Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

The State denying the freedom a woman has had over her reproductive system for the past 50 years is an abrogation of an existing liberty.
No. It’s the termination of an existing fallacy.
No matter how much you whine that the politicians should seize control, there is no denying that.
No matter how often you repeat your blithering imbecility, it doesn’t change. It was blithering imbecility and it still is. And it will be the next dozen or more times. Etc.
The State denying the freedom a woman has had over her reproductive system for the past 50 years is an abrogation of an existing liberty.

No matter how much you whine that the politicians should seize control, there is no denying that.
Half of those aborted had the same fledgling reproductive systems, which you're fine with destroying.

The State denying the freedom a woman has had over her reproductive system for the past 50 years is an abrogation of an existing liberty.

No matter how much you whine that the politicians should seize control, there is no denying that.
Let the people living in each state decide what they want. Why should some Lefty Loon in Vermont get to tell Ohio what its laws need to be?
That is by far the sickest thing I have ever read on this board. Ever.
The libs are really showing how little they care about human life. Some of the comments: PROUD to have an abortion! We flushed the embryos down the toilet. Aborted babies are just “medical waste.” Life isn’t that precious.

If life isn’t that precious, why do liberals want us to give out more and more welfare? Food stamps. Subsidized housing. Medicaid. if life isn’t that precious, why don’t we just let them starve, out in the cold, with a broken arm? After all, life isn’t that precious.

Liberals are some heartless SOBs.
The libs are really showing how little they care about human life. Some of the comments: PROUD to have an abortion! We flushed the embryos down the toilet. Aborted babies are just “medical waste.” Life isn’t that precious.

If life isn’t that precious, why do liberals want us to give out more and more welfare? Food stamps. Subsidized housing. Medicaid. if life isn’t that precious, why don’t we just let them starve, out in the cold, with a broken arm? After all, life isn’t that precious.

Liberals are some heartless SOBs.


I know, I know!

Life is only precious to leftists when that life can vote.
The libs are really showing how little they care about human life. Some of the comments: PROUD to have an abortion! We flushed the embryos down the toilet. Aborted babies are just “medical waste.” Life isn’t that precious.

If life isn’t that precious, why do liberals want us to give out more and more welfare? Food stamps. Subsidized housing. Medicaid. if life isn’t that precious, why don’t we just let them starve, out in the cold, with a broken arm? After all, life isn’t that precious.

Liberals are some heartless SOBs.

Liberals have no idea how easily their definitions of life and humanity can be turned against them. Viability, survivability, humanity.
28% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage. Wow. That’s a lot of dead humans. Are they all in heaven? If a woman is unhealthy and miscarries is it child abuse? Manslaughter? Pre born. Lol. What a crock of shit.

Your statement is misleading because those are accidental/natural events of a Pregnancy many by women who WANTED to have a child in the first place.

Now the Miscarriage stats are lower than your unsupported claim according to HealthGrades,

Young Caucasian man comforting crying wife or girlfriend

A miscarriage is the unplanned loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of pregnancy. At least 10 to 15% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage, but experts say the actual rate of miscarriage is probably greater because some miscarriages occur before women even realize they are pregnant.
For some unknown reason you think all women support killing babies. They don't , Dumbass.

For some unknown reason, you think abortions kill babies. They don’t. Dumbass.

Correct, women and men should control their own bodies. I believe in women making a choice, and that choice should be made 'before' the pregnancy.

Then we had the COVID vaccination issue where all of a sudden, people having the right to control their own body, certainly by Democrats, was thrown out of the window.

You’re truly living up to you name.
No. It’s the termination of an existing fallacy.

No matter how often you repeat your blithering imbecility, it doesn’t change. It was blithering imbecility and it still is. And it will be the next dozen or more times. Etc.
You keep spewing your churlish ad hominems, but doing so does not alter the reality that a personal freedom that has been the law of the land for fifty years and is supported by most Americans is about to bge abrogated by the State - the retrogressive, authoritarian ones. Elsewhere, in advanced states, freedom will be protected.
-That's- how you get through the mental and emotional pain associated with your abortions.
You lie to yourself.

I’ve never had an abortion but it’s no lie.

The misogyny and hatred of women is at the root of our post. You don’t care about these children at all. You just want to abuse poor women who have few choices.
Like I thought. I don’t believe abortion is murder so I’m not sitting around the house thinking babies are being murdered. YOU are. How do you live with yourself?
There are kids being killed and exploited on our southern border every day. Im sure that's where you are right now trying to stop it right? You're nothing but a blow hard.
That's news to me. Good thing I know more about the topic than you.

It is obvious that legislation is NOT at all the source of law.
First of all, legislation did not used to exist, so then are you claiming there was not right or wrong?
Secondly is how is it that we can decide legislation is wrong, and fight rebellions in order to change it?
Obviously we have more direct means of determining what is right and wrong than mere legislation, and in fact legislation is often totally wrong.
Third is that if legislation were the source of law, then we would not only not need judges to temper and interpret legislation, but judges would have nothing to use or go by in doing so.
The reality is that Common Law precedent is the main source of law, and is a series of agreed upon values that have gone through a long trial and error process to optimize.
Attempts by legislators to diverge at all from traditional common law is almost always totally illegal and corrupt.
So my -33 week old size of a grain of rice group of cells that my wife passed in a miscarriage was a full human and my son/daughter? I assure you I don’t mourn the loss of it as a child. I mourned the loss of the promise of a child since the second pregnancy took a while to take. Not a kids death though.

Am I going to meet it in heaven?
33 weeks. Lmao size of a grain. Dna gene pool of a very small midget

A fetus never gains rights over the medical choices of the mother.
It simply no longer is dependent upon the mother after birth.
At some point it does otherwise neither you nor I have rights as we were all fetuses. So when does that happen? How do I know that the entity Im dealing with is a full fledged member of society and has had their rights conferred on them and Im not allowed to arbitrarily end it's existence anymore?

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