Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You do understand what an opinion is correct? I posted the democratic platform, the bill’s text in question and… you post 3 opinion pieces yelling fire in a theatre. That’s not debate. That’s the voice of fear.
I love how this leak came out...lolololol

It is so divisive and hysterical. Love watching you fetus eaters go nuts...lolol
It will be overturned because it was a poor legal decision. Abortion itself not really being part of the issue at hand and will continue regardless. And if anything this is just a response brought about by the death throes of a dying conservative movement. Part of a last stand as society in general moves to the left.
Your confusing ignorance won you a permanent ignore. Bye...
Oh nozies. An idiot like Lakhota is ignoring somebody. Sound the alarms.
As long as you're going to get into the nasty side of abortion. Remembering that it's not the rule but the exception. The worst of all is necessary late-term abortions that involve very small women who were caring megalocephalic fetises. Especially the mother has other complications, especially septicemia. The woman and that we can State cannot withstand the surgery of removing the fetus so they use crusher forceps to crush the skull to facilitate removing it vaginally. That's the worst I've ever seen. Remember this is very very rare.

Let's address this comforting lie you pro-aborts tell yourself that "late-term abortions are very rare, and only done for severe medical reasons", as though the rarity of evil somehow makes it less evil.

"Later abortion recipients experienced logistical delays (e.g., difficulty finding a provider and raising funds for the procedure and travel costs), which compounded other delays in receiving care. Most women seeking later abortion fit at least one of five profiles: They were raising children alone, were depressed or using illicit substances, were in conflict with a male partner or experiencing domestic violence, had trouble deciding and then had access problems, or were young and nulliparous."

"But data suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment."

"The most salient findings are that women seeking second-trimester abortions did not realize they were pregnant until much later than women seeking first-trimester abortions, and that myriad logistical barriers slow down access to abortion once a woman is beyond 13 weeks. Certain physical health conditions, such as obesity25, 26 and a lack of pregnancy symptoms,26 increase the risk of late discovery. Research from the United Kingdom has identified uncertainty about what to do if pregnant and changing personal circumstances, such as dissolution of romantic partnerships or job loss, as associated with delay in seeking abortion."

Table 3. Percentage of women reporting specific reasons for delay in seeking abortion services, by timing of abortion
ReasonAllb (N=384)First-trimester (N=166)Later (N=218)
Any barriera888094
Not knowing about the pregnancy434045
Trouble deciding about the abortion373340
Disagreeing about the abortion with the man involved181620
Not knowing where to go for an abortion301838
Difficulty getting to the abortion facility201227
Raising money for procedure and related costs513165
Difficulty securing insurance coverage322041
There is no GOP Taliban. So much for that ^ retarded one liner. 🙄
You and the Sioux squaw should get together. You have so much in common.
You people invented " unborn child " I looked up the word, I don't make s*** up like you people do.

No, "we people" didn't "invent" anything. The term "unborn child" has been used for as long as people have known that that growing bulge in a woman's abdomen resulted in birth. Even more commonly, the unborn child was simply referred to as "the baby".

In fact, the preferred terms "embryo" and "fetus" that ignorant pro-aborts use in the mistaken belief that they denote something different from an unborn child ACTUALLY MEAN "unborn child".
Why should he answer you at all you've already convicted him about a crime you people like convicting people of crimes don't you. You are all sick bastards.

Same reason that YOU expect to level accusations at us and have us defend ourselves to you.

If you want to fire questions at other people, and then reserve to yourself the right to never answer any questions, I suggest you take your cowardly ass elsewhere.
You're not keeping up. I already said physical life begins at conception there's no doubt about it it's a scientific fact. Equally true, none of the three stages of human embryo development can be called a person, and there's no such thing as an " unborn child ". The term was developed by far right wing nuts invoke to invoke a negative emotional response to abortion.

YOU aren't keeping up. I've asked you several times what this "personhood" thing is you keep whipping out and declaring as a fact trumping the existence of life, and you just keep right on talking like it's an established thing that everyone has to accept.
You don't get it, if the state demands control over reproductive Rights then they are responsible for the end results. Abortion is a medical procedure best served by the woman and her doctor alone, with the possible exception of her husband or significant other. No other people or entities should be involved in that process. That's the reality.

YOU don't get it. The state does not assume financial responsibility for a person simply by prohibiting others from killing that individual. You can use all the euphemisms you want to obscure that fact, but producing a fog to hide something doesn't change the thing.

Theres no where near 70% support for abortion. There’s probably not 70% support for anything in this country. I’m not sure we could get 70% support for free blow jobs..

Well, I can guarantee you that women wouldn't be agreeing with that in any great number.
That would be on appropriate response. I really hope it happens, but the propaganda these people put out has gotten a large minority of women.

You do realize that the majority of "these people" ARE women themselves, right?

Have you noticed your tendency on this subject to talk as though women are gullible, ignorant morons? Are you always this misogynistic, or just on the subject of, "I want to get laid and then ghost without responsibility"?
You do realize that the majority of "these people" ARE women themselves, right?

Have you noticed your tendency on this subject to talk as though women are gullible, ignorant morons? Are you always this misogynistic, or just on the subject of, "I want to get laid and then ghost without responsibility"?
Come on. Be fair. Let him mansplain himself.
100% of people support it when they need one. The only people who oppose the procedure are those who don’t need it. Just like unemployment… until they do.

"I'm just SURE that everyone agrees with me and has relative morals like I do!"

Please show us proof that "100% of people support it when they need one."

As it happens, I would stand as evidence disproving your "100%". By your definitions, I "needed" one when I got pregnant with my first child. I was 20 years old, unmarried, had a crappy minimum-wage job that I had to leave because of the morning sickness, father had taken himself out of the picture. Scared out of my mind, no idea what I was going to do with a baby. Know what I didn't do? Abandon my belief that abortion was wrong and evil and the killing of an innocent life.

For the record, that child is now 32 years old, the mother of my grandchildren, and served as the catalyst for me pulling my life together and getting a good job that put me on a career path to later advancement and eventually meeting the man I married.

Wow, it's almost like there IS an alternative to "kill the baby and pretend nothing happened."
My wife had two miscarriages. We didn’t name and bury them. Flushed in toilet. Am I the father of two dead children? Should I morn on their flush dates?

Yes, and yes. And I feel sorry for your wife doubly, for losing the babies and for having such a callous sociopath as her emotional support in life.

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