

Something you asshole murdering sonofabitch Libtards celebrate.
Almost all before viability. They were not peeps. They were globs of cells. Part of a woman.
My wife had two miscarriages. We didn’t name and bury them. Flushed in toilet. Am I the father of two dead children? Should I morn on their flush dates?
The repressive states will still have a difficult time depriving women of the freedom they have enjoyed for fifty years.

Over half of abortions in the U.S. is now by medication, approved for use up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, and additional research shows provision beyond 10 weeks is safe and effective, Some providers administer medication abortion “off label” after that point in pregnancy.

Rather than requiring that they flee to advanced states where their freedom to safely control their own bodies is respected, regressive regimes will have to interdict the mails, and delivery by alternate methods is still likely.
Cry harder. Nobody is stopping you from traveling to another state to perform your immoral act. And no shitflap, your blue state shitholes are NOT “advanced”.
If you need to pretend that, as a public health measure, vaccination against a deadly pandemic that offers a degree of protection for others, especially the most vulnerable, is comparable to depriving a citizen of personal freedom she has enjoyed for half a century, you will contrives such an absurd correspondence, I guess.
So you’re a hypocritical bitch. Another do as I say not as I do libturd. So to idiots like you “my body my choice” ONLY applies to killing an unborn child.
It’s proof your position is fake as hell.

No, it's proof that you've never made a real attempt to understand my position. You were too busy "understanding" what you wanted to see my position as, to flatter yourself about your own.

You want to talk about my position, you ASK me what it is. You don't tell me what you "know" it is and delude yourself that I'm going to defend myself to you.
Nobody is trying to control the bodies of women.
That is precisely what the authoritarians are doing, of course. Control that a woman has exercised over her own body for half-a-century is being arrogated by ideologically-extreme politicians and bureaucrats, even as advanced nations have been progressing to greater freedom, not such statist subjugation.
Because the citizens there aren't intelligent enough to use contraception? It works every time it's tried. Also, Planned Parenthood gets billions a year to provide "reproductive health" services so it's time they ponied up for these poor, idiot women who aren't bright enough to use the pill by paying for their travel and lodging expenses to get them to a state where this ghoulish practice is still condoned.

Except they won't and you know it. PP is about making bank, not doing good deeds.
In most places, if they’re too lazy or cheap to buy contraception, they can get it for FREE at clinics. There’s truly no excuse for not taking precautions. That goes for the woman too. Personal responsibility. What a concept.....
Now you're doing this s*** to some other person. Physical life begins at conception that is a scientific fact. Personhood begins at birth, that's why we birth dates are so important. It begins the chronology of our existence as a person.

I note that you glossed right past the question of "what the hell is personhood, and how and why does it trump life", and kept right on chanting it as a fact.

Birth dates are important, Einstein, simply because it's a date we can pinpoint due to our ability to see it. Only very primitive people think, "It's not real until I can see it." So no, the fact that we commemorate birth dates does not have any scientific meaning about life.
So lets kill them all then.........
That's not a decision for you to make.

Whether to terminate a pregnancy within her own body up to the point of viability is a personal decision that has been respected under law for the past half century in America, as is the case in most advanced nations (not in Iran, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras where the State imposes its edicts.) If politicians and bureaucrats suddenly seize that control away from an American, it is a statist arrogation of personal freedom.

Authoritarians can lash out and spew their childish ad hominems when that truth is honestly stated, but that's the way it is.
No, it's proof that you've never made a real attempt to understand my position. You were too busy "understanding" what you wanted to see my position as, to flatter yourself about your own.

You want to talk about my position, you ASK me what it is. You don't tell me what you "know" it is and delude yourself that I'm going to defend myself to you.
You’re position is your own fucking business. I am not forcing you to change your position. The Supreme Court is planning to tell me what my position is based on what state I live in. Bullshit.

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