Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

For some unknown reason, you think abortions kill babies. They don’t. Dumbass.

You’re truly living up to you name.
Soooo. Leave the baby cooking 9 months and nothing comes out right?? You know a baby had a heart beat fingers and toes in the womb. How do you know there is no soul there?

Doesnt matter. Abortion is still legal to 15 weeks inMississippi. After that you should have moved to California. Gonna go to jail. Its illegal now and looks like SCOTUS agrees
Come on Dragonlady , what do you think could happen if sperm gets near an egg in the female's uterus?

So, rocket science bit here. Do you think if a female doesn't want to get pregnant and a guy doesn't want to become a father, should they keep the sperm away from the egg, and if they're feeling randy, are there any other ways to sexual gratification? Answers on a postcard.
Mad? I would be if I made such embarrassing arguments and spoke down to a woman the way you did.

If you prevented those 600,000 abortions a years, the US would be destroyed by poverty within a century.
If the whole planet stopped having abortions, we could likely cause human species extinction within a 1000 years.
Because unlike you, we adhere to the scientific definition of when life begins, therefore we know what potential for life those children aborted in the first trimester had before they were so swiftly and cruelly escorted from this mortal coil.

Totally wrong.
All cells are life.
We have no concern over life at all, but only about sentience and consciousness.
Let the people living in each state decide what they want. Why should some Lefty Loon in Vermont get to tell Ohio what its laws need to be?

You personally already have all the choices you need in your state, since you do not intend to have any abortion.
But you are not satisfied and for some reason want to jail others in your state who have different views on when a fetus becomes human.
What right do you have to demand others of your state do or not do anything?
Being a majority does not increase the correctness of your position or give you the authority to violate the inherent individual rights of anyone else.
At some point it does otherwise neither you nor I have rights as we were all fetuses. So when does that happen? How do I know that the entity Im dealing with is a full fledged member of society and has had their rights conferred on them and Im not allowed to arbitrarily end it's existence anymore?

Totally wrong.
After birth the fetus still has zero rights over the medical choices of the mother.
The only difference is that after birth, the infant no longer has any medical needs that need any sacrifice by the mother.
The mother can just put it up for adoption.
It has nothing at all to do with whether or not a fetus has rights.
The point is that the fetus NEVER have any rights over the medical choices of the mother.
You personally already have all the choices you need in your state, since you do not intend to have any abortion.
But you are not satisfied and for some reason want to jail others in your state who have different views on when a fetus becomes human.
What right do you have to demand others of your state do or not do anything?
Being a majority does not increase the correctness of your position or give you the authority to violate the inherent individual rights of anyone else.
Because according to the Constitution, individual states get to make the laws for their own state, and voters IN THAT STATE determine that, via their elected officials.
Because according to the Constitution, individual states get to make the laws for their own state, and voters IN THAT STATE determine that, via their elected officials.
And that just sums up what is about to happen. They think they should be able to force other states to do what blue states do already.

Red States dont play that game. Deap South not only says No. But Hell No.

Thank You Mississippi. From Alabama

Video captured a visibly rattled, angry Elizabeth Warren saying that overturning Roe v Wade is 'not what a majority of Americans want'​

Then state elections will determine abortion rights. If the majority want this then it will be voted into law at the state level.
It proves that ever since the feds overthrew state's rights, and became big brother to all during the sixties, the hippie's took advantage of that control, and recognized it's power (regardless of the issues being right or wrong since), otherwise all the way up to this very day.

Like I said, if an issue is right then I'll back anyone's stance on the right issue, but if it's wrong then don't count me in.
Because according to the Constitution, individual states get to make the laws for their own state, and voters IN THAT STATE determine that, via their elected officials.

The Constitution is very clear that there are individual rights limiting what states can legislate at all.
This is just part of the 14th amendment.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Voters, the majority, or legislators in any state do not get to arbitrarily dictate limits on individual rights.
Any one single individual must remain supreme over the desires of all the rest of the residents of a state, when it comes to inherent individual rights of that one individual.
And whether or not to give birth is an inherent individual choice, not up to legislators or majorities.
And that just sums up what is about to happen. They think they should be able to force other states to do what blue states do already.

Red States dont play that game. Deap South not only says No. But Hell No.

Thank You Mississippi. From Alabama

States are irrelevant.
They have NO rights at all.
Only individuals have rights, and it is illegal for states to violate them.
Totally wrong.
After birth the fetus still has zero rights over the medical choices of the mother.
The only difference is that after birth, the infant no longer has any medical needs that need any sacrifice by the mother.
The mother can just put it up for adoption.
It has nothing at all to do with whether or not a fetus has rights.
The point is that the fetus NEVER have any rights over the medical choices of the mother.

