Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You can if you want. Or don't. Forms have not a damned thing to do with it.

My mother had a baby between my older sister and older brother. She was in her eighth month, and fell down a flight of ice-covered stairs. The fall sent her into premature labor, and the baby lived in the hospital for about a week before he died. In all the almost-60 years since then, I can't recall her ever having to fill out a form that asked her the total number of babies she'd had; the only questions she was ever asked on forms was along the lines of, "How many children do you have living in your home?"

By the way, she only "knew" my brother for eight months. She's mourned him for 60 years.
That is so sad. Poor little guy. At least he was loved for the 7 days he lived, and mourned for decades. Better than the so-called “medical waste” these liberals snuff out - and some PROUD to have done it, too (like the NY AG).
It's not myself I have to live with. I'M not the sociopath writing off human life like it's a large bowel movement. I think it's obvious how I live with you: with great impatience.
Look. My point is if you REALLY thought it was murder you’d act way different than if you simply think it’s immoral or something. I wouldn’t stand by while kids were murdered. The line that it’s murder isn’t supported by the actions of those calling it murder. It’s a joke. It’s hyperbole. It’s not what you or anyone really thinks. You can’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t stand for babies killed. That’s crazy.
That's the law. But not according to you or the activist doctors out there.
28% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage. Wow. That’s a lot of dead humans. Are they all in heaven? If a woman is unhealthy and miscarries is it child abuse? Manslaughter? Pre born. Lol. What a crock of shit.
What if the unhappy boyfriend doesn't want the child and beats his girlfriend's belly until she miscarries? What if he just slips an abortion drug into her morning orange juice? You know this is murder right?
It just strikes me, all of a sudden, how naive citygator is about abortion in general.
Leftists often have very simplistic views. The retort that “a woman can decide what to do with her own body” reveals their inability to analyze, or even recognize, complexities.

I want a chin implant? My body. I want my breasts reduced? My bodyI I want to abort a baby? Someone else’s body is involved. But to leftists, that’s just a minor detail not worthy of discussion.
If they're your children, yes.

Genetics just don't suddenly and magically not apply when the child dies.
So my -33 week old size of a grain of rice group of cells that my wife passed in a miscarriage was a full human and my son/daughter? I assure you I don’t mourn the loss of it as a child. I mourned the loss of the promise of a child since the second pregnancy took a while to take. Not a kids death though.

Am I going to meet it in heaven?
What if the unhappy boyfriend doesn't want the child and beats his girlfriend's belly until she miscarries? What if he just slips an abortion drug into her morning orange juice? You know this is murder right?
Laws on the book there. It’s a crime no matter what but varies in severity depending on fetus age. Just like abortion practices.
Correct, women and men should control their own bodies. I believe in women making a choice, and that choice should be made 'before' the pregnancy.

Then we had the COVID vaccination issue where all of a sudden, people having the right to control their own body, certainly by Democrats, was thrown out of the window.

The only way to prevent pregnancy 'before pregnancy' is to abstain from sex, and that is harmful.
There is no way to have a full life without also having to risk pregnancy that needs to sometimes be terminated.
Humans have much too high of a nature reproductive rate due to the long history of humans having been prey.
Now that we are predators instead of prey, we can't wait for evolution to reduce our reproductive rates, we have to do it artificially, and that includes with abortion.

If covid could effect others, then vaccination could preempt personal choice.
But since the mRNA vaxes are fake, then others have no right to be involved in any way.
You can keep posting that but it doesn't make a damned bit of difference.

Because your personal views on this thread are incongruent with the information you are citing.

And you called her inconsistent?

That's funny as hell man.
What is inconsistent ?
I’m talking about the 600,000 abortions per year, which are not murder, but according to you all, it is

Because unlike you, we adhere to the scientific definition of when life begins, therefore we know what potential for life those children aborted in the first trimester had before they were so swiftly and cruelly escorted from this mortal coil.
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