Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Bullshit! ALL rights not mentioned specifically in the Constitution as part of the Federal government automatically arrogate to the states. ALL OF THEM.

Totally wrong.
The 10th amendment specifically says:
{... The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ...}
Nothing automatically defaults to the states.
State only specifically get what powers their state constitution grants.
The vast majority of rights are individual and not given to the states or federal government.
For example, the right to religion or firearms are individual and NOT under state authority at all.
Because unlike you, we adhere to the scientific definition of when life begins, therefore we know what potential for life those children aborted in the first trimester have.
So you sit around knowing they are being murdered? That’s what I don’t understand. If someone was bringing 2 year olds to a room to be murdered you’d just post about it on the internet? Clearly a 2 year old and a fetus have different value to you cuz you’d do more. Right?
Totally wrong.
The 10th amendment specifically says:
{... The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ...}
Nothing automatically defaults to the states.
State only specifically get what powers their state constitution grants.
The vast majority of rights are individual and not given to the states or federal government.
For example, the right to religion or firearms are individual and NOT under state authority at all.

"are reserved to the states"
The stupid decision was made back in the 70s to appease the Feminazis. It was determined for the wrong reasons. Imagine how stupid it was for the Court to say that it was a Consititonal Liberty to allow a person to kill a child for the purpose of birth control.

Great example of why we can't depend upon the Courts to protect our Liberties any more than we can depend upon the Legislative or Executive Branches. Something our Founding Fathers knew.

Dershowitz is not actually liberal at all, and has always been conservative in disguise.
And of course abortion should always have been and remained legal, for ANY reason a woman chooses.
No one should ever be forced to do anything medical to support anything or anyone else.
For example, if a person needs a transfusion from a particular person and no one else, there is no legal way to force them to give that transfusion, even if that means death to the person who wants the transfusion.
Imminent death is not a valid reason to demand anything from anyone else.
Clearly a 2 year old and a fetus have different value to you.

They have equal value. Both are human. The survival of both dependent on the mother.
That’s what I don’t understand. If someone was bringing 2 year olds to a room to be murdered you’d just post about it on the internet?

How do you expect me to stop it? What power or authority do you think I have?

Also, what about this is so hard for you to understand?

The argument against the humanity of an embryo/fetus based on any stage of development is a chronological fallacy, a faulty justification used to permit killing unborn children. As is the viability/survivability standard liberals use.

Because, if so, according to your logic, a 2-year-old would not be human either, and just as eligible for death as the unborn child.
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That is so sad. Poor little guy. At least he was loved for the 7 days he lived, and mourned for decades. Better than the so-called “medical waste” these liberals snuff out - and some PROUD to have done it, too (like the NY AG).

Sadly, it was not uncommon in the early 1960s. Safety procedures regarding inclement weather on stairs have improved since then. Also, obstetric procedures have advanced light-years from there.
Look. My point is if you REALLY thought it was murder you’d act way different than if you simply think it’s immoral or something. I wouldn’t stand by while kids were murdered. The line that it’s murder isn’t supported by the actions of those calling it murder. It’s a joke. It’s hyperbole. It’s not what you or anyone really thinks. You can’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t stand for babies killed. That’s crazy.

Look, MY point is you have no advice and judgement to give me on how to practice beliefs you don't hold. That will continue to be my point no matter how many times you try to arrogate to yourself the authority to pass judgements on how I uphold morals you don't have.

I think that, in all cases, your memes are a pathetic and inadequate replacement for the thought you can't produce.
"are reserved to the states"

Can you not read?
It say, "are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
You do understand the meaning of the word "or"?
It means there are 2 choices, depending on other factors.
So then NO, all other powers not granted to the federal government are NOT automatically granted to the states.
Only a very few powers are granted to the states, and you have to look at each state constitution to see what powers are granted to each state. The vast majority of powers are based on inherent individual rights that precede the creation of any level of government and can not be taken by any government.
Can you not read?
It say, "are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
You do understand the meaning of the word "or"?
It means there are 2 choices, depending on other factors.
So then NO, all other powers not granted to the federal government are NOT automatically granted to the states.
Only a very few powers are granted to the states, and you have to look at each state constitution to see what powers are granted to each state. The vast majority of powers are based on inherent individual rights that precede the creation of any level of government and can not be taken by any government.
The states are governed by the people. The use of 'or to the people' are the founders defining what states are and consist of.


Please, keep the lectures to yourself.
Dershowitz is not actually liberal at all, and has always been conservative in disguise.
And of course abortion should always have been and remained legal, for ANY reason a woman chooses.
No one should ever be forced to do anything medical to support anything or anyone else.
For example, if a person needs a transfusion from a particular person and no one else, there is no legal way to force them to give that transfusion, even if that means death to the person who wants the transfusion.
Imminent death is not a valid reason to demand anything from anyone else.
You stupid Moon Bats are now preaching the "my body, my choice" bullshit after you turds tried to force all that oppression about masks and vaccinations down our throats? LOL!

Of course your real ignorance comes with you lack of knowledge of Biology. It is just not one human body. There are two once a woman gets knocked up. I shit you not. Go look it up.

A woman can do anything she wants to herself but when she kills another human being then that is murder. Abortion is murder. A woman is killing another human being as a birth control method and that is wrong. Really, really wrong.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are just as confused about Biology and Ethics as you are confused about History, Economics, Climate Science and the Constitution.
You made the claim. Unsupported I might add. I dispute. It’s up to you to prove your point. You said my statements were not consistent. How?
Easy. The activist viewpoints you expressed, such as "abortion is not murder" are incongruent with the laws and statistics you cite.

The law defines gestational viability, your held views on the matter, in stark contrast, do not.
Look, MY point is you have no advice and judgement to give me on how to practice beliefs you don't hold. That will continue to be my point no matter how many times you try to arrogate to yourself the authority to pass judgements on how I uphold morals you don't have.

But it has nothing to do with YOUR personal morals.
Do you think you can or should dictate what others in other countries should do over things like capital punishment, etc.?
Of course not.
You are only supposed to apply your personal morals to your own actions, and not try to dictate to others.
So my -33 week old size of a grain of rice group of cells that my wife passed in a miscarriage was a full human and my son/daughter? I assure you I don’t mourn the loss of it as a child. I mourned the loss of the promise of a child since the second pregnancy took a while to take. Not a kids death though.

Am I going to meet it in heaven?

Did you think humanity was determined by size and length of existence? How primitive of you.

Is the fact that you don't mourn the loss supposed to mean something to us other than what we already know about you?

This is only my personal opinion, but I don't think the odds are currently in your favor of meeting him in Heaven.
Easy. The activist viewpoints you expressed, such as "abortion is not murder" are incongruent with the laws and statistics you cite.

The law defines gestational viability, your held views on the matter, in stark contrast, do not.

To add, citygator , your position places no limits on when abortion can occur, yet the laws you cite, do. Even Roe does.

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