After birth it is NO longer a Fetus it is now a BABY.

The DO they have legal rights when they are born as FindLaw points out:

What are the Legal Rights of Children?​

Created by FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors | Last updated March 18, 2019


This article covers the basic legal rights of children in the United States.

Legal Rights of Children: The Basics

Although children grow and mature at different rates, there are some rights that every child is born with. For instance, children are entitled to a safe environment, good nutrition, healthcare, and education. Although parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, if a child is not safe, the state will remove the children from their home. Parents are required to meet the child's basic needs.

Minors also have rights under the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, they have the right to equal protection, which means that every child is entitled to the same treatment at the hands of authority regardless of race, gender, disability, or religion. Children are also entitled to due process, which includes notice and a hearing, before any of their basic rights are taken away by the government.

Children with disabilities also have rights under the federal Disabilities Education Act. The Disabilities Education Act provides children in need of special education with special accommodations to ensure they receive the same education as their peers.

Dragonlady said:
This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

what does the GOP have to do with.......OH...I GET IT.. Trying to pin decisions by these judges on the GOP in order to try to take back election 2022. Lots of those women voters are Trump voters. I see the plan. We'll see if it works. I don't know if you can count on it.
You idiots complain about not being able to have your guns I'm not going to start discussing guns I just want to make a stupid comparison like you guys do. How can you compare anything like that to not even having control over your own body. Women are supposed to be equals with men. Abortion laws make women second class citizens, they are a joke.
But isn't it the problem that Roe v Wade gave abortion the status of a fundamental right when at best it should be only something 'allowed'. It's not as though women become pregnant spontaneously. They don't compromise their rights when they chose to enter into a sexual relationship? To me as a non-American the original Roe v Wade ruling was political. When laws should not pander to anyone's politics. As they are there for everyone.
After birth it is NO longer a Fetus it is now a BABY.

The DO they have legal rights when they are born as FindLaw points out:

What are the Legal Rights of Children?​

Created by FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors | Last updated March 18, 2019


This article covers the basic legal rights of children in the United States.

Legal Rights of Children: The Basics

Although children grow and mature at different rates, there are some rights that every child is born with. For instance, children are entitled to a safe environment, good nutrition, healthcare, and education. Although parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, if a child is not safe, the state will remove the children from their home. Parents are required to meet the child's basic needs.

Minors also have rights under the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, they have the right to equal protection, which means that every child is entitled to the same treatment at the hands of authority regardless of race, gender, disability, or religion. Children are also entitled to due process, which includes notice and a hearing, before any of their basic rights are taken away by the government.

Children with disabilities also have rights under the federal Disabilities Education Act. The Disabilities Education Act provides children in need of special education with special accommodations to ensure they receive the same education as their peers.


Absolutely and totally wrong.
No one ever questioned the rights of any baby, fetus, ovum, or sperm.
That is totally irrelevant.
The POINT is that the rights of the mother, to her own body, can never be violated by or for anyone.
Not an ovum, fetus, or born baby.
If the born baby wants a liter of blood for a transfusion, the mother legally has a choice and can say no.
Penelope why did you "dislike" my post number 2 on this thread saying that this should be up to the states? Is this not what a democracy is about? Letting the voters in each state decide what they want? Why is that a "dislike"?

The reason you are totally and completely wrong is that states can't ever be allowed to dictate over the choices of individuals.
State has no standing about whether or not a woman wants to allow a fetus to be delivered from HER body.
Voters in states get NO choice in what a woman decides.
That would be a dictatorship.
In a republic, each person makes their own choices over their medical procedures.
Last edited:
Absolutely and totally wrong.
No one ever questioned the rights of any baby, fetus, ovum, or sperm.
That is totally irrelevant.
The POINT is that the rights of the mother, to her own body, can never be violated by or for anyone.
Not an ovum, fetus, or born baby.
If the born baby wants a liter of blood for a transfusion, the mother legally has a choice and can say no.

Ha ha ha.... by law the mother MUST care for the Babys needs such as feeding, medical care and such as pointed out in the link you ignored.

I didn't realize babies have a habit of asking for blood transfusions must be a medical prodigy!

"For instance, children are entitled to a safe environment, good nutrition, healthcare, and education. Although parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, if a child is not safe, the state will remove the children from their home. Parents are required to meet the child's basic needs."

There have been plenty of state actions rescuing children because of parents not taking care of them.

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