Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

It repeatedly cites a misogynist from the 1600s who had women executed for “witchcraft.”​

Most Americans have probably never heard of Sir Matthew Hale, an English jurist who was born in 1609. But Alito cites him a half-dozen times throughout his draft as proof that abortion bans are an indispensable part of our country’s heritage.

If all medical standards from Hale’s life were applied today, we wouldn’t know about the existence of germs, medicinal ingredients would include the ground-up skulls of executed criminals and live worms, and doctors would cover ailing patients in leeches to suck our their blood. For most of Hale’s lifetime, doctors didn’t even have a scientific understanding of where babies came from.
You’re position is your own fucking business. I am not forcing you to change your position. The Supreme Court is planning to tell me what my position is based on what state I live in. Bullshit.

Nice attempt at a dodge, but it doesn't skate you past the fact that the topic of my post was you trying to define what my position is. So don't come at me telling me what I believe, and then when you're called on it think you can change the subject to "generously" offering your permission to believe what I want, as though you have any authority to give me permission for shit.
Looks like the Feminazi assholes are going to instigate an insurrection because they won't get to murder as many children as a method of birth control.

ShutDownDC is also advertising a Saturday evening "Candlelight Vigil for Roe v. Wade," calling for abortion supporters to "join us in a march to Justices Kavanaugh and Roberts' homes to protest for reproductive freedom!!"

Leftist Groups Direct Protesters To Descend Upon Supreme Court Justices’ Homes | The Daily Wire
Looks like the Feminazi assholes are going to instigate an insurrection because they won't get to murder as many children as a method of birth control.

ShutDownDC is also advertising a Saturday evening "Candlelight Vigil for Roe v. Wade," calling for abortion supporters to "join us in a march to Justices Kavanaugh and Roberts' homes to protest for reproductive freedom!!"

Leftist Groups Direct Protesters To Descend Upon Supreme Court Justices’ Homes | The Daily Wire

its legal to protest in front of somebody's home
"I'm just SURE that everyone agrees with me and has relative morals like I do!"

Please show us proof that "100% of people support it when they need one."

As it happens, I would stand as evidence disproving your "100%". By your definitions, I "needed" one when I got pregnant with my first child. I was 20 years old, unmarried, had a crappy minimum-wage job that I had to leave because of the morning sickness, father had taken himself out of the picture. Scared out of my mind, no idea what I was going to do with a baby. Know what I didn't do? Abandon my belief that abortion was wrong and evil and the killing of an innocent life.

For the record, that child is now 32 years old, the mother of my grandchildren, and served as the catalyst for me pulling my life together and getting a good job that put me on a career path to later advancement and eventually meeting the man I married.

Wow, it's almost like there IS an alternative to "kill the baby and pretend nothing happened."
Looks like the Feminazi assholes are going to instigate an insurrection because they won't get to murder as many children as a method of birth control.

ShutDownDC is also advertising a Saturday evening "Candlelight Vigil for Roe v. Wade," calling for abortion supporters to "join us in a march to Justices Kavanaugh and Roberts' homes to protest for reproductive freedom!!"

Leftist Groups Direct Protesters To Descend Upon Supreme Court Justices’ Homes | The Daily Wire
How about a Candlelight Vigil for 62 million Americans who were robbed of life?
The 10th amendment does NOT give the states any additional authority at all.
I never said it did. All it does is confer authority on states not originally granted to the US government.

And since it never conferred the authority to allow or ban abortion on the US government, that automatically meant that such authority fell to the states.

Why is basic constitutional law so hard for people like you?
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Doctors are doctors you moron. Special cases are health situations. You fuckers should leave the doctoring to people who went to school for a decade vs your dumb asses.

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You totally failed to understand my post. I wasn't simply referring to doctors, I was referring to doctors who held your views on abortion and based their definitions of 'special cases' on such views.

Keep up or drop the sack, pal.
You’re position is your own fucking business. I am not forcing you to change your position. The Supreme Court is planning to tell me what my position is based on what state I live in. Bullshit.
You're ok with the government telling you that you can't own a gun. Why are you pissed off, now?
Almost all before viability. They were not peeps. They were globs of cells. Part of a woman.
incorrect. viability is always a losing argument for abortionists. Also, those "globs of cells" have individual genetic code that will program their entire body beginning at the 2 cell stage.

as far as viability, there are millions upon millions of humans who are not "viable" currently living in the United States. heck, my kids were far from viable for a very long time after they were born. try leaving a 1 year old home alone for a month and see just how viable they are...

Mr's Merriam and Webster, Viable:
"capable of living"
"capable of existence and development as an independent unit"
That is precisely what the authoritarians are doing, of course. Control that a woman has exercised over her own body for half-a-century is being arrogated by ideologically-extreme politicians and bureaucrats, even as advanced nations have been progressing to greater freedom, not such statist subjugation.
that is such a juvenile argument. pre born babies are no more a part of the mothers body than the shoes i am wearing are a part of mine. they live in the mothers body for 7-9 months, but they are certainly not a part of that mothers body.

that pre born person has an individually unique genetic code that is in every case different than that of the mothers.

to put another way, am I a "part" of the apartment I used to live in? of course not. it was just a place i lived for a short period of time.
incorrect. viability is always a losing argument for abortionists. Also, those "globs of cells" have individual genetic code that will program their entire body beginning at the 2 cell stage.

as far as viability, there are millions upon millions of humans who are not "viable" currently living in the United States. heck, my kids were far from viable for a very long time after they were born. try leaving a 1 year old home alone for a month and see just how viable they are...

Mr's Merriam and Webster, Viable:
"capable of living"
"capable of existence and development as an independent unit"

In leftist minds, all those who are not viable are subject to abortion, so when do we start "aborting" people on welfare? It does fit their narrative...
That's not a decision for you to make.

Whether to terminate a pregnancy within her own body up to the point of viability is a personal decision that has been respected under law for the past half century in America, as is the case in most advanced nations (not in Iran, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras where the State imposes its edicts.) If politicians and bureaucrats suddenly seize that control away from an American, it is a statist arrogation of personal freedom.

Authoritarians can lash out and spew their childish ad hominems when that truth is honestly stated, but that's the way it is.
You are living under the assumption that the original law was ethical and just in the first place. there are many examples of laws that have been on the books for many years but were incorrect/unethical and needed to be changed. see, separate but equal, the 3/5ths clause, the 13th amendment etc.
That's not a decision for you to make.

Whether to terminate a pregnancy within her own body up to the point of viability is a personal decision that has been respected under law for the past half century in America, as is the case in most advanced nations (not in Iran, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras where the State imposes its edicts.) If politicians and bureaucrats suddenly seize that control away from an American, it is a statist arrogation of personal freedom.

Authoritarians can lash out and spew their childish ad hominems when that truth is honestly stated, but that's the way it is.
Including late term which is barbarism. We disagree
The 10th amendment does NOT give the states any additional authority at all.
All the 9th and 10th amendment says, is the federal government only has authority over what is explicitly granted to it in the constitution, and all other authority remains as it was, either state, municipal, or individual.
The 9th and 10th amendments do not grant any new authority to the states, and the states never have any authority over person medical choices.
For example, the feds were not granted any authority over religion, but that then does not mean states have authority over religion.
Individuals each have their own personal authority over religion.
Wow I dont know that I've ever heard a more wrong headed understanding of what the Constitution says.

The 10th amendment grants to the States all powers and responsibilities of Governance not specifically lined out in the Constitution as powers and responsibilities of the Federal Government. Is it your contention that individual states do not have any laws governing medical care? That the Federal Government doesn't? Do you believe that they don't have the authority to pass laws governing these things?

Can I sell my organs? Is that legal or is there a law against that? Huh, I guess there are laws that govern medical choices.

But the objection to abortion surrounds the fact that your medical procedure is killing another being. If someone was killed because I wanted/needed to get hip replacement surgery would that be ok? Do you think it would be legal to get hip replacement surgeries? Do you think there might be a law about it?

And, again the overturning of Roe doesn't prohibit a single abortion. Not 1. This decision if it ends up being the decision just puts the onus back onto whom it should have rested in the first place. The legislatures. That's the problem with Roe and always has been. The court was way outside it's box with Roe, this just puts it back into it's box and returns the power to govern these things to the people and requires the Legislatures to do their damn jobs. All the Democrat congress people screaming and gnashing their teeth need to look in the mirror if they are pissed off about this decision. They could have closed the issue decades ago had they done their jobs instead of trying to get some other branch of government to do it for them.

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